Anyone into prions here?
Boy, do I have a prion story for you guys...
The ego; the inner monologue is based on consent to believe in offered languages as the definition for reality...that represents a parasitic layer between perception and comprehension; which is defined by those who're offering the definitions.
Omgahh u/free-will-of-choice is right ya'll...
No other life form needs to affix assumptions made about reality for each other to sustain themselves...neither do we. The ego; the inner monologue is based on consent to believe in offered languages as the definition for reality...that represents a parasitic layer between perception and comprehension; which is defined by those who're offering the definitions.
You guys I think we owe u/free-will-of-choice a "thanks you". Xir is wrong on most if not all points of course, and I wish I had time to cover all of those details, but in any case, let me say Thank You u/free-will-of-choice. I'm excited to spend the rest of my weekend reading your replies :)
Seriously though, good bot ;)))
All I peed my pants when I saw the headline
Oh I got the retort...ready?
Somethink kinda like, "Well at the end of the day, I still have to say something." Or, alternatively, "[...], I still have to speak English."
Basically, I'm getting at the idea that some rhetorical structure/voice is baked into English, I think.
Have you heard of that idea before, by chance?
Oh I got the retort...ready?
Somethink kinda like, "Well at the end of the day, I still have to say something." Or, alternatively, "[...], I still have to speak English."
Basically, I'm getting at the idea that some rhetorical structure/voice is baked into English, I think.
Have you heard of that idea before, by chance?
Your post itself strikes me as an appeal to some kind of logical fallacy (I'm not sure if this idea has a name already), but it was truly enjoyable to read/think, so thanks for the time.
Yass queeeen