"The Crepes of Wrath" is the eleventh episode of the American animated television series The Simpsons. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on April 15, 1990.
Well, at least they can't say that Matty Groening there was predicting anything about this one.
Every Israeli girl is one trigger pull away from being a war criminal.
And there's no such thing as an Israeli civilian.
Service guarantees citizenship.
Jikkyleaks is a chick!!
I like to call it "Anti-Semantic" because it appears their kind are afraid of it even if it just looks like what they've identified as the bad one.
I have a 1987 ram 50 made from Japanese steel and it parks on the curb while I'm at work, thankyouverymuch.
But it's dope, because it's got a canopy, so I built some roof racks for it, so I can transport 12' pieces of steel to my shop with ease. Where I'll use it to construct something beneficial to myself.
What the fuck have YOU accomplished?
Nah man, I had just switched over to Twitter cause I finally figured out my old password for my OG bird account, and I figured id go work my memes into circulation and test the limits of the Musk free speech.
Then I told a trans-ally to "shove it up your neovagina" and got the boot for violence, without anyone defining what the colloquial "it" of my statement even was.
So naturally, I'm back and I've expanded my scope due to NNN being slower to produce than a 55yo lady's man without his blue chews.
That really takes the wind out of my sails. You must be bully-callused.
Fair enough. Lol
Maybe I'm just bitter over my "violence" dismissal of a 12yr account on the bird?
Could be a dog's breakfast of all of it, yup.
Lol đŸ˜†
It's always these well done, sly responses that cut so deep!
I appreciate em.
You come across as a scrawny, acne-ridden white school shooter-type, with envy issues instead of a dad with a gun locker. Did the girl you like last year decide to date a sports guy?
Once you give in and suck on your first big purple monster you'll understand what these feelings you have mean. It's all a part of your puberty journey. Lol
Over one year old.
Did the latest edition of the internet just slap down on your front porch, or are you way behind on this?
Nah dude. A faggot does something like this.
Like a pathetic little bitch boy with an itchy asshole, brought on by too much picking at it. Try being less of a divisive goof. Nobody is on your side.
And wash your hands.
No he's not. I recognize him.
You, however...
You can go fuck yourself. Lol
Oh, they're learning projections alright..
The fish brain sees through the fish eyes.
A trick and a scam.
The SDG "Lifeslaver"
Do these goofy orthos actually grow specific sideburn hair and then put perm rollers into them?
Or are they just some weird clip-on shit?
And... which of those two is more pathetic and worthy of ridicule?
I'm torn on this.
What happened to "Voice to skull" though?
What else can you guarantee though? Are you 100% sure that the slang-for-pecker came before the naming convention? You shouldn't be.
I think you'll find that the short-form of Margaret has a modern "bedroom" connotation as well. You'll have to figure that one out on your own.
Just for the FYI. Poopman69 is the OP of this post, and he's gotten himself, his misspelled poopman69resurected AND a handful of other keyboard smash usernames banned— just in these hours since you made this comment.
Also, I'm probably the reason his core went critical today. I'm a lefty from California for the day until I wake up a stupid Canadian again tomorrow.
The one I give you in my inbox every time
The one you give yourself to appear as a victim
= Two.
It's a wonder why there aren't even more, if you were correct in your desperate assumptions. Always just the two though.
The key to good lemonade is saccharine.
Soak lemon peel/zest in sugar, they'll release their oils and make a sweetly tangy syrup, which you'd then add to the squeezed juice.