t0mcatHoly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Using your thumb or face to unlock your phone these days?

That's what those 3000 folks have been busy doing, bypassing your consent entirely.

t0mcatHoly 2 points ago +2 / -0


t0mcatHoly 2 points ago +3 / -1

Think how deeply?

Like "How did they get this pic here?! Come on sheep, it's so simple! They are rubbing it in your face."

Or like "What says that this pic is 'the first' at all? All we see is a leading statement alongside an image. This could have been any number of poses, or trips back in to the lander like it's you and your suv at a tailgate party."

I don't believe in the moon landing, but I believe in shitty-memes-as-information even less.

t0mcatHoly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gish gallop is for pseudointellectuals.

t0mcatHoly 3 points ago +3 / -0


Chaos? Really? And why would that be?
It's not like a PR nightmare and all sorts of departments running around trying to work out a spin, like the propaganda media companies would. Motherfuckers in prison die or get attacked all the time. Even a "big name" dude like that wouldn't get too much stirred up for prison administration, SSDD.

t0mcatHoly 0 points ago +2 / -2

Well, a zoo keeper is different from a prison guard in that the zoo is reliant on having those animals, which are always separated, available for display to the paying public.
For a pedantic douche-tionary dude, you sure picked a stupid analogy.

As for the definition? Let's go with the first one, "a keeping". The first one listed is always the most relevant, as I'm sure you know.
They were keeping him at the prison just fine.

t0mcatHoly 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah this has gotta be horseshit. Every other media source says he's in federal lockup in Tuscon AZ, so an old badge and a Minnesota shirt sleeve aren't really relevant.

t0mcatHoly 1 point ago +3 / -2

Lol what do you think a prison guards job actually is? It's not a fuckin daycare dude.

t0mcatHoly -1 points ago +2 / -3

Damn right it is, faggot! 😃
Now stop crying about people finding you annoying. You might find it a shock to hear that it doesn't help matters!

t0mcatHoly 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you want to dismiss the findings because I posted MSM science articles calling it an "observatory", well that's fine too.

Lol, that's a convenient backhand you cooked up. I think I'm the one on the side of that, so the onus is on you to show how it's more than an observatory. "Capable of generating earthquakes" is what you said.
I asked how.

This has been a whole lot of red yarn pinned up in order to avoid even beginning to venture down that path. Surely something like you suggest requires a lot of power in order to accomplish it. Which part of this image do you think makes all that power?

I'm not saying "nope can't happen", which is yet another convenient deke on your end, no what I am saying is "Show us what 'your research' is good for. What has it even taught you?"

Like, fuck sakes dude, saying buzzword shit like "occult" and "skunk works" and "black budget" couldn't be any more of a canned response, to use your term, as though the mere utterance of them in relation is what grants your conclusions the right to connect them.
It's absurd and shows zero rational discernment. Just the same old specious nonsense one would find with the other goofball nonsense conspiracy theories.

Which this definitely looks like.

Can't benign science exist in your world? Does everything need to have a sinister overlord attached to it?

t0mcatHoly 2 points ago +2 / -0

You lack integrity and credibility if you can't explain the thing you're sharing and asserting as a fact. It puts you from "JFK back of head blown off from behind him?" to "Flat Urf is a level plane and the ice wall will consume us all!" real fuckin quick.

And the "You must be the opposite of everything me and the boys here hold dear, right fellas?" rant doesn't help matters either, dude.

t0mcatHoly 2 points ago +2 / -0


Haarp is a transmitter. This ice cube is a receiver.

Yes, the question is still how.

Be more sensible and less sensational. That's how shinfo perpetuates.

t0mcatHoly 5 points ago +5 / -0

Coming straight from tha underground
A young neutrigga got it bad cause I'm theoretically massless

t0mcatHoly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmm. Does that look like a ~12 year old kid tho?

t0mcatHoly 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's just such a gross language. It sounds like orcs.

t0mcatHoly 1 point ago +1 / -0


And yeah, I find it ridiculous that the notion if life outside of our physical atmosphere in the vast span of the universe is cast aside as nonsense while the idea of spectral, dimensional beings is considered obvious truth.

That's what I find stupid and hilarious about it all.

t0mcatHoly 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do... they not realize that they have like the exact same disgusting phlegmmy language as those who they consider their enemies?

It's really hard to convey a broad authority when you're all hockin and phlaucking with the "words" you say. It certainly doesn't sound non-evil...

t0mcatHoly 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's so funny, to see someone scoff at extraterrestrials and steadfastly support the idea of demons, all in the same sentence.

t0mcatHoly 7 points ago +7 / -0

To substantiate the capability in your title, using the links you've provided (and surely read through thoroughly yourself), I'm sure you can easily answer the question:


t0mcatHoly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably, yep. But in mass quantities like that they probably just grind up the entire fruit and strain it.

But that process of the sugars drawing out the oils is the ticket to, for instance, making a neighborhood hit lemonade stand with your kids.

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