Maybe they read Cuomo’s book?
Not a conservative, those look like Nike sneakers
I believe she is hanging with Gina Haspel
Takes payments in butt plugs
Don’t forget Johnny Rotten. He is based. GG Allin was legendary.
Your topic was bullshit and you know. How salty is David Brooks baby batter?
Go home and cray chapstick
I’m not wrong. The Doors version was a cover you numpty. Go get ready for the Buttplug
What a douche nozzle. I heard you were logging off, time for you to suck David Brooks off.
Nah, got nothing better to do than call you a pedophile.
Talk about butthurt, you just keep replying. Fuck off little boy.
Unlike your butthurt from fucking that dildo. Tell your mom I said hi.
If I was 5 I would be afraid of you trying to bumfuck me. Your topic is bullshit and you know it. You are a faggot shill from sshareblue or some other soy organization. Fuck off pedo boy.
Look at the original lyrics in German cocksucker
Aww little soy boi get angry...go lap up the spent ejaculate out of your daddy’s bunghole
You knew him soy boi?
This is bullshit, The song is called the Alabama Song and the words “to the next little girl” are not in the song. Go sell you bullshit elsewhere shill and don’t forget to pick up your $.25 for getting someone to respond to you. .
Corey Feldman seems to pop up when he needs money and threatens to release names. I don’t doubt that he has been abused and is mentally hurt by the abuse. I just wish he would release names.
The only thing this shill does well is copy pasta.