Questionable -1 points ago +1 / -2

OK. But if this isn't policy, I'm not doing it.

Questionable -2 points ago +1 / -3

Of course. It just started this morning. Everyone's jumping on it. But, no bandwagon. Got it.


Questionable 1 point ago +1 / -0

Zero research but; I don't believe the Kerrigan/Harding incident was top down driven by politics. Politicians did take advantage of the situation, but direct connections are just that of bread and circus.

And now I am researching your age. Rough guess, 55?

Questionable 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wow. I never expected to live to see such an epic 4chan thread actually being screen capped for the fist time. And to think, I shall never see this again. /s

(crosses fingers)

Questionable -1 points ago +4 / -5

Amazing. This morning's band wagon is 'Darwin=bad' because Tucker & Joe had a conversation on the topic. And this is the resulting virtue signal that we must toe the line for, now is it? I'm sorry, but is this company policy sir? Doesn't matter, I'm on my 15.

Questionable 1 point ago +3 / -2

Everything he said comes with a wide array of caveats. Or to say, this is not the soul of wit.

Questionable 0 points ago +1 / -1

And if she renamed herself at any point, this might have merit. But she didn't. So, this doesn't. Her family belonged to the Baptists church, and she died in 89.

Sad copy pasta, is sad.

Questionable 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice title. But the video itself seems low effort and mumbly, never really addressing the topic.

Questionable 1 point ago +1 / -0
  • Kubrick shied away from making his movie after the success of Schindler's List

  • His friend Isaac Bashevis Singer knew nothing of the holocaust, despite living through the era in a Jewish community.

  • "Aryan papers", implies this project was to be drawn from the perspective of German documentation on the war.

  • It's strange that he would not make this movie, if it's view ran parallel to that of Steven Spielberg's.

  • What does this sentence actually mean; "Kubrick's work on Aryan Papers eventually ceased in 1995, as the director was influenced by the 1993 release of Spielberg's Holocaust-themed film Schindler's List."?

Questionable 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's pretty fuck'n weird, I'll give you that.

Questionable 2 points ago +2 / -0

My name is not Al, and this thread is dead. I think we've said all that we wished to on this topic.

Fun fact: My Father was a postal worker.

Edit: Can bots make edits? Can bots refuse to reply to comment chains? how about going back to re-read earlier comments? I never played postal 2.

Questionable 3 points ago +3 / -0

In the 70's they would have had a news chopper, showing us what was going on. I was able to obtain no more information from this news piece, as I was from the title. Miserable.

It's their channel. The video starts mid report? Doesn't detail what any of it is about. Why?

The protests are part of a planned “economic blockade” coordinated with similar protests around the world. An additional protest is planed for noon at UN Plaza and Market and Hyde streets in San Francisco, by the Group Code Pink. Another action by the A15 group is planned at the Tesla Factory in Fremont.

That's all we get people. That and shots of nobody doing nothing.

Is this even an actual event? Or are they just claiming it to be happening? I can't tell.

Questionable 1 point ago +1 / -0

You should go watch "A Clockwork Orange", and then we can have a long in depth conversation on the preparation of various lentil soups.

Or to say: I cannot parse, how any of the information you are spewing out onto the page is related to each other.

I would ask you to make this make sense. But, I am uncertain that you can.

Questionable 2 points ago +2 / -0

Often times, that phrase is used to make you believe something without evidence. See what you have done there? You've assumed something to be 'plainly obvious' whenever you hear the phrase used.

In this case, a term is being repeated to control the narrative, and act as a stop gap, so that he doesn't veer off topic, and discuss crimes such as child trafficking. This is what controlled opposition looks like. As these are the talking points allowed to enter into the public Zeitgeist at this time.

Questionable 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gaslighting at it's finest. There are just too many layers to this, I can't bereave that she is speaking in good faith, or that she even believes her own words.

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