pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +2 / -1

Problem is that most are not actually controlled opposition but just ignorant sheep hand-fed. Note the personality types: entrepreneurial smug narcissists. These people all explicitly lack ability to humble themselves to having been wrong. Cucker Carlson is a great example as he giggled away any being too serious about CoHoax despite the fact he went harder than any one else, before any one else, and even was celebrated by WaPo for shilling cohoax.

They are not gatekeepers.. they are just more elevated talking heads no different than an dip shit at the bar who is half drunk arguing politicks. Our celebritizing them makes them more than they are in every way.

Aym confident that one of the benchmarks for focusing energy on a talking head on either side is their narcissism.

pkvi_foundation 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ayh notice right now.

Ayh have posted on here in the last 6 months regarding articles from CoHoax that were "unalived" bcz they contradict then and now.

The real transition will be the AI larp -->

In the next few years, search engines will remove paginated results and replace it with a chatbot only result.

pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ayh agree -- but it was never as so profound as in recent memory. Saudi having protected Israel for years was always a red-flag. But in 2018g when countries like UAE made agreement$ with Israel, it became too blatant that the Mid-East had been bought.

kuwait is a suburb

Best description of this place.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

record harvests

That is funny bcz the farmers ayh know still had a rough season, despite they all watching other regions doing well -- but like you mention, pointless bcz grain is so damn low.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +2 / -1

Your mistake.

Hey by the way --> possible Shitember!

A lot of econ posturing from "experts" about September being a true drop (fucking finally)

We were calling for shitember 3 shitembers ago when we both knew the econ died -- and yet they kept keeping it afloat long enough for the next angle.

pkvi_foundation 0 points ago +1 / -1

■■■■■■■■ the ■■■■■■■■■■■■

we did it, we released it for freedom

And peasants will do nothing. Its like a magic act where people forget they are dumb for believing bcz the show is so good.

But the show is not even good.

Sigh, we are a cheap trashy carnival.

pkvi_foundation 0 points ago +1 / -1

No 'we' in the rebellion.

The "we" is by consequence after the sabotage.

The "we" will be organically derived from communities coming together in times of chaos and organizing and alienating.

"We" is what happens after the anarchy.

And why the anarchy.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why pick a single location when we can disable all such things for peasants and elites and the bridge between by focusing on the thing that connects them all, enslaves us all, and bread-and-circuses us all in to subservience?

This war can be fought a lot easier than people realize -- but they are not willing to sacrifice for it. So -- we won't give them a choice.

pkvi_foundation 3 points ago +3 / -0

Having watched their elite population and corp HQs growth, and recent CBDC and eID behavior despite 65% of the population in some form of poverty, it seems to almost act as a peninsula/island stronghold and ayh would wager they have mechanisms installed that would defend this place shd the world turn against them. Peasants don't have a Navy.

God damn.. that sounds outlandish when ayh say it -- but this is where we are now. Elites preparing 'in case of an emergency'

pkvi_foundation 0 points ago +1 / -1


Tyrannical regimes help nationalize a people. The issue we have right now is a lack of enforcement of ideologies and culture. Freedom has a consequence that need be tortured back in to functionality once and a while

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ayh am advocating for the burning of bridges between elites and peasants and here is hoping you are on that bridge.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

prevent them to from becoming president

And yet.. its not stopping them. Why are you here?

The only one presenting argument from your comments of being intentionally deceptive is you trying to gaslight people about complying to the illusion when most people here are here bcz they see thru that matrix.

We need a name for your types. Some thing with simp but with being a shill for the system.


pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is hard to see people not recognize that every thing status quo no matter how theatrical it gets -- but they can't look away like a car wreck so they become absorb in the illusion and forget THEY ARE ALL FAKE AND GAY

The true mastery of TPTB is finding the most vain individuals who care more about the act of imagery than values -- so they are pliable to cues by "advisors" (handlers) and speak to those as faith.

pkvi_foundation -1 points ago +1 / -2

Have had my ear sliced during construction.

Bled like a mother fucker.

Healed in days and barely noticeable a month later.

Did a bullet strike him? Unlikely. It was more than likely debris, glass, ricochet, etc. But, ayh have seen ears bleed and heal.. it was legit enough.

What is ridiculous is thinking TPTB would send a 20 year old

What is ridiculous that some one else could make a shot so precise if it was "just for show"

What is ridiculous is thinking TPTB would kill their best asset

What is ridiculous is that it did not serve any narrative and yet conspiracy theorists claim it does.

What is ridiculous is thinking every thing is conspiracy

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ayh know and remember but -- it was how tolerant every thing was in the 90's is my emphasis. Ayh remember it clearly and aym even watching old shows with commercials and seeing the abundance again (and how artificial it was even in ads) and remembering the behavior and disregard of "authorities" about it. It was labeled entertainment but also acknowledged as fraud -- gov never did any thing about it. That strikes me odd.

pkvi_foundation 4 points ago +4 / -0

Unvaxxed American here. The mass majority of my fellow redneck nationalists are liars and took the jab out of fear of pensions and employment, so never believe the hype from the right.

It was wild watching crayon eating hoorah owns 20 ARs red white blue fuck government Marines ayh knew, then take the jab bcz muh FD pension.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

My point is not technique but the fact the telephone hotline exploded in trend in the 90's for no good reason and every one knew it was artificial and a con, but feds never cracked down on it. Not until a decade later after Miss Cleo committed tax fraud. Just does not sit right with me on reflection and now know as much about MK and other programs.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then you did not likely read every single comment ayh wrote.

Not to mention ayh have been advocating destroying...

..not navigating

...not negotiating

..but destroying America so we can start some thing new, as normal, natural evolution of civilization.

Ayh only spit fire at people who attack me first. Ayh rarely if ever provoke it.. and some users are prone to only have this behavior on posters. It helps to have the years of seeing certain users being useless humans as a pattern.

When you see some one whining about the user rather than the content -- click on their profile and review a page worth of their comments (do this on every website as good practice) and you will disseminate fairly quickly if they are misaligned the purpose.

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