Having watched their elite population and corp HQs growth, and recent CBDC and eID behavior despite 65% of the population in some form of poverty, it seems to almost act as a peninsula/island stronghold and ayh would wager they have mechanisms installed that would defend this place shd the world turn against them. Peasants don't have a Navy.
God damn.. that sounds outlandish when ayh say it -- but this is where we are now. Elites preparing 'in case of an emergency'
Singapore is the global money laundering and black hole bank secrecy mecca these days.
You go there to talk to "The Money".
It's not in NYC or London anymore, nor in Zurich.
Having watched their elite population and corp HQs growth, and recent CBDC and eID behavior despite 65% of the population in some form of poverty, it seems to almost act as a peninsula/island stronghold and ayh would wager they have mechanisms installed that would defend this place shd the world turn against them. Peasants don't have a Navy.
God damn.. that sounds outlandish when ayh say it -- but this is where we are now. Elites preparing 'in case of an emergency'
Quick info. A lot of highways in Singapore are built for dual use as aircraft runways and their army is trained by the Israeli army.
Same with Brazil ayh have learned this year.. on both accounts.