pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +3 / -1

He is not subtle about blathering about literally any thing off putting (except stuff that matters) so the notion he would censor his narcissistic self over a bible passage for likes? Never.. he is just flat out full of shit about his claims of religion (except the jewish one)

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +2 / -1

Peasant trope attack claiming some thing bcz your ideology is tested.. which video game did you play today? When was the last time you dusted your Star Wars DVD collection?

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ayh am 46 years old and have spent my entire adult AND childhood never having any faith in leadership. Grew up with jelly bean eating mommy aging actor easily mimicked Reagan. Then vapid lying Bush. Then philanderer, creep, Clinton and his screechy cackle wife. Make America Great Again? To when?

Ask a boomer and they distrust their government.

Ask a great gen and ditto.

MAGA is a baby bottle for compliance.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

If there was ever a guy or group of peasants who prove just how bread and circus peasants are with politics, Hawley is by a wide margin the most posted "based" guy on line for his attacks on every single leftist puppet


if we track down the success rate of his attacks equating to actual prosecutions over his lifetime in Congress


He is one of those welcomed oppositions that gives peasants a feel like some thing is done when its all theater. And it seems quite appropriate that YOU are one who would post him as if a gotcha.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is roughly 1 year of the 4 years preserved readily available and 2 years searchably archived online. Aside that ayh have a rich inventory of saved offline data and oh yeah, there is my values expressed quite freely without necessity to lie. So, what displeases you about my admission to saying don't vote re as proof of process, but never saying don't vote to morons unwilling to admit their vote is pointless? Elaborate. Why does this specifically pierce you?

pkvi_foundation 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sorry, 2 books about sports, and specifically about Tom Brady, an award for basketball writing, and a magazine article about Alzheimer that was literally just aggregated content.

Surely his authenticity about national views are sincere by editors presenting him.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are four primary grid regions -- so obviously if you focus on the east the west will remain -- so then it becomes a conversation of how to either

  1. motivate groups to regionally sabotage to make it an organized collapse
  2. focus on regions more detrimental to society -- take a guess where that is :)

Texas is actually pretty easy to collapse as its infrastructure is already stretched to its limits by way of Houston, Dallas, SA and Austin growth not matching new resources. They often collapse on their own with weather. A little push in the right direction at the right time and Houston, Dallas (filled with vermin) collapse.

Another thing to tactical issue is movement of people in a collapsed grid. So you can to stage collapses in a sequence that steers people in the wrong direction or more importantly, discourages it, by being functionally blind.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0


Most peasants fail to recognize how update compliance and ethereal "urgent need" is just a form of mindless digital consumption.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ayh never once said don't vote.

Ayh have expounded on how your vote is an illusion. That is not an isolated thought shared on the internet.

Correction: Ayh HAVE said don't vote once. Ayh suggested that the only way to prove the system was a lie is to have an entire grouping NOT vote so as to disable the metrics and either prove or disprove it being engineered. Basic scientific process. And it would work too.. take one state, have every republican not vote for any thing, a NO VOTE, which shd be an option for peasants but no longer is, and ayh guarantee the pre-engineered digital system and handlers would not know how to rig the numbers. Algorithms and terrorist data collection would fumble all around demonstrating how the system is anticipating xyz.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which their definition of supporting documents being financial statements and utility bills.. bcz those are indicative of your ability to drive. This is definitely not sincere behavior.

When ayh first earned my license in the early 90's/g -- birth certificate, social security card, that was it. Did not need school transcripts or my medical records.

The address thing is a lie too -- they don't need to prove it bcz most states mail the ID so if you do not have access as implied by a piece of paper, then its irrelevant.

And the "proof of name" (2 proofs) are the most idiotic metrics with the same documents. Cash card is an option.. aka a pre-paid card. That does require a whole typing personal information online that either you have or don't have relative to showing up with the SS card.

These requests are 100% invasive jewing

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

You were right the first time.

Best thing about modern telecom is that it requires the other to operate functionally too. That was not always the case but the last 20 years has made older systems obsolete. They even petitioned in some states like CA to tear down older systems entirely.

Every thing relies on that map. The mental health of all the worst people in society is literally sustained by this map. So much can go so wrong so very quickly if some one played this map in that craft game of mines.

pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +2 / -0

The veins that pump propaganda, bread and circus, gambling, fraud, laundering, artificial wealth, domestic spying, mindless vanity... it has become the nervous system of American slavery.

Its time to Kevorkian this son of a bitch.

pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +2 / -0

They Federalized the ID years ago so as to unify the process beyond states bcz the previous system did not mesh as well, so they call it Real ID and Enhanced ID. They put a gay star at the top. Supposedly TSA will only accept Real ID starting next year. Regular ID will be denied.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just checked six states, of which 1 out of 6 had a similar request while the other 5 did not request credit card statements or bank statements to scan for proof of name.

The more critical contradiction is how NYC is notoriously giving away gibs and ID services to illegals bussed in by (((Abbott)))

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Life Insurance Policy



School Bills



Why would we think the government is being too invasive?

Dumber still is my friend has been in the system with a gov ID since late 90's but still needs docs scanned bcz ..bcz fuck peasants.

For further ref, her ID was destroyed in an accident so no, she is no going with a photo ID to "trade" but aym told you still need docs even then

pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +2 / -0


He is also certainly not a useful idiot. He has been around too long thru too many conspiracies played too closely to flip flopping narratives and filmed with too many TPTBs to just be a talking head.

Why they insist on reporting on his being sick is weirdly using his walking corpse like a pharma ad which is weird.

you can retire but we get to billboard you at will

You never truly leave the mafia.

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