nuffy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why x does z Here’s why Debunking Fact Check

Any headlines with these are lies.

nuffy 6 points ago +6 / -0

The whole buyers remorse thing is just so baffling to me. People allow themselves to be gaslit into supporting things that negatively affect millions of Americans and then they’re just like “dang I shouldn’t have done that.”

Too many useful idiots in this nation that don’t see the consequences of their actions but instead of them being responsible, we all get fucked.

I don’t know if voters were ever well educated enough to always pick the “right” candidate, which sounds a bit narcissistic but to me voting is a privilege that’s earned through being a productive citizen and there are just far too many sheep out there who bastardize the entire process with their votes being bought or propogandized.

Somewhere along the line this country was hijacked from those who made it great and sacrificed their lives for it, just to let invaders come and have them dictate things while the honest, well to do, hard working American got their asses sold out BIG time.

nuffy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well I would guess because things that are publicized bleed into all other avenues eventually. Getting your message publicized to a wide audience is probably a trillion dollar business these days. I don’t trust normies (the ones who do watch it) or bad actors to see the harm and repercussions of normalizing this sort of shit. And we’ve seen how hard it is to stem the tide of degeneracy from entering into our lives and values - if it were enough to just worry about ourselves it wouldn’t be a problem.

Also I’m relaxed just commenting - all good.

nuffy 11 points ago +11 / -0

Well - if I had a daughter I wouldn’t want her competing with trannies. Professional women’s sports I could give 2 shits about (men’s as well), but for kids I think sports are important and biologically women can’t compete with men. So allowing trannys to be normalized into women’s sports isn’t a good thing.

nuffy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah pretty much just took every death and attributed it to COVID regardless. The gaslighting that instilled fear, distrust, and distance between people/communities was the real killer.

Divide and conquer. At a point it almost seemed like people thought it was cool as in "Oh well I know 5 people who got COVID so keep your mask on" etc etc. Empowered sociopathic people with the ability to wave empty authority over others. They want to guilt and shame you into submission and frankly it worked, people have just become too soft and would rather be lead than lead themselves - common sense & facts couldn't even combat the mass propaganda.

nuffy 4 points ago +4 / -0

The right to vote needs to be restricted to tax-paying land owners. Anyone who receives aid from the government should be ineligible and any dependents they have should also be ineligible.

They are never going to be able to vet voters intelligence or motives so they need to limit it to those who have stake in the country. The idea that my vote is cancelled out by a lowlife who just votes for more gibs disgusts me.

nuffy 5 points ago +5 / -0

They don’t “vote together” - these are counties that are almost always in-line with the winner of the election.

It literally explains as much at the top. Your comment is retarded either way.

nuffy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m fairly certain it’s just completely BS. My buddy tested positive one day and then negative the next day when he was trying to travel for vacation by plane.

nuffy 1 point ago +2 / -1

Wow - for me seeing in slow mo the guy swing his line of fire at the last second and the angle he fired at compared to where her neck was...very strange. Explains why the cops would be there and also explains why they would let her in particular be the one to walk up to the window to play this out. Guy in the suit also had a earpiece in if I remember correctly - definitely a setup imo after seeing this.

Thanks for sharing.

nuffy 2 points ago +5 / -3

I was operating under the assumption it was real, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was fake either since you mention it.

Everything about it seemed so bizarre to me, especially the clip I heard of a news station where "her husband" identified her and listed off all these things about her like her being a veteran who served 4 tours, etc etc etc and I was left wondering why was the husband not there with her in the first place? Also the fact that the officer next to her pointed his rifle back down the hallway towards where the other officer would have been. Really the events inside the Capitol on the 6th were just strange in general. Who knows how many false flags there were.

Thanks for your comment.

nuffy 21 points ago +21 / -0

So obviously just an execution. The lady had like 4 armed officers standing within 5ft of her, unarmed, and gets shot in the juggular?

This guy needs the death sentence.

nuffy 4 points ago +4 / -0

From what I’ve read about Trump and his character - that would just be so unlike him. He is a winner by nature and has a massive ego. I just don’t see him being able to live with himself saying he “tried his best” - too much pride.

Btw I’m not saying this with negative connotation towards him - more so just matter of fact. I like those traits in a leader personally, some don’t.

nuffy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean if you’re just speaking hypothetical worst case scenario I can see how that would be a “masterful psyop”.

nuffy 7 points ago +7 / -0

The thing that has always kept me confident in Trump is the fact that he can’t be bought. Most of these other people sell their souls to the cabal for material wealth and lust for money/power is maybe one of the biggest driving forces of evil in our world.

I can’t even begin to speculate about what might happen but I have never thought he’s been compromised.

nuffy 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I were a parent there I’d have been relieved - Francis is a fraud and an embarrassment to the Catholic Church.

nuffy 37 points ago +40 / -3

They're only happy if others feel as miserable as them.

nuffy 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are against freedom of speech because their thoughts aren’t their own so they themselves aren’t capable of free speech. That would require introspective thought - but they can’t do that either because they’re ugly on the inside and outside. Look at an Antifa mugshot collage, absolute freak-show by any standard.

They are perfectly content being ruled over in all facets of their life because the other option was accepting they are failures. They also have the added benefit of their canned thoughts not needing to be logical or correct because they amplify off eachother in echo chambers.

Plus not having to think at all gives them more time to mutilare their genitals, introduce degeneracy into every aspect of their lives (and as many others’ as they can manage).

nuffy 5 points ago +5 / -0

I get this is still speculative but it’s fucked up that it wouldn’t even surprise me if it were the case. How that sort of degeneracy ever occurred to begin with is just despicable and makes a mockery of Catholicism.

An eternity in hell should suit them well.

nuffy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I will start off by saying it made me absolutely sick to see that women bleed out and convulse on the floor - she was a veteran as well. I’m sort of surprised that Trump didn’t say anything about it seeing as she died with a trump flag on her back, but it’s hard subject to approach I’m sure.

But the part that just threw me off was that this lady gets shot in the jugular, unarmed, with like 4-5 armed (rifle) police standing inches behind her. The MSM and Twitter use words like infiltrated and stormed the capital. There’s pics of cops opening the doors for people and as I said they were standing right next to her. Just murdered - it struck me as so bizarre it still doesn’t add up to me.

I hope whoever did it gets life or death penalty. Negligent or not. But they’re already being celebrated by gaslit retards comparing that relatively tame day as some historically infamous day. Must have gotten that idea from Goldstein.

Months of chimp outs with city blocks burned down, local business looted and destroyed, innocent people brutalized, multiple city blocks quarantined off into an “autonomous state”, these people are just vile liars and I hate them for it. I’d respect them more if they just came out and said all the evil shit they do instead of trying to cover it up while it’s all painfully obvious to anyone who’s not gaslit.

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