MSNBC. About as accurate a piece as Michelle Obama being a "woman of the year"
9year old girl with a torch running away from papa sniff.
NIH took advantage of Obama's actions in 2017. Trump ended the funding when it became public.
God bless you fren.
Obama signed the order lifting the gain of function ban prior to leaving office.
Do your own research, it's very satisfying.
I'll go for the fake alien invasion (please).
Fake pic.
If it were a real pic there would be birds flying around in the pic with those turbines.....
Oh, wait a minute.....
"They are going to need a bigger wall"
Watch how fast the avatars of the under 13's disappear in this Disney Metaverse.
Virtual trafficking will be a thing.
Excellent. Checking that one out too. Thanks.
Same doc. Different board. Different take. Interesting or irrelevant. Each must decide.
My old DS told us " never stick your dick in crazy".
That shortens the list by pretty much the entire DNC.
"Proof of Extraterrestrial Life Found"
An ET has unplugged the main board from the power supply on the telescope as no human could have done that.
Another six months! It better be worth it.
Or, include a toxic gas in the bubble wrap.
Think about it.
And of course, there are soooooo many companies making the tests that a single company could not possibly be skimming billions out of almost every nation on the planet?
Welcome back. You haven't missed much.
Or being poorly edited. All trump interview I have seen, and not claiming all there is, have been very professionally edited to maintain the message. This one, meh, bounces around quite a bit.
And both disappeared without an explainable reason.
"Taxpayers to fund additional 500 million test kits from Gates and Soreass company
(With a 10% skim for the big guy)
Truth in a headline.
Debunked so many times against your prior luser names.
Get some new material this is as stale as Pelosi's dress shields. Sounds like you write for WAPO or CNN
So being around Biden and Harris and the rest of the pond scum, poor Major reached his tolerance for pedos limit, and started pushing back. Something in that for all of us.
Interesting. However given the source being a alleged media outlet inside Stalag Oz, I would take it with a healthy amount of scepticism. Gotta pander to the bosses wishes after all and the Oz Government and friends have their collective tongues right down the back of Brandon/Obama's khaki pants. But thanks for sharing.