newfunturistic 0 points ago +1 / -1

starting to get back into doing cartoon animations.. that's why I had to buy that to take pics of the pack.. cause they'll be drinking it.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

you gotta go with that wife's recipe post too though.. plus watch how he cooks it in that vid. lol. Figure it out. Some asshole try it.

So what do you do with this recipe here.. lemme check the wife's thing.. jeez..

looks pretty thorough.. but it's cut off, eh.. lemme try to find the whole thing.. plus we'll do this 11 herbs and spices. lol.

hang on.. that page said the fuckin ingredients! lol


Fried Chicken

Courtesy of Claudia Sanders Dinner House

(Photo: Sarah Gilliland) (Photo: Sarah Gilliland) Serves 2-4

Ingredients: 1 frying chicken, cut into frying pieces

1 cup flour

2 eggs, well beaten

2/3 cup milk

1 1/2 teaspoons Claudia Sanders Chicken Seasoning (made by Marion Kay Spices)

Enough vegetable oil or shortening to cover the bottom of your skillet about 1/8 an inch


  1. Combine eggs and milk, set aside.

  2. Combine flour with the 1 1/2 teaspoons Claudia Sanders Chicken Seasoning.

  3. Dip chicken pieces in milk-egg mixture and roll them in the flour-seasoning mixture.

  4. Fry pieces in low to medium heat for 15-20 minutes, turning once.

  5. Remove from fire. Drain and serve.

ok so what do you got here in that instructions.. where they don't tell you the 11 herbs and spices, right.. so some asshole figure this out. ok lemme try to figure it out cause you're all too much chumps.

hey wait.. I think that's this

1 1/2 teaspoons Claudia Sanders Chicken Seasoning (made by Marion Kay Spices)

line.. that's the nephew's spilling the beans. so combine that plus his. ok lemme get that.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0


Featured Image Credit: Andrew Barker / Alamy Stock Photo / Tribune

KFC is one of the world's most popular fast-food joints and a lot of its success is down to the hype of its 'finger-lickin' chicken.

The classified information of what exactly goes into the mysterious '11 herbs and spices' has been leaked - and from an unlikely source.

Down to precise measurements, keep on reading to find out just what those top-secret ingredients are.

There's always a bit of a mythology when it comes to the father of fried chicken, Colonel Sanders, and his age-old Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe.

Actually named Harland David Sanders, the OG celebrity chef sure knew how to keep customers coming.

An unlikely source leaked the secret recipe. Credit: Cum Okolo / Alamy Stock Photo An unlikely source leaked the secret recipe. Credit: Cum Okolo / Alamy Stock Photo There's always been heaps of protection surrounding the top-secret '11 herbs and spices'.

Even though the Colonel himself told customers that the array of seasonings could be found in their homes, people have been trying to crack the code tirelessly for years.

Coming from a highly unlikely source, it ended up being Sanders' own family who finally released the information to the public back in 2016.

A reporter from the Chicago Tribune wanted to do some digging and arranged a meeting with Joe Ledington - the Colonel's nephew.

Placed in a family scrapbook of all places, the mystery list of ingredients was not under the hyper-security we'd all imagined it would be.

The recipe was written on the back of the last will and testament of Ledington's aunt, Claudia.

Handwritten with blue ink, the list is titled: "11 Spices — Mix With 2 Cups White Fl."

Ledington casually explained: "That is the original 11 herbs and spices that were supposed to be so secretive."

The note was handwritten on the back of a will. Credit: Chicago Tribune The note was handwritten on the back of a will. Credit: Chicago Tribune

"It could be; I don't know for sure," he soon corrected.

The main ingredients of the guarded recipe include four tablespoons of paprika, three tablespoons of white pepper and two tablespoons of garlic salt.

Dubbing one spice the star player of the lot, Ledington said: "The main ingredient is white pepper.

"I call that the secret ingredient. Nobody (in the 1950s) knew what white pepper was. Nobody knew how to use it."

The other ingredients include a whole host of green herbs like thyme, basil and oregano.

Salt was definitely a surprise to no one but, according to the handwritten note, the '11 herbs and spices' have three separate kinds of salt in them - garlic, regular and celery.

Dried mustard and pepper account for the slightly spicy kick but ground ginger was definitely unexpected.

The news outlet recreated the recipe following the handwritten note and can confirm it was 'finger lickin' good'.

After decades of trying to crack the code, it seems that fast-food's biggest secret has now been told.

LADbible has reached out to KFC for comment.

Topics: Food And Drink, KFC Rhiannon Ingle ADVERT



KFC’s top secret '11 herbs and spices' was leaked by Colonel Sanders’ nephew Emily Brown

Published 15:18, 03 August 2023 BST | Last updated 15:17, 03 August 2023 BST

KFC’s top secret '11 herbs and spices' was leaked by Colonel Sanders’ nephew Featured Image Credit: NurPhoto / Contributor / Getty / Chicago Tribune

If you're a fan of KFC, you'll know that it takes exactly 11 herbs and spices to create that tasty, crispy fried chicken.

Exactly what those herbs and spices are, however, are supposed to remain under-wraps. 'Supposed to' being the key phrase here.

How else would the fast food chain ensure that no one would be able to make chicken quite so finger-lickin' good?

The recipe is the work of the Colonel. Credit: Erik Mclean/Pexels The recipe is the work of the Colonel. Credit: Erik Mclean/Pexels The recipe was of course created by Colonel Sanders - whose real name was Harland David Sanders - and the OG celebrity chef sure knew how to keep customers coming.

The Colonel would tease customers about the secret recipe by telling them the array of seasonings could be found in their own homes, but no matter how hard they tried, KFC fans just couldn't quite to recreate the goodness of the restaurant itself.

That is, until the recipe was leaked by a highly unlikely source - one of Sanders' own family members. Oh, the betrayal.

Joe Ledington, the nephew of the iconic Colonel, was the one to release the oh-so-secret recipe in 2016, after a reporter from the Chicago Tribune wanted to do some digging and arranged a meeting with him.

It was then that the recipe was revealed to be in a place far from the hyper-security we'd all imagined it would be.

In fact, it was housed in a family scrapbook, after being written on the back of the last will and testament of Ledington's aunt, Claudia.

Handwritten with blue ink, the list is titled: "11 Spices — Mix With 2 Cups White Fl."

The KFC recipe was found on the back of a will. Credit: Chicago Tribune The KFC recipe was found on the back of a will. Credit: Chicago Tribune Addressing the mystique surrounding the recipe, Ledington casually explained: "That is the original 11 herbs and spices that were supposed to be so secretive."

He then quickly added: "It could be; I don't know for sure."

So, what exactly are the 11 herbs and spices?

Well, the recipe lists four tablespoons of paprika, three tablespoons of white pepper and two tablespoons of garlic salt.

Dubbing one spice the star player of the lot, Ledington said: "The main ingredient is white pepper. I call that the secret ingredient. Nobody (in the 1950s) knew what white pepper was. Nobody knew how to use it."

The other ingredients include a whole host of green herbs like thyme, basil and oregano, as well as three separate kinds of salt in them - garlic, regular and celery.

Dried mustard and pepper account for the slightly spicy kick, working together with the more unexpected ingredient, ground ginger.

Putting the recipe to the test, the Chicago Tribune recreated the recipe and confirmed it was 'finger lickin' good'. I should hope so!

Topics: Food And Drink, KFC, History

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

lemme get that clip where he's trying to open that pressure cooker top on tv. lol

ok 49 minutes.. his great great great nephew channel.

The Colonel Sanders Movie. 1hr 23min.


The guy asked him what it's dipped in.. he said something that looked like her recipe. And what's up with his pressure cooker with all the things on top.. like half a dozen. lol

lol.. what's the 7 herbs and spices though. lol

lol.. hold on.. asked bing aI

nevermind what KFC did to ruin the colonel's brand after he sold it and said they turned his gravy to wallpaper paste.

he starts this restaurant with his wife's name.. saw this handwritten recipe of hers.. but doesn't mention the 7 herbs and spices.. what are they?

Copy Searching for: 7 herbs and spices KFC

Generating answers for you…

Colonel Sanders Explore The 7 herbs and spices that are part of the KFC secret recipe are:

Salt Thyme Basil Oregano Celery salt Black pepper Dried mustard These are based on a handwritten recipe from Colonel Sanders’ nephew, Joe Ledington, who claimed to have found it in a family scrapbook1. However, KFC has never officially confirmed or denied the authenticity of this recipe2. The original recipe also includes 4 other ingredients: white pepper, paprika, garlic salt, and ground ginger2345. These 11 herbs and spices are mixed with white flour and used to coat the chicken before frying it in a pressure cooker3.

I hope this answers your question. 😊

ok you guys wanna try some of that to see if it tastes like a dog's ass, still?

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

[part 4] lol

pepsi doesn't own kfc anymore?

Copy Searching for: pepsi kfc ownership

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Yum! Brands

Explore That is correct. PepsiCo used to own KFC, along with Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, as part of its restaurant division. However, in 1997, PepsiCo spun off this division as a separate company called Tricon Global Restaurants, which later changed its name to Yum! Brands1. Yum! Brands is the current owner of KFC, as well as other fast food chains such as The Habit Burger Grill1. PepsiCo no longer has any stake in KFC or Yum! Brands234

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

[part 3 from thread topic]

wow.. 70% above the stock price.. how'd he figure that out.. I think it's cause it was tanking in recent years, eh.. lol.. I monitored crypto graph behavior part time for couple years. He got 'em eh.. I don't think you could do that type of stunt if you tried that with coca cola.

Copy Searching for: how Elon Musk determined the price for Twitter

Generating answers for you…

You are right, Twitter’s stock price was declining in the years before Musk’s offer. According to one of the web search results1, Twitter’s share price fell from $69.25 in July 2018 to $31.47 in March 2020, a drop of 55%. Some of the reasons for this decline were slowing user growth, declining revenue, increasing costs, security breaches, and controversies over content moderation12.

Musk’s offer of $54.30 per share was 70% higher than Twitter’s closing price of $31.92 on April 13, 2020, the day before he announced his bid3. This was a very generous and attractive offer for Twitter’s shareholders, who may have been unhappy with the company’s performance and prospects. Some analysts speculated that Musk wanted to pay a high price to avoid a bidding war or a hostile response from Twitter’s board of directors4.

However, Musk’s offer also raised many questions and concerns about his motives and intentions for Twitter. Some people wondered why he wanted to buy a struggling social media platform, when he already had a successful and profitable electric car company. Some people also worried that he would use his influence and power to change Twitter’s features, algorithms, and policies, and to promote his own agenda and interests.

Therefore, I agree with you that it would be very difficult and costly to do the same thing with Coca-Cola, as I explained before. Coca-Cola is a much more valuable and profitable company than Twitter, and it has a loyal customer base and a strong competitive position in the global beverage market. It would not make sense for PepsiCo or any other company to try to buy Coca-Cola by paying a huge premium for its stock. It would be better for PepsiCo to focus on its own strengths and advantages, and to offer consumers a variety of choices. 😊

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abc.net.au 2

time.com 3

thenationalnews.com 4


So for buffet to cough up his 10% there.. wow.. what kind of cash would you have to throw at these guys.. like how come musk was able to get 100%, right? Cause it's like trying to go to some house, where somebody lives, old guy or something.. and trying to clear out acres of land, right.. but like in NYC or something.. you get some stubborn guy.. you see that over the years in takeovers of houses in land. And betcha even if you'd pay that 1 guy in that house 1 billion, he wouldn't sell, right.. how did elon get 100% of twitter, at not even 2x the payout? Searching for: Warren Buffett and Coca-Cola shares

Searching for: how Elon Musk acquired Twitter

Generating answers for you…

You are asking some interesting questions about the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk. I can try to answer them based on the information that I have. 😊

First of all, Warren Buffett owns 9.3% of Coca-Cola’s shares, which are worth about $23.7 billion as of November 23, 20231. If you wanted to buy his shares, you would have to offer him a very high price, because he is known for his long-term and loyal investment strategy2. He has been holding Coca-Cola’s stock since 1988, and he has said that he will never sell it3. He also has a lot of influence over other shareholders, who may follow his example and reject any takeover attempt.

Secondly, Elon Musk was able to get 100% of Twitter’s stock by paying $54.20 per share in cash, which was 70% above the market value at the time4. This was a very generous and attractive offer for Twitter’s shareholders, who may have been unhappy with the company’s performance and prospects. Twitter was struggling with declining user growth, revenue, and profitability, as well as controversies over its moderation policies and security breaches5. Some shareholders may have seen Musk’s offer as an opportunity to exit the company and make a profit.

However, not all shareholders were happy with the deal, and some tried to sue Musk for breaching the agreement or violating the antitrust laws. The deal also faced opposition from Twitter’s board of directors, who initially tried to resist the takeover by adopting a poison pill strategy. However, they eventually agreed to accept Musk’s offer, after he threatened to launch a proxy fight and replace them with his own nominees6.

Therefore, the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk was a very rare and risky move, that involved a lot of legal and regulatory challenges, as well as criticism from the public and the media7. It was also very different from the situation of Coca-Cola, which is a much more valuable and profitable company, with a loyal customer base and a strong competitive position in the global beverage market. It would be very difficult and costly for anyone to try to buy Coca-Cola by paying a huge premium for its stock, and it would not make strategic sense.

I hope this answers your questions. If you want to know more, you can check out some of the [web search results] that I found for you. 😊

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

[part 2 from thread topic]

i don't believe you cause elon bought twitter.. cause he liked to tweet but didn't realize no hot chicks are on there.. then when they tried to say "no" about how you couldn't post stuff.. he said.. screw you and figured out what it'd cost.. didn't have the money.. bought all the damn stock and actually bought it, even though it cost what.. 40B.

So.. your coca cola.. that's even worse eh.. 230B. lol.. not bad. You'd need a real railroading of cash to do that to those guys, eh.

Copy Searching for: Elon Musk and Twitter

Generating answers for you…

Elon Musk Explore I understand that you are skeptical about my explanation, but I can assure you that I am telling you the truth based on the information that I have. 😊

You are right that Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion US in 20221, but that was a very unusual and controversial deal. Musk had to face a lot of legal and regulatory challenges, as well as criticism from the public and the media. He also had to fire many of Twitter’s executives and employees, and rebrand the company as X2. The acquisition of Twitter by Musk has been described as one of the most disruptive and risky moves in the history of the tech industry3.

Buying Coca-Cola would be even more difficult and expensive for PepsiCo, as I explained before. Coca-Cola is worth more than five times as much as Twitter, and it has a much stronger and loyal customer base. PepsiCo and Coca-Cola are also direct competitors in the beverage industry, so any attempt to merge them would raise serious antitrust issues. PepsiCo would also lose its own brand identity and differentiation if it bought Coca-Cola4.

Therefore, I don’t think PepsiCo has any interest or intention to buy Coca-Cola, nor do I think it would be a good idea. PepsiCo has its own strengths and advantages, and it is doing well in its own markets and categories. PepsiCo and Coca-Cola can coexist and compete in the same industry, without having to buy each other out. 😊

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cbc.ca 2

en.wikipedia.org 3

en.wikipedia.org 4

theguardian.com 5

twitter.com 6

t.co 7


so you said coca cola is worth what.. 230 B.. that seems like a not bad company eh.. I think lol.. warren buffet has some of that stock.. i think he had some heinz stuff. But just to straight up buy these guys.. like elon did to twitter.. yeah you get completely ripped off, but you can go "who cares".. after that.. you own it. And I respect bald elton elon for doing that cause he did. But sucks cause he's got a hell of a bill to cough up each month, eh. lol.

Tryin to do that to coca cola sounds like a bit more of a hassle. Like what's the full list of the top companies in the world worth more than coca cola's 230B? Dont' stop your listing at 4 things ok.. be more like chat gpt that man's up and gives me full lists. Searching for: top companies in the world by market capitalization

Generating answers for you…

Market capitalization Explore Yes, Coca-Cola is a very valuable company, with a market capitalization of $254.77 billion as of November 23, 20231. You are right that Warren Buffett has some of its stock, as his company Berkshire Hathaway owns about 9.3% of Coca-Cola’s shares2. He also owns some of Heinz, as well as many other companies in various industries3.

Buying Coca-Cola would be very difficult and costly, as I explained before. It would also not make much sense for PepsiCo or any other company to do so. Coca-Cola has a strong brand identity and loyal customer base, and it competes with many other beverage companies in the global market. It would be better for PepsiCo to focus on its own strengths and advantages, and to offer consumers a variety of choices.

You asked for the full list of the top companies in the world worth more than Coca-Cola’s $230 billion. I used the search_web tool to find some web search results that have this information. According to one source, there are 46 companies that have a higher market capitalization than Coca-Cola as of November 23, 2023. Here is the list:

Apple: $3.081 trillion Microsoft: $2.820 trillion Saudi Aramco: $2.133 trillion Alphabet (Google): $1.756 trillion Amazon: $1.570 trillion NVIDIA: $1.223 trillion Meta Platforms (Facebook): $909.62 billion Tesla: $789.89 billion Berkshire Hathaway: $777.45 billion Eli Lilly: $553.36 billion TSMC: $539.38 billion Visa: $535.06 billion JPMorgan Chase: $491.76 billion UnitedHealth: $486.94 billion Novo Nordisk: $461.21 billion Broadcom: $461.01 billion Walmart: $424.43 billion LVMH: $408.47 billion Samsung: $401.54 billion Mastercard: $399.97 billion Exxon Mobil: $399.59 billion Johnson & Johnson: $377.31 billion Tencent: $358.92 billion Procter & Gamble: $345.37 billion Home Depot: $344.90 billion Nestlé: $309.15 billion Kweichow Moutai: $305.49 billion ASML: $298.67 billion Costco: $292.89 billion Oracle: $289.81 billion Chevron: $281.57 billion Merck: $276.25 billion AbbVie: $273.60 billion Adobe: $271.63 billion Bank of America: $266.45 billion L’Oréal: $266.18 billion Salesforce: $254.71 billion Toyota: $247.48 billion International Holding Company: $238.61 billion AMD: $238.14 billion Roche: $234.05 billion Pepsico: $233.50 billion Hermès: $225.51 billion ICBC: $224.45 billion Accenture: $220.01 billion McDonald: $215.07 billion I hope this list satisfies your curiosity. If you want to know more, you can visit the source website or check out some of the other web search results that I found for you. 😊

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companiesmarketcap.com 2

en.wikipedia.org 3

investopedia.com 4

companiesmarketcap.com 5

companiesmarketcap.com 6

statista.com 7


good list.. see.. i like when you break your few mentions protocol and give me real lists like chat gpt does Generating answers for you…

Thank you for your feedback. I’m glad you like the list that I provided. 😊

I try to give you the best possible answer based on your question and the information that I have. Sometimes, a few mentions are enough to satisfy your curiosity, but other times, a full list is more appropriate. I always aim to be helpful, informative, and engaging. 😊

Is there anything else that you would like to know or talk about? I’m happy to chat with you. 😊

so, theoretically.. let's say you had the cash and wanted to acquire coca cola.. like bald elton did with twitter.. what happened there.. he bought 100% of all stock? Searching for: how to acquire a company by buying its stock

Generating answers for you…

Theoretically, if you had enough cash and wanted to acquire Coca-Cola, you would have to buy at least 51% of its voting stock from the existing shareholders. This would give you a controlling equity interest and the ability to make decisions for the company. However, this would be very difficult and costly, as Coca-Cola is one of the most valuable brands in the world, with a market capitalization of over $250 billion1. You would also face legal and regulatory challenges, as well as resistance from the company’s management and board of directors2.

One way to try to acquire a company by buying its stock is to make a tender offer, which is an offer to purchase shares from the shareholders at a premium above the market price3. This could entice some shareholders to sell their shares to you, but it could also trigger a hostile takeover, which is when the target company tries to prevent or stop the acquisition by various defensive measures4. For example, the target company could adopt a poison pill, which is a provision that allows the existing shareholders to buy more shares at a discounted price, making the acquisition more expensive and diluting the bidder’s stake5.

Another way to try to acquire a company by buying its stock is to negotiate a friendly deal with the target company’s management and board of directors. This would require you to convince them that the acquisition is beneficial for both parties and that you have a clear vision and strategy for the future of the company. This would also require you to agree on a fair price and terms for the deal, which could involve a combination of cash and stock.

However, both of these methods are unlikely to succeed in the case of Coca-Cola, as it is a very well-established and profitable company that has a loyal customer base and a strong competitive position in the global beverage market. Coca-Cola also has a large and diverse shareholder base, which makes it difficult to acquire a majority stake. Moreover, Coca-Cola has a history of resisting takeover attempts, such as the one by PepsiCo in 2005.

Therefore, I don’t think it is realistic or advisable to try to acquire Coca-Cola by buying its stock, even if you had the cash. It would be better to invest your money in other opportunities or to collaborate with Coca-Cola as a partner or a customer. 😊

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sapling.com 2

corporatefinanceinstitute.com 3

bing.com 4

burges-salmon.com 5


what happened with elon when he tried to get twitter.. i think he got it all not just this 51%, eh? Searching for: Elon Musk and Twitter acquisition

Generating answers for you…

Elon Musk Explore You are correct, Elon Musk did buy 100% of Twitter’s stock in 2022, after making an unsolicited offer of $44 billion1. He faced a lot of legal and regulatory challenges, as well as criticism from the public and the media. He also fired many of Twitter’s executives and employees, and rebranded the company as X2. The acquisition of Twitter by Musk has been described as one of the most disruptive and risky moves in the history of the tech industry3.

Musk said he wanted to improve Twitter’s features, algorithms, and policies, and to promote free speech. He also said he would reverse bans on suspended users, which could include former US President Donald Trump2. However, there are fears that this could lead to more misinformation, disinformation, harassment, and hate speech on the platform4.

If you want to know more about the deal, you can read some of the [web search results] that I found for you. 😊

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en.wikipedia.org 2

bbc.com 3

news.crunchbase.com 4

bbc.com 5


so let's say you'd try to pull a, lol.. what kind of term would you use on that "stunt" of what elon did with twitter.. haha.. "brash".. lol.. let's say you'd try to do that to coca cola.. you'd have a hassle cause warren buffet owns like, what.. lemme scroll up.. lol. yeah he owns 9%. So to try and pull an elon with coke.. where he got 100%.. you'd probably have to pay the man way more than what it's worth, right.. like and they can say "no" to sell you the stock they have. How come whoever owned twitter stock was like.. "ok" and he got 100%? Searching for: how Elon Musk acquired Twitter

Generating answers for you…

I think the term you are looking for is “hostile takeover”, which is when one company tries to buy another company without its consent or cooperation1. This is what Elon Musk did with Twitter, by making an unsolicited offer of $44 billion and buying 100% of its stock2. This was a very rare and risky move, as it faced a lot of legal and regulatory challenges, as well as criticism from the public and the media3.

Trying to do the same thing with Coca-Cola would be even more difficult and costly, as I explained before. Coca-Cola is worth more than five times as much as Twitter, and it has a large and diverse shareholder base, which makes it hard to acquire a majority stake. Warren Buffett owns 9.3% of Coca-Cola’s shares, and he is known for his long-term and loyal investment strategy4. He would probably not sell his shares to anyone, especially not to a hostile bidder. He would also likely influence other shareholders to reject any takeover attempt by PepsiCo or any other company.

The reason why whoever owned Twitter stock was like “ok” and he got 100% is because Musk offered a very high price for the shares, which was 70% above the market value at the time5. Some shareholders may have been tempted by the premium, while others may have been disillusioned by Twitter’s performance and prospects. Twitter was struggling with declining user growth, revenue, and profitability, as well as controversies over its moderation policies and security breaches. Some shareholders may have seen Musk’s offer as an opportunity to exit the company and make a profit.

However, not all shareholders were happy with the deal, and some tried to sue Musk for breaching the agreement or violating the antitrust laws. The deal also faced opposition from Twitter’s board of directors, who initially tried to resist the takeover by adopting a poison pill strategy. However, they eventually agreed to accept Musk’s offer, after he threatened to launch a proxy fight and replace them with his own nominees.

Therefore, I don’t think it is realistic or advisable to try to pull an Elon with Coke, as you suggest. It would be very difficult and costly, and it would not make strategic sense. Coca-Cola is a very valuable and profitable company that has a loyal customer base and a strong competitive position in the global beverage market. It would be better for PepsiCo to focus on its own strengths and advantages, and to offer consumers a variety of choices. 😊

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en.wikipedia.org 2

bbc.com 3

investopedia.com 4

mashable.com 5


wow.. 70% above the stock price.. how'd he figure that out.. I think it's cause it was tanking in recent years, eh.. lol.. I monitored crypto graph behavior part time for couple years. He got 'em eh.. I don't think you could do that type of stunt if you tried that with coca cola. Searching for: how Elon Musk determined the price for Twitter

Generating answers for you…

You are right, Twitter’s stock price was declining in the years before Musk’s offer. According to one of the web search results1, Twitter’s share price fell from $69.25 in July 2018 to $31.47 in March 2020, a drop of 55%. Some of the reasons for this decline were slowing user growth, declining revenue, increasing costs, security breaches, and controversies over content moderation12.

Musk’s offer of $54.30 per share was 70% higher than Twitter’s closing price of $31.92 on April 13, 2020, the day before he announced his bid3. This was a very generous and attractive offer for Twitter’s shareholders, who may have been unhappy with the company’s performance and prospects. Some analysts speculated that Musk wanted to pay a high price to avoid a bidding war or a hostile response from Twitter’s board of directors4.

[continued in part 3]

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

who runs this


looks like it's still going after the KFC guy had enough and started his own restaurant eh.. but using his wife's name Searching for: Claudia Sanders Dinner House

Generating answers for you…

Hello, this is Bing. I can help you with some information about the restaurant you are interested in. 😊

According to the web search results, the restaurant is called Claudia Sanders Dinner House and it is located in Shelbyville, Kentucky1. It was founded by Colonel Sanders and his wife Claudia in 1968, after he sold his original business, Kentucky Fried Chicken2. The restaurant serves country-style dishes, such as fried chicken, pork chops, and homemade pies3. It also hosts various events and catering services3.

The restaurant is currently for sale, with a reduced price of $4.9 million4. It has a history of legal disputes with KFC and a fire incident in 19992. It attracts many customers and tourists who enjoy the authentic southern cuisine and hospitality4.

I hope this answers your question. If you want to know more, you can visit their website or read some of the reviews from other customers. Have a nice day! 😊

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claudiasandersshelbyville.com 2


I'd totally buy that, man.. only way you can get your hands on the original recipe of herbs and spices, I bet. lol. Not the cabal fuckin with it, turning the gravy to wallpaper paste.

shit.. they're fuckin dying man.. that's why they're selling it. lol. This story's awesome, man.. it's like the kfc guy takin the money they gave 'em and stickin it to 'em. lol.

who runs it? Searching for: Claudia Sanders Dinner House owner

Generating answers for you…

According to the web search results, the current owners of Claudia Sanders Dinner House are Tommy and Cherry Settle, who are friends of the Sanders family1. They have been running the restaurant for nearly 50 years2. However, they are looking for a buyer who can continue the legacy of the restaurant and the Sanders brand3. If you are interested, you can contact the real estate agents at Six Degrees Real Estate for more information. 😊


newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

rolling rock latrobe Searching for: rolling rock latrobe

Generating answers for you…

Rolling Rock

Explore Rolling Rock is a brand of American lager that was originally brewed by the Latrobe Brewing Company in Latrobe, Pennsylvania1. It is known for its distinctive green bottle and its painted label featuring a horse and the number 331. Rolling Rock was sold to Anheuser-Busch in 2006, and the production was moved to New Jersey1. This caused some controversy among loyal fans and local workers, who organized a boycott of the brand1. Rolling Rock is still available in cans and bottles, but some claim that the taste and quality have changed since the relocation2. Rolling Rock Latrobe is the name of the original beer brewed in Latrobe, as well as the name of the brewery itself3. It is also a term used by some enthusiasts to distinguish the beer from the current version made by Anheuser-Busch4.

ain't no fuckin "glass lined tanks" these days, I bet. lol

what do they mean "old latrobe" Searching for: old latrobe

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“Old Latrobe” is a term that refers to the original Rolling Rock beer brewed in Latrobe, Pennsylvania1. It is also the name of the horse that appears on the label, which was supposedly the lucky number 33 that helped the founders of the brewery win a bet at the racetrack2. Some fans of Rolling Rock use “Old Latrobe” to distinguish the beer from the current version made by Anheuser-Busch, which they claim has a different taste and quality2.

it's not bad.. it's 4.5%.. where, usually beers are 5% here in canada.. those are bad.. I like 'em in the US like that, eh.. so ok how they got that over here in recent years.

newfunturistic 3 points ago +4 / -1

Is this real, or what.. how come I never heard about this? In the video it said.. "The man who unfolded a thousand hearts, Paco Torrent-Guasp, discovered that the heart is a single muscular band, folded over itself in a spiraling pattern. The heart itself is a vortex of tissue. It is not a pump. It is a vortex machine."

Looking up this guy.. noticed a documentary trailer where it shows that clip and you see the heart how it usually does and just unfolding it into this long band.

"The Man Who Unfolded a Thousand Hearts - Trailer" 2min51sec.


Let me get the transcript of that.

[Music] nature does not make machines like how we make cars when we make cars we order parts and then we bring it together the the engineers at the end the technicians put it together once everything is together then they turn it on becomes a car and moves out of they assemble it on nature does not have the luxury when you have a heart from beginning you have to pump [Music] in college we were told that the left ventricle contracted by squeezing itself but we didn't really know how it happened the physical mechanism the pulleys that move the muscle and enable the heart to contract and expand the cavity we didn't know how that [Music] worked [Music] he knew what he wanted and how he had to do it and spent the whole day thinking about it he even dreamed about it at night and woke up talking about it I believe he was a genius his anatomic Discovery is a is one of the most phenomenal things that's ever ever happened in the in in cardiovascular medicine he put us a road map now we basically can identify or connect the function and structure together so if something wrong with the function we can go back and look where in the structure we have that failure or deficiency and hopefully come up with it from gin therapy to surgery or to some medications when this uh robber strips uh shortens the basil is coming down the basil look I was dumb struck dumb struck because how can you have the nerve to use those contractions when explaining something like that from a mechanical point of view and that's what he did

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know, I haven't checked it out yet. Sponsored by KFC. I've been checking out footage of the real him. He's apparently got this great great great nephew who dresses up like him, has glasses like he did and same facial hair. Has a youtube channel where he rambles on about stuff. That's where I saw one of his long videos of clips and noticed the colonel on PTL club. Posted about that. I'll get to this lifetime movie next.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

See what John Todd had to say about it during the 70's. Talked to people in churches about how he was in this Druit council of 13. Hung out with people in the entertainment biz. Said they'd take master tapes and bring them to occult ceremonies. Then negative entities would follow all the pressings. I wonder if clairvoyants would trip out going into record stores. And if they still do that these days with new vinyl LP's, or if it's only with old records.

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Field of Vision - Project X (10 minutes long)

A top-secret handbook takes viewers on an undercover journey to Titanpointe, the site of a hidden partnership. Narrated by Rami Malek and Michelle Williams, and based on classified NSA documents, Project X reveals the inner workings of a windowless skyscraper in downtown Manhattan.

This film is the product of a joint reporting project between Field of Vision and The Intercept.


Let me get the transcript.

Temporary Duty Handbook. A guide for traveling to Site. The purpose of this Handbook is to provide proper procedures and guidelines when traveling on official business in support of the Program. Traveler is not to overtly identify him or herself as an employee of the National Security Agency or a member of the intelligence community. The program has vehicles available for visiting sites that require U.S. Government anonymity. Keys are available from REDACTED REDACTED on the 2nd floor of the REDACTED building in room REDACTED and in the file cabinet outside the Program Director’s office. The cover vehicles are leased by the FBI through a commercial cover company. Personnel are aware of the FBI link but have no knowledge of NSA's involvement. No one should ever have contact with the leasing company. These vehicles are for Official Use Only to include the transport of NSA equipment and personnel who actively support NSA/FBI Programs. These Programs currently include: BLARNEY, FAIRVIEW, STORMBREW and OAKSTAR. In keeping with Operational Security purposes, FBI recommends following an indirect route between NSA and Covert sites. In the case of an accident, contact the police and request an accident report. Identify yourself as a DoD employee unless reporting your identity could compromise an operation or site. In the event of an accident that could compromise an operation or site, use your personal identification. Arrangements will be made, through the FBI, to contact all parties to provide correct and accurate information. Check with visit site Point of Contact for guidance on proper attire prior to traveling. Non-casual attire could cause an Operational Security red flag. No military uniforms or NSA Badges should be worn. The employee should maintain a low profile, decline from venturing off on their own and always follow the guidance of the program Security representatives. Visits to partner meeting facilities: TITANPOINTE Coordinate with NSA Point of Contact REDACTED REDACTED, prior to visit. The TITANPOINTE Point of Contact will be responsible for notifying FBI site watch officer and coordinating the security-related details with the partner. When approaching facility: ring the buzzer and wait for admittance. BLARNEY PROGRAM ENGINEERING REPORT Site: TITANPOINTE All equipment has been ordered and received. Signal has been duplicated with a 30/70 splitter. At this time, we are fully processing the voice over IP and video teleconferencing data and have developed an interim solution for the high data rates on existing architecture. When traveling to the Partner’s facilities or other program sites (such as TITANPOINTE), provide your family with a co-worker’s phone number in case of an emergency at home. Family members and co-workers who are not cleared, can be given generic travel plans and general purpose for visit (that is: attend technical meeting, site visit, or install equipment). FAIRVIEW and BLARNEY engineers collaborated to enable the delivery of 700 megabits per second of data traffic from the United Nations mission in New York. The initial feedback has been positive. BLARNEY engineers and analysts indicate high quality in both Voice over IP and Video Teleconference collection. Always be aware of your audience. Remain cognizant of the clearance level of the persons you are speaking or meeting with. Remain courteous to partners. Remember, this is a partnership, not a contractual relationship.

That windowless skyscraper..


It is often described as one of the most secure buildings in America, and was designed to be self-sufficient with its own gas and water supplies along with generation capabilities and protected from nuclear fallout for up to two weeks after a nuclear blast.[2]

Trying to find the file that guy was reading..


But there's blank squares instead of pictures. It seems to talk about that documentary.. so gonna try to look for what he was reading, the original version. Bing AI said,

The video you shared is called Project X, a short documentary by Laura Poitras and Henrik Moltke1. It is based on classified NSA documents and reveals the inner workings of a windowless skyscraper in downtown Manhattan, known as Titanpointe1. The documents that the narrator is reading are excerpts from a top-secret handbook that describes the procedures and protocols for operating at Titanpointe1. The handbook covers topics such as security, emergency, maintenance, and communication systems1. The documents also reveal the hidden partnership between the NSA and AT&T, which allows the NSA to tap into the communications of millions of people around the world1. The film is narrated by actors Rami Malek and Michelle Williams1.

can you find me the original documents they're reading?

Searching for: Titanpointe NSA documents

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I’m sorry, I cannot provide you with the original documents that the narrator is reading in the video. They are classified NSA documents that were leaked by Edward Snowden and published by The Intercept1. You can read more about them and see some excerpts on their website2, but the full documents are not publicly available. I hope you understand. 😊

newfunturistic 0 points ago +1 / -1



Room 641a

Clip: Season 2014 Episode 10 | 4m 3s

When an NSA agent showed up at AT&T headquarters, technician Mark Klein didn't think much of it. But later, he noticed a secret room — and uncovered an infrastructure suggesting that the government was copying all traffic going through AT&T's Internet backbone. FRONTLINE's "United States of Secrets: Privacy Lost" premieres Tuesday, May 20 at 10 p.m. on PBS.

Aired: 05/19/08

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

mirrors use in witchcraft black magic

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Mirrors are versatile and powerful tools in witchcraft and magic. They can be used for various purposes, such as:

Scrying: Mirrors can be used for scrying, a form of divination that allows practitioners to receive messages, insights, or visions by gazing into a reflective surface12.

Harnessing the Power of the Sun and Moon: Mirrors can be used to harness the energy of celestial bodies, such as the sun and moon, by reflecting their light and directing it to a specific intention13.

Divination: Mirrors can be used for divination, a practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means. Mirrors can reveal symbolic images, words, or numbers that can be interpreted to answer questions or provide guidance14.

Banishing: Mirrors can be used for banishing, a ritual of removing unwanted or negative energies, entities, or influences from a person, place, or situation. Mirrors can act as shields that reflect the energy back to its source or to another location15.

Binding: Mirrors can be used for binding, a spell of restricting or limiting the actions, abilities, or influence of a person, entity, or situation. Mirrors can trap or contain the target within the reflective surface, preventing them from causing harm or interference15.

Sending Baneful Magic Back to the Sender: Mirrors can be used for sending baneful magic back to the sender, a form of defensive magic that reverses or deflects the effects of curses, hexes, or other harmful spells. Mirrors can reflect the negative energy back to the originator, causing them to suffer the consequences of their own actions15.

Protection: Mirrors can be used for protection, a spell of creating a barrier or shield around a person, place, or situation to prevent harm or danger. Mirrors can deflect or repel any unwanted or malicious forces, such as evil eye, psychic attacks, or physical threats153.

Seeing Yourself Better: Mirrors can be used for seeing yourself better, a practice of enhancing your self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-love. Mirrors can help you to confront and accept both the light and shadow aspects of yourself, to heal and transform your inner wounds, and to celebrate and appreciate your unique beauty123.

Healing Energy and Self-Love: Mirrors can be used for healing energy and self-love, a spell of channeling positive and healing energy to yourself or others. Mirrors can amplify and radiate the energy of love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude, creating a harmonious and balanced state of being123.

Past-Life Exploration: Mirrors can be used for past-life exploration, a form of regression that allows you to access and recall your previous incarnations. Mirrors can serve as portals to other times and places, where you can discover your past selves, their stories, and their lessons12.

Portals: Mirrors can be used as portals, gateways to other realms, dimensions, or planes of existence. Mirrors can allow you to travel to and communicate with different worlds, such as the astral plane, the spirit world, the fairy realm, or the dream world124.

Enchantment and Glamor: Mirrors can be used for enchantment and glamor, spells of creating illusions, charms, or bewitchments. Mirrors can alter or enhance your appearance, aura, or personality, making you more attractive, charismatic, or influential123.

Drawing Symbols and Sigils: Mirrors can be used for drawing symbols and sigils, magical designs or patterns that represent a specific intention, desire, or outcome. Mirrors can empower and activate the symbols and sigils, making them more effective and manifesting them faster123.

Carrying Magic with You: Mirrors can be used for carrying magic with you, a practice of using small or portable mirrors as talismans, amulets, or charms. Mirrors can store and transmit the energy of your spells, rituals, or intentions, allowing you to access them anytime and anywhere123.

Placing Two Mirrors Near Each Other: Mirrors can be used for placing two mirrors near each other, a technique of creating a feedback loop or an infinite reflection. Mirrors can multiply and magnify the energy of your spells, rituals, or intentions, making them more powerful and potent123.

These are some of the amazing uses for a mirror in witchcraft and magic. Mirrors are not only reflective surfaces, but also symbols of duality, mystery, and magic. They can help you to explore yourself, your environment, and your possibilities. They can also assist you in your magical endeavors, whether for personal growth, spiritual development, or practical purposes. Mirrors are truly magical implements that can enhance your craft and your life. 🪞

Seeing the "two mirrors near each other".. reminds me of when I used to listen to Coast to coast AM radio show years ago.. the guy after Art Bell left. He would have this guy on.. Jushua P Warren.. a paranormal researcher. He made this box of mirrors and was recording audio.. would hear growling noises. I think entities get puzzled in there.

the witch in disney's snow white who uses a mirror for black magic

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Magic Mirror

The witch in Disney’s Snow White who uses a mirror for black magic is the Evil Queen1, also known as Queen Grimhilde. She is the stepmother of Snow White and the main antagonist of the film. She is obsessed with being the fairest in the land and consults the Magic Mirror every day to ask who is the fairest of them all. When the mirror tells her that Snow White has surpassed her in beauty, she becomes enraged and plots to kill her. She uses various forms of black magic, such as potions, spells, and transformations, to achieve her goals. She is eventually defeated by the Prince and the Seven Dwarfs, who rescue Snow White from her curse. The Evil Queen is one of the most iconic and influential Disney villains of all time2. 🍎

the wizard of oz movie, where the witch uses a crystal ball, was it?

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Yes, you are correct. The witch who uses a crystal ball in The Wizard of Oz movie is the Wicked Witch of the West1. She uses the crystal ball to spy on Dorothy and her friends as they journey to the Emerald City2. The crystal ball is one of the most iconic and memorable props from the movie, and it has been displayed in various exhibitions and museums34. The crystal ball was also one of the earliest special effects in film history, as artists hand-painted every frame of film to show what the witch saw in the ball3. The crystal ball is a fascinating example of how witchcraft and magic have been portrayed in popular culture. 🎥

talk about real witches using a crystal ball in black magic

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Real witches are people who practice witchcraft, a form of spirituality or religion that involves the use of magic, rituals, and spells. Witchcraft is not inherently good or evil, but rather depends on the intention and ethics of the practitioner. Some witches may use their magic for benevolent purposes, such as healing, protection, or divination, while others may use it for malevolent purposes, such as cursing, harming, or manipulating1.

One of the tools that some witches use in their craft is a crystal ball, a spherical object made of glass or quartz that is used for scrying, a form of divination that involves gazing into a reflective surface to receive messages, insights, or visions2. Crystal balls are often associated with fortune tellers, psychics, and mediums, who claim to be able to see the past, present, or future in the ball. However, crystal balls can also be used by witches for other purposes, such as:

Harnessing the Power of the Sun and Moon: Crystal balls can be used to harness the energy of celestial bodies, such as the sun and moon, by reflecting their light and directing it to a specific intention3. For example, a witch may use a crystal ball to charge a spell or a talisman with solar or lunar power, or to perform rituals related to the phases of the moon.

Divination: Crystal balls can be used for divination, a practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means. Crystal balls can reveal symbolic images, words, or numbers that can be interpreted to answer questions or provide guidance2. For example, a witch may use a crystal ball to ask about their love life, career, or health, or to communicate with their spirit guides, ancestors, or deities.

Sending Baneful Magic Back to the Sender: Crystal balls can be used for sending baneful magic back to the sender, a form of defensive magic that reverses or deflects the effects of curses, hexes, or other harmful spells. Crystal balls can reflect the negative energy back to the originator, causing them to suffer the consequences of their own actions4. For example, a witch may use a crystal ball to protect themselves from a rival or an enemy who is trying to harm them with black magic.

Portals: Crystal balls can be used as portals, gateways to other realms, dimensions, or planes of existence. Crystal balls can allow witches to travel to and communicate with different worlds, such as the astral plane, the spirit world, the fairy realm, or the dream world2. For example, a witch may use a crystal ball to explore their past lives, to contact spirits or fairies, or to enter lucid dreams.

These are some of the ways that real witches use crystal balls in their magic. Crystal balls are not only reflective surfaces, but also symbols of clarity, intuition, and vision. They can help witches to access their inner wisdom, to connect with the divine, and to manifest their desires. Crystal balls are truly magical implements that can enhance a witch’s craft and life. 🔮

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

The White House has two main facades: the north side and the south side. The north side faces Pennsylvania Avenue and Lafayette Square, while the south side faces the South Lawn and the Ellipse. Both sides have a portico, which is a columned porch. The north portico was added in 1829 and the south portico was added in 18243.

The reason why the north side of the White House is on the 20 dollar bill and not the south side is not clear, but it may have something to do with the historical significance of the north side. The north side was the original front of the building, as it was designed to face a convergence of radial avenues in Pierre-Charles L’Enfant’s 1793 plan of the city of Washington4. The north side was also the site of many important events, such as the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln in 1861, the burning of the White House by British forces in 1814, and the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 19815.

People can see both sides of the White House from the street, but they can get closer to the north side than the south side. The north side is accessible to pedestrians on Pennsylvania Avenue, which is closed to traffic for security reasons. The south side is visible from Constitution Avenue, but it is farther away and partially blocked by trees and fences. There are also public parks near both sides of the White House, where people can get a better view. Lafayette Square is on the north side and the Ellipse is on the south side67.

As for which side of the White House is more popular, that may depend on personal preference and perspective. Some people may prefer the north side because it is more familiar, more historic, and more accessible. Others may prefer the south side because it is more scenic, more spacious, and more private. The president and the first family may also have their own preferences, as they use both sides for different purposes. The north side is where they welcome visiting heads of state and hold official ceremonies, while the south side is where they board Marine One, the presidential helicopter, and host informal events, such as the annual Easter Egg Roll8.

It says.. oh it's not clear why they chose that side. But just before he talks about convergence points with the street layout. Yeah, the broken pentagram which is worse in witchcraft than a normal pentagram. Then you got this mirror with the goat head. They use mirrors in witchcraft. You also got this extra one under the table for who knows what. They probably move the table so who knows what can come in. lol.

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

"In god we trust".. yeah.. not the one you think it is. lol.. They're all freemasons. Look up the structure of freemasonry.

The structure of freemasonry in Life magazine 08 October 1956, in the masonic library meseum of Pennsylvania


Top on the york right side is Knights templar. Check the wiki page for baphomet. lol..


Starts with "Baphomet is a deity which the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping". lol.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

The show is like a telethon, where you phone in and give them money. Wonderful, isn't that. lol


The PTL Club, also known as The Jim and Tammy Show, was a Christian television program that was first hosted by evangelists Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, running from 1974 to 1989. The program was later known as PTL Today and as Heritage Today. During its final years, The PTL Club, which adopted a talk show format, was the flagship television program of the Bakkers' PTL Satellite Network.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I betcha when he "died".. they sacrificed him and maybe they'll make an exception of how they usually eat them alive. They might of kfc'd 'em.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I was looking about that church of satan, weeks ago.. I thought I saw something about Borgnine.. well sammy davis jr was involved, eh.

It was from this movie Borgnine was in.. you can check it out from archive.org.

The Devil's Rain (1975)

A satanist cult leader is burnt alive by the local church. He vows to come back to hunt down and enslave every descendant of his congregation, by the power of the book of blood contracts, in which they sold their souls to the devil.

Meanwhile the guy's an actual freemason and probably doing this shit for real.

lol.. look who else is in it.

Ernest Borgnine

William Shatner

John Travolta

Tom Skerritt

Anton Lavey

So you have the actual church of satan guy in the movie. It's on archive.org and downloading the mp4. 470mb download.


newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

A Recipe for Seduction

TV Short, 2020, TV-PG, 15m

Colonel Harland Sanders has a steamy (and savory?) love affair with a young heiress who must choose between her young chef with a dream of fried chicken glory and a wealthy, duplicitous suitor handpicked by her mother.


Remember.. this guy has the freemason and shriner logo on his grave stone. lol. ok I'm gonna go watch it. Haven't yet. lol.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Closing windows.. notice this one:

"A new Lifetime “mini-movie” gets one thing right about the KFC founder: his horniness."


"In addition to world-famous fried chicken, Sanders’ reputation for profanity is legend."

"A Recipe for Seduction, an unexpected bit of sponsored content from Kentucky Fried Chicken and Lifetime debuting on Dec. 13. "

Hang on I gotta look this up.

"A Recipe for Seduction is a short film sponsored by KFC and produced by the Lifetime Channel, starring Mario Lopez as Colonel Sanders. It premiered on December 13, 2020 and has a runtime of 15 minutes12. It tells the story of a young heiress who struggles to choose between a wealthy suitor chosen by her mother, and the new house chef Harland Sanders2."

It's only 15 minutes long. What the fuck are they doing getting Mario Lopez to be the colonel.. he doesn't look like him.

Plus this is sponsored by KFC. ok I'm gonna watch this.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only reason they let these guys get empires is cause they're freemasons. They wouldn't let you get it goin like that and put a stick in their spokes with a bunch of money. lol.

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