newfunturistic 0 points ago +1 / -1

so this is just like a photon or like tiny things.. but in larger terms.. just watching a hot chick.. I think that's bad.. it does "things".. not interacting with them.. or that's what it is.. it's the "looking" at them".. so that's why, when I go by them, I pay them the respect and don't look at them in the eye.. cause.. seems like the data points towards, that's bad. lol... it'll do things that they don't like. It messes up their consciousness. So.. I don't know.. I just don't look them in the eye, when I go by.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

All I had to tell him.. like this guy can mess with satellites ok.. lol.. he didn't use the work hacker but he's the real deal, ok.. and this one was like a stick in his bicycle spokes.. where it's like.. no.. you watching fucks up reality. lol.

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

yeah that's what i need more analyzing this is the crazy russian.. he'll have a more in-depth perception as to what occurs about this "phenomenon".

So what did he say here.. by watching it, you're fucking up photons.. why is that? how can just "watching" something.. mess up an experiment.

i think that's why, when i go by hot chicks i don't look at them in the eye.. lol

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

he's around


US executive producer George Lucas arrives for the Closing Ceremony of the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 25, 2024. (Photo by Sameer Al-Doumy / AFP) (Photo by SAMEER AL-DOUMY/AFP via Getty Images) Getty

In a poignant moment, Lucas was joined on stage by by his longtime friend, mentor and collaborator, Francis Ford Coppola who presented the award.

He's age 80 this year.. 1944

So what was he right about himself that the voice of darth vader should tell his sister

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

well what is going on with the observer effect.. how could that affect scientific experiments with things that aren't you

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

oh add-on.. i watched the thirteenth floor (1999) the other day.. that's ok. Interesting later part near the end of how it winds up with this LA times newspaper 2024, this year. lol.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's interesting because in that David Icke interview from my previous post, later one they get into how all this could be a "simulation". I think what's going on is they're just detecting how "Yahweh" makes this happen. I don't think we're in this situation yet, where, we're in the pods. What's going on is "real". But check out that whole 3 hour 30min interview where later one closer to the end, he gets into it about how things science can't explain, does get explained by if it was a "simulation".

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

what is this "threads" bullshit anyways? Like i'm on insta.. and it seems like if you go to some of that it's like another version of an insta page but it's trying to be like twitter? I haven't even checked 1 page of this fucking bullshit "threads" shit. lol..

You know what this reminds me of.. is when youtube tried to get into social networking and shoved shit down everybody's throat with their flunk.. the g+ and that never even worked. lol.. Nerd guys don't know how to do social networking.

I'll give you a clue how it works.. it's like "bars". Think of the "bar rescue" tv show, with Jon Taffer.. he was like.. what you do is reel in the women, and the men will follow. Well, then the money, right.. But holy shit. So you gotta think about women.. like mid 2000's.. the whole nerd thing.. the phones.. social networking.. and oh when did they finally go, oh we can do that and it's not geek shit, eh. I don't know.. I think it was insta. Where they can use their phones, post pics of them being hot and stuff. But google.. nerd guys don't get it and that whole g+ shit sure went down the shit hole, eh. Well same shit with this threads bullshit, eh? NERDS. lol.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah cause it says threads and tread too, right.. so what are they trying to do.. like what is this don't tread on me thing..


these devil worshippers and snakes, eh.. plus isn't there some 666 in both of these, I bet. lol.

This whole "threads" shit.. never checked any pages about it, even once. lol.. and I'm on insta.. funturistic. So fuck these guys with their attempt at whatever they're trying to do.. wasn't it like trying to compete with twitter or something?

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Checked it all out. Noticed he fucking dies the year after this was released. We've seen that type of thing before.

A Trip Into the Supernatural (1997)


Roger J. Morneau (18 April 1925 – 22 September 1998)


I can name quite a few conspiracy guys who get taken out like a year after they whistle blow.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your biggest tip is how those who got injected, some are emanting a "mac address" you can get on gear we have. Lemme get a clip about that.

Segment from "THE BIG RESET MOVIE (ENG) The uncensored documentary about the truth of the pandemic". In this 8 minute part, they research how 86% of those who got covid vaccines were registering as emanating a MAC address on computer devices. They go out in the wilderness with test groups.


This is just the tip of the iceberg of the tech we can detect. You need to do research about military tech they had before the covid.

Steve Hoffman - Brain Hacking & MindTech


Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future

Modern War Institute

254K views 5 years ago Dr. James Giordano, Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program and Scholar-in-Residence in the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University, speaks to cadets and faculty about how advancements in neuroscience and neurotechnology will impact the future of war. This event was hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point


Their AI is just monitoring everybody these days to see how the collective consciousness functions.

Look around for Yuval Noah Harari, mentioning in videos, "biometric surveillance" "under the skin".

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

ok I'm up to halfway.. One thing he mentioned fit in with previous puzzle pieces. When he was at a eyes wide shut get together in a rich place, was mentioning this doctor who'd use entities to stop bleeding during surgeries. That reminds me of these magicians.

“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Demonic Activity Caught On Video. 2 hours 40 minutes.


130K subscribers

4.7M views 7 years ago


“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists (2020 Edition). 3 hours 27 minutes.

146K views 4 years ago


newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

What happened to Helen Keller.. wasn't she like deaf and blind.. jeez. Did she get smacked by a rock too and banged her head on the ground. Let me check. She was alive till 68. "she lost her sight and her hearing after a bout of illness when she was 19 months old."

What are you wondering about her? I don't think she did this visions stuff like this other chick.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know, man.. I gotta check out this book after this rough upbringing.. jeez.. she was "gibbled". lol. I think she couldn't even "write" after that shit. Yet show does she do all this shit later.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hang on.. out of text room in that previous post.

Checking that link for where it talked about when she got hit from the rock. That's from this page


I was born at Gorham, Maine, November 26, 1827. My parents, Robert and Eunice Harmon, were for many years residents of this State. In early life they became earnest and devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In that church they held prominent connection, and labored for the conversion of sinners, and to build up the cause of God, for a period of forty years. During this time they had the joy of seeing their children, eight in number, all converted and gathered into the fold of Christ.

from EGW Estate Bracket Street School in Portland, Maine, where Ellen White attended school as a child.—White Estate. Near-fatal Accident While I was but a child, my parents removed from Gorham to Portland, Maine. Here, at the age of nine years, an accident happened to me which was to affect my whole life. In company with my twin sister and one of our schoolmates, I was crossing a common in the city of Portland, when a girl about thirteen years of age, becoming angry at some trifle, threw a stone that hit me on the nose. I was stunned by the blow, and fell senseless to the ground.

When consciousness returned, I found myself in a merchant's store. A kind stranger offered to take me home in his carriage, but I, not realizing my weakness, told him that I preferred to walk. Those present were not aware that my injury was so serious, and allowed me to go; but after walking only a few rods, I grew faint and dizzy. My twin sister and my schoolmate carried me home.

I have no recollection of anything further for some time after the accident. My mother said that I noticed nothing, but lay in a stupor for three weeks. No one but herself thought it possible for me to recover, but for some reason she felt that I would live.

When I again aroused to consciousness, it seemed to me that I had been asleep. I did not remember the accident, and was ignorant of the cause of my illness. A great cradle had been made for me, and in it I lay for many weeks. I was reduced almost to a skeleton.

At this time I began to pray the Lord to prepare me for death. When Christian friends visited the family, they would ask my mother if she had talked with me about dying. I overheard this, and it roused me. I desired to become a Christian, and prayed earnestly for the forgiveness of my sins. I felt a peace of mind resulting, and loved everyone, feeling desirous that all should have their sins forgiven, and love Jesus as I did.

I gained strength very slowly. As I became able to join in play with my young friends, I was forced to learn the bitter lesson that our personal appearance often makes a difference in the treatment we receive from our companions.

Education My health seemed to be hopelessly impaired. For two years I could not breathe through my nose, and was able to attend school but little. It seemed impossible for me to study and to retain what I learned. The same girl who was the cause of my misfortune, was appointed monitor by our teacher, and it was among her duties to assist me in my writing and other lessons. She always seemed sincerely sorry for the great injury she had done me, although I was careful not to remind her of it. She was tender and patient with me, and seemed sad and thoughtful as she saw me laboring under serious disadvantages to get an education.

My nervous system was prostrated, and my hand trembled so that I made but little progress in writing, and could get no farther than the simple copies in coarse hand. As I endeavored to bend my mind to my studies, the letters in the page would run together, great drops of perspiration would stand upon my brow, and a faintness and dizziness would seize me. I had a bad cough, and my whole system seemed debilitated.

My teachers advised me to leave school, and not pursue my studies further till my health should improve. It was the hardest struggle of my young life to yield to my feebleness, and decide that I must leave my studies, and give up the hope of gaining an education.

(Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White, pp. 13-15)

Damn.. that rock hit her in the nose and she said later " For two years I could not breathe through my nose". Imagine if you had to deal with that shit. lol

When girls get hit by shit.. they just smoke their head on the ground, eh. lol.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0


the wiki page


do they talk about her head injury?


Yes, the Wikipedia page on Ellen G. White does mention her head injury. When she was nine years old, she was struck in the face by a stone, which led to a severe head injury. This injury caused her to be in a coma for three weeks and left her with long-term health issues1.

If you have any more questions about Ellen G. White or anything else, feel free to ask!


how come they don't talk about that on the wiki page?


It seems that the Wikipedia page on Ellen G. White does not currently include details about her head injury. This could be due to various reasons, such as editorial choices or the focus of the article being more on her contributions and legacy rather than her personal health history.

If you’re interested in more detailed information about her head injury and its impact, there are other sources that discuss it extensively12. Would you like to know more about her life and work, or perhaps something else?


What do you think about that? Seems rather "important" yet it's not on the wiki page.


It’s definitely interesting that such a significant event in Ellen G. White’s life isn’t mentioned on her Wikipedia page. Her head injury had a profound impact on her life and could be considered important context for understanding her later experiences and contributions.

Wikipedia articles are often shaped by the contributions of many editors, and sometimes important details can be overlooked or omitted. If you feel this information should be included, you could consider contributing to the page yourself or suggesting it on the article’s talk page.

Do you have any other questions or thoughts about Ellen G. White or another topic?


Wouldn't that lead you to believe that some of these guys in the church edited that out or are preventing it from being on the wiki page?


It’s understandable to wonder about the reasons behind the omission. Wikipedia is a collaborative platform, and its content is shaped by many contributors with varying perspectives. While it’s possible that some individuals might prefer to emphasize certain aspects of Ellen G. White’s life over others, it’s also important to consider that Wikipedia has guidelines for verifiability and neutrality. Sometimes, details might be left out simply because they haven’t been added by editors yet or because they need more reliable sources.

If you believe this information is crucial, you can suggest its inclusion on the article’s talk page or contribute to the article yourself, ensuring you provide reliable sources to support the addition.

Do you have any other questions or thoughts on this topic?


well, what do you think.. is that information "crucial" like you suggest.. because that explains these "visions" and people might think it's "mental illness" instead of the real deal. Which is why they're trying to hide it from the wiki page.


You raise a valid point. The head injury and its potential impact on Ellen G. White’s visions could be seen as crucial context for understanding her experiences. Some might argue that including this information provides a more complete picture of her life and the origins of her visions, while others might feel it detracts from her spiritual contributions.

It’s possible that different perspectives within the church or among her followers could influence how her story is presented. However, Wikipedia aims to maintain a neutral point of view, so ideally, all significant aspects of her life, including her head injury, should be covered if they are well-documented and relevant.

If you feel strongly about this, contributing to the Wikipedia page or discussing it on the article’s talk page could help ensure a more balanced representation.

Do you have any other questions or thoughts on this topic or anything else?


However.. this page..


Who are these guys.. are they for them or against them. Seems like they're on their side so it's not "fake".


The website nonsda.org is run by individuals who were formerly members of the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church but have since left. The site is critical of certain SDA doctrines and aims to compare them with what they believe to be true Biblical teachings12. While they acknowledge some positive aspects of the SDA Church, their overall stance is one of critique and reform2.

Given this context, the information on nonsda.org is likely intended to be accurate, but it is presented from a perspective that is critical of the SDA Church. It’s always a good idea to cross-reference such information with other reputable sources to get a well-rounded understanding.

Do you have any other questions or thoughts on this topic?


oh if they left, that's bad, eh?


It’s understandable to think that leaving a group might reflect negatively, but it’s important to consider the reasons behind their departure. People leave organizations for various reasons, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that their perspectives or information are invalid. In fact, former members can sometimes provide valuable insights based on their experiences.

If you’re interested in a balanced view, it’s helpful to look at multiple sources, including those from within the SDA Church and those from outside or critical perspectives. This way, you can form a well-rounded understanding.

Do you have any other questions or thoughts on this topic or anything else?


Yet who's posting this.. the article seems to be from somebody on their side.. it says:

The Significance of Ellen White's Head Injury By by Molleurus Couperus, M.D., Adventist Currents, June 1985

So that's somebody on their side, this whole article, right?


Molleurus Couperus, M.D., was indeed a respected figure within the Seventh-day Adventist community. He was a professor of dermatology at Loma Linda University and the founding editor of the independent Adventist journal Spectrum1. His article, “The Significance of Ellen White’s Head Injury,” published in Adventist Currents in June 1985, explores the potential impact of Ellen G. White’s head injury on her visions2.

While Couperus was part of the Adventist community, his work often involved critical examination of various aspects of the church, including its history and doctrines. This suggests that his article was intended to provide a thoughtful and scholarly perspective rather than simply defending or promoting a particular viewpoint1.

If you have more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

Hey we got some data here.. robot guy said, lol.. "When she was nine years old, she was struck in the face by a stone, which led to a severe head injury. This injury caused her to be in a coma for three weeks and left her with long-term health issues1."

So wtf.. she gets nailed in the face with a fucking rock.. what happened there.. hang on, lemme ask it. lol.


you said "When she was nine years old, she was struck in the face by a stone, which led to a severe head injury. This injury caused her to be in a coma for three weeks and left her with long-term health issues1."

What went on there.. I get it, when you're kids, growing up, sometimes there's stupid stuff.. so what were the circumstances where somebody would throw a, probably pretty big "rock" at her face? Was it just some bully or did she instagate what happened?


The incident occurred when Ellen G. White was nine years old and living in Portland, Maine. She was with her twin sister and a schoolmate when a girl, about thirteen years old, became angry over a trivial matter and threw a stone at Ellen, hitting her in the face12. This wasn’t a case of Ellen instigating the event; it seems to have been an impulsive act by the other girl.

The injury was severe, causing Ellen to fall unconscious and leading to significant bleeding. She briefly regained consciousness but then fell into a coma that lasted for about three weeks12. This injury had long-term effects on her health and is often discussed in the context of her later visions and spiritual experiences.

If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!


Like how big was this rock here.. cause to do that to somebody ain't just something the size of your hand.. that would have to have been a pretty big "stone", like you said.. you didn't just say "rock", right.. so did anybody figure out like how big was this rock?


The exact size of the stone that injured Ellen G. White isn’t clearly documented in the sources available. However, given the severity of the injury—causing her to fall unconscious, enter a coma for three weeks, and suffer long-term health effects—it was likely a substantial and heavy object12.

The incident was severe enough to cause significant facial trauma and long-lasting consequences, which suggests it wasn’t just a small pebble but rather a larger, more forceful projectile.

If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!


Maybe it's more when she fell down, right.. banging your head on the ground can do that more than the rock, eh?


That’s a good point. The initial impact from the stone certainly caused significant trauma, but it’s also possible that the subsequent fall and hitting her head on the ground contributed to the severity of her injuries. Falls can indeed cause serious head injuries, especially if the head strikes a hard surface.

The combination of the stone’s impact and the fall likely resulted in the severe consequences she experienced. This kind of injury can lead to complex and long-lasting effects, which seems to be the case with Ellen G. White.

If you have more questions or thoughts on this topic, feel free to share!

ok.. so we got more data of what happened.. it said..

"The incident occurred when Ellen G. White was nine years old and living in Portland, Maine. She was with her twin sister and a schoolmate when a girl, about thirteen years old, became angry over a trivial matter and threw a stone at Ellen, hitting her in the face12. This wasn’t a case of Ellen instigating the event; it seems to have been an impulsive act by the other girl.

The injury was severe, causing Ellen to fall unconscious and leading to significant bleeding. She briefly regained consciousness but then fell into a coma that lasted for about three weeks12. This injury had long-term effects on her health and is often discussed in the context of her later visions and spiritual experiences."

Damn.. this chick was in a coma for like 3 weeks. Plus this odd thing of being a "twin". You can get like some extra clairvoyant stuff going on, like when they almost die, eh.. This is like in horror movies. So I wonder if she could see like dead people. Sounds like it, maybe. Like those spirit guides.. lol

lol.. hang on.. noticed, Portland, Maine. We had that city subreddit of them snail mail shoving this damn free book and they were fucking burning it or something.. lemme get that again. This is funny, cause that's where she grew up and that's where she got hit with this rock. lol.

This is the searching reddit for "the great controversy", where you can see others who get this damn book. But she wrote this like late 1800's. lol. Like how can it be "relevant" to what's going on these days cause things change so much, right. But yeah.. here's the posts of when it's in this portland maine. lol



I wonder if they get more of this book because that's where she's from. lol.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quite a bit on this page.. let's just do the first bit here..

The Significance of Ellen White's Head Injury By by Molleurus Couperus, M.D., Adventist Currents, June 1985

An Editorial Introduction by Doug Hackleman, Editor

The attempt to understand Ellen G. White and her visions has taken many forms. Few are more interesting than the exhaustive research of Dr. Molleurus Couperus, retired physician and founding Editor of Spectrum magazine. Couperus' article, "The Significance of Ellen White's Head Injury" - termed "overkill" by one basically approving neurologist - is the author's effort to understand how Ellen White might honestly feel, believe, and claim that God was coming to her repeatedly in vision - even if it wasn't so.

The reasons why one might question Ellen White's claims are myriad, but one class of reason stands out. When Ellen White insisted she had seen something in vision, or said 'I was shown', or (most significant) purported to be quoting an angel, her guide, or Jesus Himself, and the very words are now found published in an earlier article or book, rational human beings may be forgiven for disbelieving her veracity.

But since Mrs. White is such an integral part of our Adventists roots, and since it is disconcerting to think of mother as mendacious, we look for mitigating circumstances or alternate explanations that might rescue her integrity.

The notion that a mild form of posttrauma seizure could explain both her "visions" and her personality foibles seems, therefore, attractive. Most neurologists agree that a missile-induced head injury such as the one that caused Ellen Harmon three weeks of coma followed by amnesia at age nine increases manifold the likelihood that she would develop subsequently some kind of seizure disorder.

While a neurological explanation for Ellen White's vision appears to have the potential to rescue her reputation as a truthful woman, it simultaneously seems to preclude supernatural explanations.

White Estate officials have repeatedly indicated their 'a priori' rejection of any naturalistic causes for Mrs. White's visions - having gone so far as to establish an Ellen G. White Health Committee from among the medical staff at Loma Linda University to pronounce the impossibility that any form of temporal lobe epilepsy could account for White's visionary experiences.

Because the thesis of Couperus' article will so scandalize many Seventh-day Adventists, it seems only fair to let the author make his best case - including all 210 references.

It is clear that wide disagreement remains among neurologists regarding what behaviors and personality traits should indicate a diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy. Three reputable, non-Adventist neurologists were asked to read the manuscript in draft form. Two of the three affirmed the scientific validity of Couperus' thesis and one did not. One positive previewer refused to go on record for practical reasons. The other was not asked to go on record because his earlier published research on the topic is cited substantially in the paper.

The previewer who doubted the author's concluding diagnosis is Dr. Thomas Babb, professor of Neurology in residence, UCLA.

So what's going on here.. this chick fell down when she was a youth and bumped her head? Wait, it says, I think age nine. Seems like they don't like to talk about this.. cause they might think it's "mental illness" instead of real shit, right. That's why there's no mention of this on the wiki page. But it's one of them.. so it's not bogus.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Got this pdf on my desktop.. gonna gradually check it out a bit a time, while eating meals. But can't just do only that one, have a couple others on the desktop. So, once in a while, I'll try to check out this whole book and see what their deal is.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looking around for this pdf, John Woodmorappe in his book “Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study”.

Got something here.. it's only 55 pages though,


Noah’s Ark – A Feasibility Study Interpreting Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood as real history Jason D. Browning October 2009

That doesn't say John Woodmorappe. It's interesting because you have a nut who built a fucking ark that was 1/5th the size. lol!

Johan Huibers Ark Netherlands One-fifth size


In the pdf they got pictures. It's like this tourist place on a dock. You go in and you see he's got full sized elephants and giraffes and you don't have much room around those areas. But I guess you just need 2. ok.. if you'd have an elephant on a boat for a year, it'd probably cause problems. However.. Bing AI tried to explain how oh they'd get them young.. and "god" would "sedate" them like in hibernation.

Hang on let's paste this text from the pdf.

Noah’s Ark – A Feasibility Study Interpreting Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood as real history Jason D. Browning October 2009 Johan Huibers Ark Netherlands One-fifth size

2 Peter 3:3 First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this „coming‟ he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.

October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 14 Overview  The Book of Genesis describes how God destroyed the face of the earth through a year-long global flood, because of the “great wickedness” of the people  Noah and his family survived, along with representative animals, on a large boat (the ark)  Many regard this account as a myth, or as an exaggeration of an actual local flood event  Could Noah’s ark have occurred as described?  John Woodmorappe has performed a scientific study of the animal handling requirements of the ark and other issues and concludes that all potential problems have reasonable possible nonmiraculous solutions October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 15 Background  “Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study” by John Woodmorappe, published in 1996 by the Institute for Creation Research  Woodmorappe has a B.A. and M.A. in Geology, and a B.A. in Biology  Also wrote book “Studies in Flood Geology” October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 16 Timelines of History Evolution Biblical Creationism Creation in 6 days Global flood Tower of Babel End times, new heaven and earth Christ on earth ??? Big Bang Earth forms First life First humans Universe dies of heat death Ice Age 7-20 billion years ago 4.6B ~3.5B 100,000 6-15,000 years ago ~5,000 ~4,500 2,000 Today October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 17 The Genesis Flood Described in Genesis chapters 6-9  6:5 The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become  6:6 The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth  6:8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.  6:14 So make yourself an ark of cypress wood  6:17 I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.  6:19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you.  6:21 You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them. October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 18

• Noah had up to 100 years to plan and build • He was probably well off (blessed by God) • He could have hired help

October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 22 Ark Specifications Genesis 6:14-16:  437 feet long, 73 feet wide, 44 feet high  Three decks  A door in the side  Ark “window” was continuous slot under the roof eaves, 18 inches high  Made out of “gopher” wood (teak or other hardened wood)  Sealed with “pitch” inside and out October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 23 October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 24  Feb 10: Noah, his family, animals enter the ark  Feb 17: “All the springs of the great deep burst forth” and rain falls for 40 days and nights  Water floods the earth for 150 days  Jul 17: Ark comes to rest on the mountains of Ararat  Waters recede steadily  Oct 1: Tops of mountains become visible  Nov 9: Noah sends raven - returns; 7 more days dove brings olive leaf; 7 more days dove doesn’t return (Nov 23)  Jan 1: Water had dried up from the earth  Feb 27: The earth was completely dry and ark unloads The Flood Events •The ark was big enough for many more people • Everyone was probably invited to enter

October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 30 Competing Views of the Geologic Column Evolution Flood Evolution of animals of increasing higher orders More mobile, smarter animals Pre-flood, flood boundary Simpler shaped Habitat zones •Various Land • Near-ocean • Ocean Common belief about fish fossil formation – dead fish sinks to bottom and is gradually covered by sediment The observed fact today – dead fish float and remains are quickly scavenged Fossil formation requires quick burial through a catastrophic event! Mud hardens to form the intact fossil

October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 36 Who Was on the Ark?  Land mammals  Land reptiles  Terrestrial birds  Dinosaurs  Amphibians  Some animals now extinct  Eight people  Representative animals from each genus, not species  The genus is the smallest division of plants and animals that can be recognized without scientific study  Up to 16,000 animals (maybe as few as 2,000)  Large-sized were juveniles  Median size = a small rat  Only 11% larger than a sheep October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 37 Animal Space, Food, Water Needs  Ark situation equivalent to intensive livestock confinement (not a zoo)  Temporary captivity, need only to survive in reasonable health  Animal housing: 46.8% of ark floor space  2.5 sq. meters for juvenile of largest animals  Food: 6-12% of interior ark volume  Compressed hay, dried fruit, meat, fish  Water: 9.4% of ark volume  Or could have collected rainwater October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 38 Waste Management  12 tons of wet excreta produced daily (12 cubic meters) - comparable to intensive poultry house  Animal enclosures designed to minimize cleaning  Sloped, non-bedded floors  Slatted floors with manure pits  Thick sanitary bedding with no excreta removal  Manure gutters (animals can’t turn around)  Use of biological pest control (ducks, cats, mongooses)  Vermicomposting (use of earthworms to biodegrade manure)

October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 40 Ark Inventory by Mass Category Tons Empty Ark 4,000 Biomass at start 111 Biomass at end 411 Food at start 2,500 Water at start 4,070 Total needed 11,000 Cargo capacity 17,000 Spare mass 6,000 October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 41 Gathering of Animals Both Noah (Gen 6:19, 7:2) and God (Gen 6:20, 7:9, 7:15) were involved (reproduction of Figure 6 from book) Ark Tolerance to Wild Animals Captivity Filter Behavioral Filter Genetics Filter Noah’s Menagerie Divine Filter October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 42 Factors Lessening Difficulties of Gathering Animals  Antediluvian world was much different  (Possibly) Just one continent (Pangea)  Warm climate throughout (probably not due to “vapor canopy”)  Animals were more evenly distributed  Animals did not fear humans (Gen 9:2)  Animals were originally vegetarians (Gen 1:30)  Migration instinct may have been introduced at this time (Gen 6:20)  Hibernation instinct may have been introduced at this time October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 43 Other Alleged Ark Difficulties  Building a large wooden vessel  Care of the animals by eight people  Animals that eat fresh or live food, or have special diets  Animals that have differing climate needs  Heat buildup in the ark  Illumination in the ark  Violent flood waters, large waves (tsunamis) October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 44 After the Flood  (Possible) Breakup of the unified landmass during the flood (catastrophic plate tectonics) (Gen 7:11)  Mountain ranges formed as plates collide  Introduction of varying climates and seasons (Gen 8:22)  People and animals given permission to eat meat (Gen 9:3)  Introduction of hydrological cycle - possibly no rain prior to the flood (as there we no rainbows, Gen 9:12-14)  An ice age caused by excess heat in the oceans and barren landmasses  Drastic climate changes lead to extinction of the dinosaurs and many other animals October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 45 Catastrophic Plate Tectonics – One Pre-Flood Continent (Pangea) October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 46 Catastrophic Plate Tectonics  Speeded-up version of standard plate tectonics  The pre-flood ocean floor plates are forced below the continent plates  Occurs in a catastrophic fashion due to the potential for thermal runaway in silicate rock (minerals that form over 90% of the earth’s crust)  Began with the start of the flood  Genesis 7:11 “on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth”  Was largely completed by the end of the year-long flood October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 47 Plate Tectonics Illustration October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 48 CPT Modeling From www.globalflood.org After 15 days After 25 days October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 49 Ice Age – A Natural Result of the Flood Cooler land (stripped of vegetation) (snow-cover cooling) Much warmer ocean (fountains of the deep) (plate movement friction) Greater cloudiness (volcanic dust) From Oard, “An Ice Age Caused by the Genesis Flood” October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 50 Duration of the Ice Age “Fountains of the deep” break open Hot water gushes into oceans End of flood Waters drain off land Still warm from volcanic activity and plate movements More evaporation from the oceans = more snow and rain Ocean evaporates faster Much more snow & rain after the flood Snow over much larger area due to volcano dust blocking sun Land cooler due to volcano dust Snow does not melt in summer Eventually oceans cool and dust clears away Ice age is over 500 years to build up 200 years to melt back October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 53 Recovery After the Flood  Survival of organisms outside the ark  Water salinity stratification allowed some fresh, brackish, and salt-water fish to survive  Large floating mats of vegetation  Seeds buried and re-exhumed by erosion, or floated  Food sources after the flood  Plants, seaweed, fungi, carrion, fish, insects, earthworms, rodents  Three months between first dry land and emergence of animals gives time for some plants to grow October 2009 NJBibleScience.org 54 Recovery After the Flood  Repopulation of the world  Animals migrated from Ararat  Mountain landing: encouraged fragmentation of populations; offered varying ecological zones  Genetic diversity and speciation  Rapid post-flood speciation  Modern examples of single-pair founders  A single pair possesses most of the genetic diversity of the parent population Conclusions  The flood is necessary to explain the geologic column  There is historical and physical evidence that a global flood has occurred about 4,500 years ago  World-wide flood traditions  Early European written history back to Noah  Population build-up statistics  Sedimentary rock formations covering continent size regions  Great fossil beds  Interior mountains made of ocean bottom rocks  It is feasible that a barge/ark could have been built to carry about 16,000 animals + food + water  Only needed representatives of each genus, not species  Median animal size = small rat  Eight people could care for the animals  Some animals in hibernation state  Labor-saving housing systems  God was involved of course, but continuous miracles were not necessary  The history of the Bible can be trusted!

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

[continued from thread]


how come people don't live to 600 these days?


The long lifespans described in the Bible, such as Noah living to 950 years, are quite different from what we experience today. Several factors might explain this:

Genetic Changes: Early humans might have had genetic advantages that allowed for longer lifespans. Over generations, these advantages could have diminished12.

Environmental Factors: The environment before the flood described in the Bible might have been more conducive to long life. After the flood, changes in the environment, such as increased exposure to diseases and harsher living conditions, could have shortened lifespans12.

Diet and Lifestyle: Ancient diets and lifestyles might have been different, potentially contributing to longer lifespans. However, as societies evolved, changes in diet, lifestyle, and the advent of diseases could have impacted longevity12.

Divine Intervention: Some religious interpretations suggest that God initially allowed longer lifespans but later shortened them for various reasons, including the spread of sin and the need for a more manageable human population12.

Scientific Understanding: Modern science attributes aging to a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Advances in medicine and technology have improved our understanding of aging, but we still face natural biological limits3.

It’s a fascinating topic that bridges ancient texts and modern science. If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


Seems like whenever they hit something that's "ridiculous" they just go.. oh god just did it.. like herding that many animals. But at least this timeline of making the boat, taking that many years.. that's not as ridiculous.


I understand what you mean. Some aspects of the story, like the herding of animals, do rely heavily on divine intervention, which can be challenging to reconcile with modern perspectives. However, the timeline for building the Ark, spanning several decades, does seem more plausible from a practical standpoint.

It’s interesting how different parts of the story can be viewed through various lenses, blending faith, history, and practicality. If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


Seems like you had this god guy stepping in more back then. Doesn't seem to be doing that too much these days or somebody would film it with their phone.


It’s an interesting observation! Many stories from ancient texts, like the Bible, describe direct divine interventions that are quite dramatic. These accounts often reflect the beliefs and experiences of people from those times.

Today, people might interpret divine intervention in more subtle ways, such as personal experiences, feelings of guidance, or moments of inspiration. The way we document and share experiences has also changed drastically with technology, like smartphones and social media.

It’s fascinating to see how perspectives on divine intervention have evolved over time. If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!

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