meme_kat 2 points ago +3 / -1

Wheat, corn, and soybeans are used in feed.

These crops are directly effected by the rise in fertilizer prices which jumped four to five times in price since the China export ban last August.Food prices you see today do not yet reflect the fertilizer export ban by Russia and Belarus.

Two things happen when fertilizer shortages happen, you have reduced crop yields and food prices go up.

There is also the war in Ukraine. Ukraine supplies around 30% of global wheat exports to the entire world.

It's a lot more complicated then you might believe. You will see these prices jump in the coming months.

meme_kat 7 points ago +7 / -0



REPOST comment:

The signs were there last fall if you knew what to look for.


China placed a hold on their potash fertilizer exports in August 2021 until the end of June 2022 which started driving up the prize of all fertilizers last fall. China's exports supplied roughly 20%+ of the global fertilizer market.

On top of this you now have Biden placing sanctions on Russia. Russia and Belarus have responded by reducing fertilizer exports until the end of 2022.

Russia and Belarus together make up around 40% of global fertilizer exports in 2021

Urea nitrogen based fertilizer is derived from natural gas (methane).

Biden's energy policies are effectively the goals of WEF Agenda 2030 which seeks to reduce production and usage of all fossil fuels

Less liquid natural gas (LNG) production = less global LNG supply = higher natural gas prices = higher costs for nitrogen fertilizer

This will result in lower crop yields and higher food prices globally. It will likely push small farmers into bankruptcy and lead to famine. Besides destruction of the middle class, consolidation of wealth, land, and other physical assets, WEF agenda 2030 could also be part of a depopulation agenda, but that's not stated publicly.

meme_kat 7 points ago +7 / -0

Normalizing it in schools means that children grow up thinking it isn't illness

Yuri Bezmenov was dead on in his assessment that the left have brainwashed new generations far beyond Russian predictions and are leading the US toward crisis.

meme_kat 4 points ago +4 / -0


Зигмунд Натанович
Replying to @stillgray
In case anybody needs the vid for a hmmm.... research purposes

Tweet: (includes video)

Video: (police raid)


Andrei Kislovsky, deputy of the Odessa City Council was detained. #Ukrainian counterintelligence suggested that the deputy was meeting with a Russian spy at the Nemo Hotel, but instead of a Russian agent, a transsexual named Jasmine turned out to be at the meeting with the deputy


meme_kat 1 point ago +1 / -0

See Black Mirror - s04e05 - "metalhead"

meme_kat 1 point ago +1 / -0


China has deployed robotic dogs to enforce the communist country’s COVID-19 “zero-COVID” strategy.

In a video filmed in Shanghai City, a robot dog is seen warning a locked-down community to stay in their houses and comply with COVID “safety” measures.

“Wear a mask, wash hands frequently, check temperature,” the dog cautions while patrolling the residential neighborhood.

On Monday, China began instituting its biggest city-wide lockdown since unleashing the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2019 to curb the spread of Omicron.

meme_kat 2 points ago +2 / -0

It appears she or her husband had an associate in organized crime, which took possession of the shipments. Without details it's all speculation on how the products were sold. I'd presume the products were shipped to another region or continent where police were bought off and they could be sold without potential for any investigation.

From the article:

As part of her job, Petrone-Codrington was authorized to make purchases for her department below $10,000.

Beginning in 2013, Petrone-Codrington ordered, or had her staffers order, millions of dollars in of electronics, including Microsoft Surface Pro tablets and iPads, from Yale vendors using the school's funds and arranged to ship the goods to an out-of-state business in exchange for money, which she then pocketed, according to documents.

As part of the scheme, Petrone-Codrington falsely represented on Yale internal forms and in emails that the equipment was for Yale Med needs, such as medical studies.

To cover up her crimes, Petrone-Codrington broke up the fraudulent purchases into orders below the $10,000 threshold that would require additional approval.

The out-of-state business, which resold the electronic equipment to customers, paid Petrone-Codrington by wiring funds into an account for Maziv Entertainment, a photography and video production company co-owned by her husband, in which she is listed as a principal.

meme_kat 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well this was Yale.

While they are a private institution, they have large budgets and millions upon millions of grants and this was their school of medicine.

The 40 million was stolen over eight years, so 5 million a year in purchases.

I do agree that it seems strange the frequent large orders did not raise red flags.

Other people in Yale had to be aware or involved and probably got kickbacks to look the other way.

Only Petrone-Codrington seems to have been charged since she's top of the food chain.

meme_kat 5 points ago +6 / -1

None of the articles reported this but Jamie Petrone-Codrington as a "Director of Finance and Administration" at Yale was pulling a salary in the range of $162,000-176,000/yr per a removed GlassDoor listing for this position at Yale with the entry listed as $166,796/yr

This is the link to the removed listing (it leads nowhere now)


You can see a description of the removed listing when scrolling down on this page. (i.e. orphan database entry)


Yale also determines final salary on " factors include: education and experience, internal equity, and budget."


Given that Jamie Petrone-Codrington was a minority, she was probably on the upper end of that pay scale due to the "internal equity" bonus

meme_kat 4 points ago +4 / -0

no star wars, no marvel movies, no indiana jones, no fox film productions (alien, etc)

meme_kat 11 points ago +11 / -0

2006, a time when Colbert was actually funny and didn't take himself too seriously.

That WHCD where he roasted Bush using satire for over an hour was up there as one of the greatest moments in the history of C-SPAN. Anyone honest would admit it was funny and took tremendous balls. The WHCD team clearly did not do their homework and thought they were getting a Republican comedian.

It's sad to see how far Colbert has fallen. Since he left comedy central to host the late show and dropped the role playing act he's just not funny anymore and has become far too partisan.

meme_kat 3 points ago +4 / -1

Sound effect also present in another broadcast. It was added by a sound engineer.

Live US broadcast on ABC


Playback at .25x speed and you'll see the sound effect actually starts before Smith makes 'contact' with Chris Rock

by pkvi
meme_kat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wrote a relevant response in another thread here


meme_kat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Disagree and...

You should refer to the Reddit Director of Policy



That is why it was so surprising that so little was made of the company’s decision to appoint foreign policy hawk Jessica Ashooh to the position of Director of Policy in 2017, at which time it was also the eight most visited site in the U.S. Ashooh, who had been a Middle East foreign policy wonk at NATO’s think tank the Atlantic Council, was appointed at around the same time that the Senate Select Intelligence Committee was demanding more control over the popular website, on the grounds that it was being used to spread disinformation. In her role as Director of Policy, she oversees all government relations and public policy for the company, in addition to managing content, product and advertising. Yet a Google search for “Jessica Ashooh Reddit” filtered between late 2016 and early 2017 (after she was appointed) elicits zero relevant results, meaning not one media outlet even mentioned the questionable appointment.

This is all the more hair-raising, given her resume as a high state official — all of which raises serious questions about the extent of collaboration between Silicon Valley and the national security state.

by pkvi
meme_kat 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is what happens when the voting systems are compromised.

The puppets that are protected have little fear of being removed by the serfs that they rule over.

meme_kat 7 points ago +7 / -0

Watched the first hour.

So far I'd say the most surprising thing about the documentary is how intelligent they make Putin appear by giving him an unfiltered forum to speak. He doesn't seem to hold back much.

It was also interesting how they document the Nazis in Ukraine not being prosecuted by The Nuremberg Trials. As Lara Logan stated in a recent interview, these aren't neo-nazis, they are actual Nazis and their descendants .

meme_kat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your long responses show that effort was spent and therefore out of respect for you I am responding back

Maybe just maybe I might actually get honest civil debate free of insults and trolling that answers questions without evasion or gaslighting.

despite your writing being full of poor logic and enough gratuitous transphobia for me to think you're trolling or crazy.

lol I guess it was too much to ask

Ironically, you seem to be trying to gaslight us.

Who would this us be? I've been transparent.

To answer your question more directly: Firstly, in my opinion it is not on topic. Conspiracy forums are about conspiracies and not social commentary from South Park or your own personal crusades.

Biological males receiving women's awards and competing in women's sports is a conspiracy.

The LGBTQ lobby has positioned itself within social media and intimidated, bullied, threatened, and canceled anyone that might say that a biological male is a transgender woman or question whether CIS women feel disenfranchised by biological males receiving women's awards and competing in women's competitions.

Biological Women are being abused and treated unfairly


That was the essence of the South Park 'social commentary'. Joe Rogan has discussed this as have many other comedians and public commentators.

This topic is not going away so long as biological males identifying as women seek to enter women's competitions, receive women's awards, be permitted in women's locker rooms and bathrooms et. al.


I didn't dodge anything

sure lol

I hope you aren't still holding on to the delusion that I myself am actually a r/conspiracy moderator.

sure lol

What is the TOS violation? Is it because the topic is simply LGBTQ, and controversial? Is it reporting that USA Today gave Rachel Levine a women of the year award? Is it stating that Rachel Levine is a biological man identifying as a woman? Is it stating that transgender women are biological males? Is it asking if CIS women feel disenfranchised by a biological male receiving a woman's award? Is it by raising any question it might unintentionally raise awareness that the LGBTQ lobby have been repeatedly trying to erase and censor 200+ years of human biology, psychology, medicine, and the field of science itself? None of these topics or questions are 'hate speech' or inciting violence.

You are working with a group of people in an attempt to harm the r/conspiracy subreddit. We know this because you were caught trying to bait people into violating the Reddit Content Policy. It is not plausible that you have a psychological need to remind transgender people about how they were born and you believe that conspiracy forums are the place to do that. Now you are trying to harm the reputation of that subreddit. It would not surprise me if your responses in this thread were a group effort.

And more dodging lol

You really appear incapable of engaging in honest discussion.

To restate:

I did not incite anyone to hate or promote violence against transgender people.

Posting a picture of Biden Assistant HHS secretary Rachel Levine winning USA Today 'women of the year' award and in the submission statement politely raising the question asking if CIS women feel disenfranchised by biological males identifying as transgender women when permitted to compete in awards and sports competitions is not promoting hate or inciting violence.

That is called debate.

Biological males have XY chromosomes in their DNA and are born with male physical characteristics. You can't simply wish this away even if you call yourself a woman.

The argument is based on human biology.

Also to repeat

I really am getting the distinct impression you are a mod of r/conspiracy trolling here to defend running a honeypot while issuing perm bans using private blacklists for wrongthink.

I am no part of SPLC or TMOR, but your motives are fairly transparent here. Did you really think coming here anonymously to peddle the same nonsense and defend your actions was going to look convincing?

I repeatedly stated I was willing to post within a sandbox and asked for a list of banned topics in r/conspiracy to prevent further misunderstanding. Mods refused to answer.

I compromised and communicated that in the future I would not state in r/conspiracy that a 'biological male is a transgender woman'

That was not good enough for the mod. They wanted me to bend the knee, grovel, and conform to their world view that saying or implying that a 'biological male is a transgender woman' is 'hate speech' and a TOS violation. As stated, I can agree not to discuss a list of banned topics in r/conspiracy, but will not be bullied into saying this is 'hate speech' and disregarding human biology.

If they would have said, please refrain from discussing LGBTQ as it could subject the sub to reprisal from Admin, I would have honored the request.

Irrelevant. I am going to guess that you have seen it in your very long discussion with the r/conspiracy mods. I am not one of those people.

sure lol

I hope that was all of your questions; you sometimes leave out the question mark.

You dodged all the relevant questions so again...

I see no reason to further continue responding to you if you are going to evade my questions, gaslight me, and not engage in honest discussion.

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