ludditebardd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, not really. There is little written about what druids did, and this is not one of those things that was written. Halloween was more like their new years eve, from what I've read. But I guess you can believe what you want.

ludditebardd 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its not showing anything for me. Is there something else I can do, or did it get taken down?

ludditebardd 8 points ago +8 / -0

AI is not designed to tell truth, at all. Not even a little bit. I mean, fuck the ADL and APAIC, but seriously fuck AI as well.

ludditebardd 0 points ago +1 / -1

This guy looks a bit like a Tom Hanks regect.

ludditebardd 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need them to grow up, especially the adult children.

ludditebardd 1 point ago +1 / -0

These are the poet "druids" of Wales. Its a cultural thing, and its insulting to some Welshmen that the queen got the invite at all considering the history between Wales and England. The event is called the eisteddfod.

Its not Khazarian Mafia, the welsh are fucked up enough without blaming it on someone else. Its not some devil worshiping BS, it is folk traditions meets overenthusiastic pride in ones heritage. And yes, by definition it is Larping.

But sure, let's degrade, belittle and shame a group of white guys having pride in their culture.

ludditebardd 5 points ago +5 / -0

Anything to get the populace worked up for war. It was probably something we put up there, said it was them, made a big show about it. Not the first time a government faked an incident to gain support for war. It could have even been a joint operation with Canada; they put it up there for us to "find", and theb blame it on China.

Seriously, would it have made it over the ocean and anywhere near our shores without being noticed? Seems highly unlikely to me.

ludditebardd 3 points ago +3 / -0

Corbett is one of the best researched, level headed dudes out there. Not sensationalist, not politically biased, or even religiously biased. He documents his work so others can look it up themselves. And when he does speculate he always tells you he is speculating, and does so from a perspective that is educated on the subject matter.
He doesn't have the reach of some of the bigger names because he is less a media personality and more of a journalist. And for all those reasons I wish the dude would write some books.