looknohands 0 points ago +1 / -1

Clone, shapeshifters, reptilians etc are all distractions. I am just talking genetics. The skeletal features mismatching soft tissue can be verified by your own observations. The thing about the finger gestures is they have muscle memory and a trained eye for them. With practice you can pick them up in real time instead of pictures. Join t.me/bognbogn and ask to see vid examples. One I can think of is Rudy Giuliani doing the gestures when Melissa Carone gave evidence of voter fraud. The "stop muh steal" was a psyop, Trump and Biden work together. Everyone you see, hear and read. t.me/bognbogn t.me/bognbognchat

by pkvi
looknohands 0 points ago +1 / -1

They are in the The Key image of the post you replied to. Every male pro sports person has female skeletal features. Here is Tom Skarkey and someone decided to get the same tattoo, female vs male, https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e6/9b/62/e69b624a60c949d47f0eddee4c33a7f4.jpg

Notice the down sloping clavicles on the man with female skull shape. Tom's clavicles are straight, like Audrey Hepburn, Jill Biden, Melania Trump etc etc

Jack Johnson, Marciano, Ali etc - female skull shape

by pkvi
looknohands 0 points ago +1 / -1

You have, you just don't notice it. Everyone you see, hear and read is. There is variation the women have enough hips. Some have less. Female skulls are narrower, peakier at the top, males are more box-shapes with a single curve at the top. Male eyes are wider apart, notice all the women with wide spaced eyes? Wide spaced down sloping eyes on these women is a tell eg Marilyn Monroe. And the massive smiles from big jaws. Female clavicles slope down not like Audrey Hepburn. So this is not "transgender" like transitioning. This is what we call "trannish". The thing is it's genetically associated with psychopathic lying and also much of the LGBTQIA group. Also autism. So this is massive but people wont look.

Cartilage is part of the skeletal system and it keeps growing/stretching with age. That's why the older women look more male. And men like Elton John etc look like old women. Surely you have noticed?

Some of the montages are here on pinterest. BOGNs on pinterest

Psychopaths The Key

Finger gestures are how they organize. Its muscle and eye memory so it seems crazy until you try it enough and suddenly there is it. They Live.

Join the channel and chat group BOGNs BOGNs chat

We need more people just saying "Watch their fingers."

by pkvi
looknohands 0 points ago +1 / -1

They are not transgender. They have soft tissue one gender and skeletal structures the other. I call this trannish. There is no word for it because they don't want you to know, think about it. Its genetic and associated with psychopathic lying. Probably a mutation 4000+ years ago. The finger gestures are how they network together. The entire Jenga tower of lies collapses. BOGns

by pkvi
looknohands 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's possibly a psyop or works as one. The real enemy is the psycho trannish hive. They have soft tissue one gender, skeletal the other. That is everyone you see, hear and read. Plus lots of local ones too. They are not transgender, there is no transition. This is a psyop to disguise that people are noticing Biden has a female skull. All the men do. Reverse for women. More noticeable as they get older because cartilage is skeletal and starts to show more. This is genetic and associated with their psychopathic lying.

They coordinate with finger gestures. Find out more and ask questions here BOGNs BOGNs chat

by DrLeaks
looknohands -4 points ago +1 / -5

Watch their fingers.

Chansley is another psycho trannish finger lying monster. They Live.

Chansley Insurrection HOAX

Antifa is a HOAX psyop. Andy Ngo


BOGNs chat

by DrLeaks
looknohands 0 points ago +1 / -1

Watch their fingers.

Chansley is another psycho trannish finger lying monster. They Live.

Chansley Insurrection HOAX

Antifa is a HOAX psyop. Andy Ngo


BOGNs chat

looknohands 0 points ago +1 / -1

Assuming you are genuine show me some observations that tend to show I am wrong. For example a prominent male with a male skull shape. Shouldn't be too hard. Or a female with a female skull shape. I'll wait.

There are two things you can't see and have to deduce. They are trained from birth in these gestures. So they do them by muscle memory and deliberately. Also their eyes are trained to see them, even subtle ones. So triangles and one eye and all that is not it. Instead the rotation of the hand to make the phalanges more prominent. First knuckle not bent as natural forming a 'claw' shape. Small gaps in fingers. Odd gaps. The devils horns with the middle fingers just slightly out of alignment. You can see JFK and Jackie doing this. Then there is the "Smoking finger" from the Warren Commission. It's been in your face all this time.

The gestures all mean "I am one of you. I might be lying. Join my psyop. Take either side, it doesnt matter." Who to you think these weird crowds doing all these seemingly random protests and counter-protests are? Watch their fingers.

Join the BOGNs and discuss.

looknohands -1 points ago +1 / -2

Another one was Aspergers have a montage showing how there footprints are all over it. Mass shooters Martin Bryant of Port Arthur and Adam Lanza of Sandy Hook. Neither had Aspergers and both were psycho trannish in on the hoaxes.

Asperger Psyop

Psychopaths Watch their fingers

People cant understand the gestures are from birth in the families. So it's muscle memory. And its sensitivity to them like a tradesman can spot a fault. Practice watching for them, news, popular youtubers. Local psycho trannish as well, churches group leaders.

Four common things: 1 Psychopaths 2 Trannish (not transgender), soft tissue one gender, skeletal signs of the other. 3 Finger gestures 4 Trained from birth.

Trans is almost a psyop itself. Certainly a misdirection. It points at transitioned people whos minds dont match their bodies. While nobody seems to notice everyone you see, hear and read is trannish. Jazz Jennings might not be transgender. There is some variation in females. She could be in the smaller group that includes Ash Barty and Judith Durham of The Seekers.

The logistics psyops and hoaxes requires a sufficient number of cooperating reliable liars. This it what we call The Hive. The psycho trannish Hive.


BOGNs chat

looknohands -5 points ago +3 / -8

But muh shoes, muh 33 in Chaldean, she was after adrenochrome. JFK coming back. Watch the water. She changed shoes!!! That's it we win!!!!!!!!!!!!

looknohands -3 points ago +1 / -4

0:30 Chin touch to show its a hive psyop operation.

0:31 Odd finger spacing on the hair brush.

1:52 Upturned claw from reddit founder Steve Huffman. Reddit is a hive disinfo/gatekeeper site. Same as Gab, telegram etc.

3:22 He talks about karma. This is set by Gen Flynns "Army or Digital Soldiers". My karma was -30 after two posts.

3:54 Maxwell is another psycho trannish hive psyop. WATCH HER FINGERS.

4:16 Epstein child trafficking is a psyop.

4:32 Wikileaks is a hive disinfo. Fake like psycho trannish Assange. Watch his fingers.

Psychopathic Liars Club

He says 500k subs which means the moderator was a hive operative. Banning them gives them credibility. Its a psyop.

Here for now


BOGNs chat

looknohands 0 points ago +2 / -2

A proper definition of Aspergers would include "low psychopathy". This is a key they don't mention. Why? Because it would raise the question "Who has high psychopathy?". The merger was to memory hole the connection to psychopathy. I am accusing the medical establishment of being lying psychopaths. Challenging all the "peer review", "trust the science", "source" narrative.

They control everything you see, hear and read. All kinds of misdirection. The key is they are psychopathic and self selecting inbreeding. It is connected to their trannish genetics. Notice how some men have weird tall heads now?

Greta the scientist

Everywhere you look had their fingerprints Thalidomide

Another woke hero. Notice she is pictured with Greta. Malala

Join the BOGNs army. The only thing they fear is exposure.



by DrLeaks
looknohands 0 points ago +3 / -3

How much of this bs will it take for you to realize they are pulling your leg.

Trannish Psychopaths

t.me/bognbogn t.me/bognbognchat

looknohands -1 points ago +1 / -2

Or alternatively they are Hive disinfo agents that don't like me exposing the Hive.

Some forum that does not have one useful theory. Look at the things that get posted and nobody reacts to flat earth, fed reserve, long convid psyop, jews, aids, bohemian grove, talmud, Antarctic nazi bases and muh adrenochrome.

by Losus4
looknohands -5 points ago +1 / -6

Watch their fingers.

Starts with Paul right hand doing middle and index finger together indicating this is a hoax.

1:58 John doing double V. Paul left hand little finger. George index finger promoted. Ringo

4:21 'claw' gesture

4:59 George doing phalanges promotion. John the finger grip. Ringo the woven fingers.

5:49 All of them.

6:38 George Paul Ringo phalanges promotion. John hand in pocket.

13:28 More illuminati/satanic/one-eye psyop. It's just the fingers.

13:45 Paul left hand finger to the side.

It's just the fingers doing anything.


BOGNs chat

looknohands -2 points ago +1 / -3

Daniel Negreanu

0:00 Hand in fist.

0:005 Flashes 'claw' in both hands.

0:01 Right hand index finger.

0:18 Right hand fingers offset.

Daniel has 726K subs. Also a female skull shape.

looknohands -3 points ago +1 / -4

Shaun has 766k subs.

0:00 Shaun left hand index and middle finger promoted. Guest spread fingers.

0:08 Guest doing some claw with left hand.

0:23 Guest right hand vulcan V. Left hand devils horns. These names are just for description The gestures actually have no names or meaning. Other than "Im one of you. I might be lying. Back up my lies. Join my psyop.

0:49 Skipping a few. Left hand two fingers together. Right hand two fingers.

The video is full of these gestures.

Notice they both have female skull shapes.

Shaun Attwood

looknohands -4 points ago +1 / -5

Harald Baldr travel youtuber with 2.33m subs. I really like Harald. He starts at 0:11 with some claws. At 2:35 he does this subtle claw with the camera handle. I find I pick these up so easily now. Watch their fingers.

[Harald Baldr](https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=afZliJBMk8I&ab_channel=HaraldBaldr)

looknohands -1 points ago +2 / -3

Watch his fingers. This is comms to say he is doing hive psyop. Lying.

Tim Pool

looknohands -1 points ago +1 / -2

Everyone you see hear and read has a mismatch between soft tissue gender and skeletal. Everyone you see hear and read does these finger gestures. And nobody can sense a conspiracy? What if that genetic marker of the gender mismatch was genetically associated with a type of psychopathy. Lying, conning, betrayal and even destruction. All these psyops and hoaxes rely on a sufficient number of coordinated liars.


Watch their fingers.

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