grognar_the_ape 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe the word undocumented is used because if there was no support from the US Govt and private businesses (who both support and hire illegal aliens), there would be no financial incentive to remain in the USA. Undocumented is a way to bring to light the complicity of our govt and private businesses who actively break the law. But, yeah, it’s them illegals who are to blame. Fuck off with your harassment larp.

grognar_the_ape 1 point ago +1 / -0

We don’t need fake fiction to express a point, or are you 12 years old?

grognar_the_ape 1 point ago +3 / -2

You sound like a self indulgent twit.

grognar_the_ape 1 point ago +1 / -0

Relying on a philosophical reference doesn’t really make your argument sound either. You just sound like a broken record repeating Occam’s blah blah blah like a naive philosophy 101 student....

grognar_the_ape 7 points ago +7 / -0

Same with the face mask argument!

Fuck redditors. I’ve been living in Canada and watching the daily deluge of gas lighting “wear your face mask or else” videos in r/all (fucking cesspool). Countless videos of people being accosted or shamed for not wearing a mask. I’ve just now returned to the United States and moved to the Deep South and guess what....NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT FACE MASKS!!!!

Inside of any super market or large retail store, there’s a good mix of folks wearing and not wearing face masks. Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody cares if you aren’t wearing a mask. Nobody bars you from entering a store without one. It’s so damn liberating and refreshing to now be living amongst people who are not afraid.

Fuck Reddit and their incessant fear mongering!

grognar_the_ape 2 points ago +3 / -1

You mean factions vs. factions? A song as old as time. We seem to love that tune!

Trump was needed to bring some “Game of Thrones” style entertainment to politics. He brought WWE flavour and gave people exactly what they wanted: political entertainment and a chance to LARP as a way to bring meaning to their otherwise empty lives.

He was used. Whether he was a willing participant is still unknown. But, the swamp of power playing factions used him up and, at the very end, cast him aside once his usefulness expired. Then, the factions unified and protected their corrupt electoral system. There is no other explanation for what just happened.

grognar_the_ape 11 points ago +11 / -0

I don’t believe this larp even though it is what I want to believe. Trump even said it himself. Nobody supports him because the optics would show that they are giving in to his demands and that it would appear to some as “doing the bidding of the dictator.”

So, he needs to show that his hand has absolutely no influence, thus the need for the military to step in. Trump is being too quiet and either than means there’s a plan still in action or that he was truly (unfairly) defeated and there’s nothing more he can do. My most cynical self believes he was controlled opposition this entire time. I hope I’m wrong.