A few days ago I was notified that my YouTube account, which I've had since 2007, was removed (~500 videos). I primarily make ragtime piano vids and I've been a touring member of the band Postmodern Jukebox.

Five days before the removal, I pinned this megathread on Twitter detailing how YouTube has systematically censored my channel for over a decade, starting with my early antiwar/anti-bankster songs from the 00's.

In 2014, my parody of "Foil by Weird Al went viral, but YouTube froze the view count at just a few thousand for years, ultimately removing hundreds of thousands of views from it.

The following year, my Wernher von Braun update of the Tom Lehrer classic went viral too, but again was heavily suppressed. I call out the CIA and their coups here.

I couldn't leave out the good ol' FBI, so I tackled them next with Mueller Time which exposed the Russiagate hoax and decades of FBI fuckery.

YouTube tolerated all of these songs because my channel was heavily shadowbanned and censored. I was being heavily managed and not yet "big" enough to ban.

In 2020, I wrote the Pandemic Dance, which may be one of the first definitive and comprehensive songs giving and overview of the COVID scam. It was heavily shadowbanned on YouTube, but went viral anyway partly due to getting featured on /r/conspiracy (since removed by the admins).

BTW, that forum is unrecognizable from just a few years ago (why I'm x-posting here). Clearly an overhaul happened there because there have been 0 pertinent stickies for 3 years and the comment sections are overrun with rule violations and the unhinged scum that have blatantly consumed the rest of reddit like a festering wound.

YouTube incredibly tried to remove this video in Jan 2022, a year and a half after I posted it (trying to cover their tracks). Even more surprisingly, they restored it after I appealed, however it remained heavily shadowbanned. At the same time, YouTube removed my increasingly viral song "Oy Vey" for "hate speech" despite the song clearly being satirical in nature. This was the only video I've ever had removed because of a content warning.

My Election Fraud song tackled the 2020 election conspiracies...some of which have already been vindicated. This may have been my most suppressed video on YouTube, even more than Pandemic Dance.

I was singing about Myocarditis and the jab in 2021 for those claiming "we didn't know!" back then. Yeah, we did. By removing these songs, YouTube is destroying evidence.

My anthem for the Canadian truckers was played during the protests (I'm told).

I even wrote a song for Reddit! Most of these songs went "viral" to some degree, and all were heavily suppressed and had their views/likes reduced artificially.

Ironically, the song that may have ultimately prompted the ban was You Will Never Be a Woman. If you actually listen to this song, the lyrics are very tame, and it's one of my sweeter, more uplifting numbers.

Sadly, there's a certain fanatical contingent out there that didn't even bother to listen to it and who've determined I need to be destroyed over it, or something. After posting it in late 2021, I was doxxed, sent death threats, and almost fired from my job (I WAS ultimately fired for not getting vaxxed, but that's a different story). Over a year later, I STILL get harassed in my live streams due to this one song...it's an incredible phenomenon. I sing songs about the vax being poison and biden being a pedo and nobody really cared...but I sang ONE song saying kids shouldn't choose their genders and...literal death threats. These people...

I'm fairly confident my channel was mass-reported/flagged because "You Will Never Be a Woman" was about to hit 100k views. Reading the comment section, I could see there was a concerted effort to get my channel banned before this (arbitrary and insignificant) milestone.

My last "big" video was called "mRNA: Speed of Science" and this went so viral even YouTube couldn't hold it back. Despite the usual suppression, it had almost reached 100k (real view count likely 5-10x higher).

YouTube has been "tolerating" me for years. They've systemically censored and gaslit me this entire time. It's actually pretty unconscionable. I can't even imagine the scope of what they're doing to countless other artists and content creators. With the rise of alternative media, I've finally been able to break free of the stranglehold they had on me and my channel. Because of Gab, Telegram, BitChute, Odysee, Rumble, .win, etc, my videos actually started reaching the wider audience they deserve. YouTube couldn't have that. They wanted me controlled and marginalized.

"You Will Never Be a Woman" hitting 100k was just the excuse.

YouTube said to expect the appeal process to take about 2 business days...I appealed on Wednesday and didn't hear back before the weekend. I'm assuming I'll find out their decision soon, but won't be holding my breath.

A few legends like Five Times August have already stood up for me, but it's unlikely I'll be able to reach the critical mass necessary to "Streisand" my way out of this one.

In the meantime, you can follow on Odysee, BitChute, Rumble, Gab, Telegram and Twitch (for now)...I'm "foundring" on all of them (@foundring1 on Twitter).


hey gang. in the long, long ago my song "pandemic dance" was featured on /r/conspiracy. it's been removed by reddit now. youtube tried to delete it for medical misinfo too (but restored it after I appealed). just the other day they slapped a "deboonked by CDC" warning on the new version which was an honor.

so I finally got around to making better quality recordings of some of my conspiracy-themed songs. it's just me with zero experience using audacity/linux and a couple 20-year-old synths. despite that there are some good & juicy conspiracy tracks in here.

you can download WAV/MP3s here if you want to throw some support, but the whole thing is on youtube, odysee and bitchute:

youtube playlist

  1. You Will Never Be a Woman - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  2. HONK! HONK! HONK! - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  3. trunalimunumaprzure - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  4. No Russian Ever Called Me a Cracker - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  5. My NPC and Me - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  6. Mueller Time - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  7. Oy Vey, Shut It Down - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  8. So Long, Mom - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  9. Foil - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  10. We Did It, Reddit! - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  11. Wernher von Braun - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  12. I Told You so - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  13. A Russian Fantasy - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  14. Election Fraud - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  15. Mass Formation - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  16. Alex Jones Was Right - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  17. National Brotherhood Week - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  18. Pandemic Dance - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  19. I-V-vi-IV - youtube, odysee, bitchute

  20. Swindler’s Grift - youtube, odysee, bitchute



7 months ago this video was featured here (thanks!). It was also featured on /r/conspiracy a couple of years ago but looks like that thread got nuked.

Backstory: Been on YT since 07, channel was mostly dead (I focus on ragtime piano etc). Since I sometimes make songs about conspiracies, youtube is suppressing my channel, which I've proven over the years. Whatever, I don't really care. 2 months ago I was at 6k subs after 15 years. Then I made this song: You Will Never Be a Woman. I didn't think much of it at first (it got only a handful of views) but in early Dec it blew up on the chans.

Ironically, I've been trying to make music for normies for 15 years with no success. And sometimes I get bored and do a spicy song. well this time, ppl started actually saying nice things and actually encouraged me to write more, a surprise after years of making videos with no comments. Clearly ppl were starved for this kind of music.

So then I made this: Oy Vey, Shut It Down. Give the people what they want, right? I'm very proud of this song. I wrote it in a single setting and recorded it the next day. I've had a handful of viral videos over the years, but this was VIRAL. It had 40k views on YT when it was pulled, but I think the real number was at least 10x that. I've caught YT removing hundreds of thousands of views before on my videos.

I wrote Oy Vey to test YT. I have songs that deconstruct russiagate, trannies, the 2020 election fraud, and the COVID scam. None of them were removed because they were suppressed enough and my channel isn't popular enough. also they're just songs! Well that started to change after Oy Vey. I jumped up 3k subs in a couple of weeks, and the video was getting thousands of views every day. And it wasn't stopping. It was the most activity I've ever had on a video.

What does this have to do with Pandemic Dance? Well that's my most important video. I spell out the entire plandemic back in September 2020, before all the conspiracies went mainstream. And in a song! It can't (shouldn't) be censored that way. Songs are (should be) safe.

So I made Pandemic Dance my featured video a while back. New ppl coming to my channel saw that first. It was ballsy because I already knew youtube had removed it from search results (try finding it by searching for "do the rona" or "the pandemic dance"). This meant that the thousands of new ppl finding my channel were finding the pandemic dance video too, and it started getting boosted in views. Just to be clear, the pandemic dance song completely dismantles covid and pandemics. it's a thorn for the narrative, even if it's just a silly video. It was made in Sept 2020 which is what counts.

So I knew YT was updating its terms on Jan 5 so I quickly made Alex Jones Was Right on the 4th as maybe a "last word" in case my channel got taken down. Instead on the 5th I got a notice that "Oy Vey" was removed for "hate speech" and pandemic dance for "medical misinformation." It was only a matter of time for oy vey, I WROTE the damn thing to taunt youtube and dare them to remove it. They did, and I won. They showed that a certain group can't be satirized. Big hmmmmmm. But I was surprised to see they removed pandemic dance. That was a bigger deal to me.

I appealed both, and my oy vey appeal was denied almost immediately. I didn't hear back for 2 days about Pandemic Dance, but to my actual shock, it was RESTORED on the 7th. It's a big win for me. That song was therapeutic. It was important for me at the time to put my emotions/feelings into art like that. YT removing it was a blow to that feeling, because I could always point to it and say SEE, I sung about ALL this back in 2020. I'm really happy it's back, even though it's still shadowbanned. I find its initial removal very interesting. Why risk the streisand effect, even small, by removing it alongside oy vey? The removal of oy vey got a lot of attention, and so I was able to broadcast about pandemic dance at the same time.

I'm assuming someone at YT saw it as my featured video when they were dealing with Oy Vey and they decided to take pandemic dance down too. In my appeal I said something like "who is taking medical advice from a song that starts out claiming JP Morgan sunk the Titanic on purpose?" lol, whatever happened, it worked.

Check out my Odysee, bitchute, and rumble accounts in case anything happens to youtube. you can watch Oy Vey, Shut It Down on odysee and bitchute too. You can also stream/purchase it (and pandemic dance) at my bandcamp.

I thought this sequence of events was really interesting and felt like sharing here, esp since this video was featured here before. I won't lose sleep over Oy Vey. Ppl have already reuploaded it on youtube, with thousands of views, and yt hasn't acted. It's just more proof the song itself wasn't the problem, just that it was getting too much attention for even the yt censors. but I get a sense that restoring pandemic dance, even though it's just a song, marks a shift or a sea change. They can't keep a handle on the truth anymore. it's tough, but fun, being on the right side of history. thanks guys!


My song "The Pandemic Dance (do the 'rona)" was censored on reddit and then featured here a while back.

Now that it's been a year, here's one I wrote about the 2020 election:

Election F**** (You Can't Say the "F" Word)

bitchute link


here's a tale that lifts the veil revealing quite a show

we cast our vote, at last we hope our troubles and our woes

will go the way of dodos we know, fo’ sho’

our candidate's the man to begin demanding liberation from sin

The Holy Creed of Democracy

see, there's a plan to rule the land by some inbred psychopaths

they fund all war and when they're bored hey, society collapses

and soon they swoop in our masters, if you don't play along

they'll coup your whole government and sue you if you dissent

'til you're shilling the sheen of democracy

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they got away with JFK

but you can't say the "F" word..."fuck?" no, election f****

with our phones in hand they could hatch their plan and the media complied

they virally conspired leaving billions troubled and blind

an indescribable crime we cannot abide

while this weary world is nearly consumed with panic, mass psychosis and doom

this "virus" is our hypocrisy

they waited for a hundred years but they rushed it into play

the Orange One came and changed the game pushing them to engage

their terror technocratic plague they cannot abide

the sovereignty of nations they want to keep us all on plantations

in perpetual aristocracy

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they carpet bombed half of Vietnam

but you can't say the "F" word...fuck no, election fraud

with the world locked up they said what luck we'll have them vote by mail

on election day we'll fabricate whatever we need to prevail

no chain of custody, no trail there's no way that we fail

we only have to flip a few cities by morning we'll be more than sitting pretty

in darkness dies democracy

they told a bunch of Ruby’s to be ready on your mark

then pallets of fake ballots were delivered after dark

to start the presidential LARP it wasn't that hard

cuz even though we caught them red-handed social media just up and banned it

see, it's easy to make deep fake democracy

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they guarded poppy fields for 30 years

but you can't say the "F" word...fuck no, election fraud

the algorithms rigged the difference when paper didn't suffice

those dominions and smartmatics have this habit of counting twice

just blame it on the device that no judge will provide

cuz that source code's a super trade secret of course nobody can peek at

the hacking of democracy

late that night some satellites from italia were told

to start correcting records 'til they showed old Joe was golden

even though he never was chosen his votes were so low

they had to stop the counting completely they couldn't even do it discretely

the global, ignoble autocracy

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they'll blow to bits some Syrian kids

but you can't say the "F" word...fuck no, election fraud

with COVID they rewrote the laws so flaws and fraud could fly

despite the Constitution exclusively giving State Legislatures that right

cuz they have the most oversight that the public provides

but they got the governors and judges to never, ever bother to budge

by blackmailing, bribes and bureaucracy

on that fateful day they chased away poll watchers everywhere

“no, you can't see cuz this disease you're sneezing into the air

we'll just count these all over there it's perfectly fair

we'll fortify until our guy wins

committing all the cardinal sins

for the carnival oligarchy”

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they'll turn the blindest eye to crony corporate crime

but you can't say the "F" word…fuck no, election fraud

first "muh Russia" then Ukraine they plainly weaponized the press

despite his faults the Orange Man made them fanatically obsessed

revealing the viper's nest that thrives on our distress

so they picked a pedo puppet like Biden

he ain't even at the White House he's hidin'

behind US Corporatocracy

did ya wonder why ol' Hunter's drive was swept into the shade?

sure, he played "daddy" to niece Natty but it was the chicoms who had saved

all Hunter's underage escapades while the media played

24-7 delusions paid for propping up the illusion

that we still believe in democracy

so they prepared a scary January when the votes were certified

instead of hearing valid arguments they acted like a thousand people died

when they let a few hundred wander inside another obvious lie

so they swiftly censored alternate voices

their power needs the illusion of choice

rejoice in your democracy

doncha think it's a little odd that people are playing God?

they're trying to keep from you that you're Divine too

just don't forget to say the "F" word...we are Free

Hi! With the nuking of NNN reddit is officially dead (if it wasn't already).

My song "The Pandemic Dance (do the 'rona)" was censored on reddit and then featured here a few months ago. Thanks for the encouragement btw!

I made a new song about the 2020 election, check it out!

Election F**** (You Can't Say the "F" Word)

bitchute link


here's a tale that lifts the veil revealing quite a show

we cast our vote, at last we hope our troubles and our woes

will go the way of dodos we know, fo’ sho’

our candidate's the man to begin demanding liberation from sin

The Holy Creed of Democracy

see, there's a plan to rule the land by some inbred psychopaths

they fund all war and when they're bored hey, society collapses

and soon they swoop in our masters, if you don't play along

they'll coup your whole government and sue you if you dissent

'til you're shilling the sheen of democracy

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they got away with JFK

but you can't say the "F" word..."fuck?" no, election f****

with our phones in hand they could hatch their plan and the media complied

they virally conspired leaving billions troubled and blind

an indescribable crime we cannot abide

while this weary world is nearly consumed with panic, mass psychosis and doom

this "virus" is our hypocrisy

they waited for a hundred years but they rushed it into play

the Orange One came and changed the game pushing them to engage

their terror technocratic plague they cannot abide

the sovereignty of nations they want to keep us all on plantations

in perpetual aristocracy

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they carpet bombed half of Vietnam

but you can't say the "F" word...fuck no, election fraud

with the world locked up they said what luck we'll have them vote by mail

on election day we'll fabricate whatever we need to prevail

no chain of custody, no trail there's no way that we fail

we only have to flip a few cities by morning we'll be more than sitting pretty

in darkness dies democracy

they told a bunch of Ruby’s to be ready on your mark

then pallets of fake ballots were delivered after dark

to start the presidential LARP it wasn't that hard

cuz even though we caught them red-handed social media just up and banned it

see, it's easy to make deep fake democracy

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they guarded poppy fields for 30 years

but you can't say the "F" word...fuck no, election fraud

the algorithms rigged the difference when paper didn't suffice

those dominions and smartmatics have this habit of counting twice

just blame it on the device that no judge will provide

cuz that source code's a super trade secret of course nobody can peek at

the hacking of democracy

late that night some satellites from italia were told

to start correcting records 'til they showed old Joe was golden

even though he never was chosen his votes were so low

they had to stop the counting completely they couldn't even do it discretely

the global, ignoble autocracy

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they'll blow to bits some Syrian kids

but you can't say the "F" word...fuck no, election fraud

with COVID they rewrote the laws so flaws and fraud could fly

despite the Constitution exclusively giving State Legislatures that right

cuz they have the most oversight that the public provides

but they got the governors and judges to never, ever bother to budge

by blackmailing, bribes and bureaucracy

on that fateful day they chased away poll watchers everywhere

“no, you can't see cuz this disease you're sneezing into the air

we'll just count these all over there it's perfectly fair

we'll fortify until our guy wins

committing all the cardinal sins

for the carnival oligarchy”

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they'll turn the blindest eye to crony corporate crime

but you can't say the "F" word…fuck no, election fraud

first "muh Russia" then Ukraine they plainly weaponized the press

despite his faults the Orange Man made them fanatically obsessed

revealing the viper's nest that thrives on our distress

so they picked a pedo puppet like Biden

he ain't even at the White House he's hidin'

behind US Corporatocracy

did ya wonder why ol' Hunter's drive was swept into the shade?

sure, he played "daddy" to niece Natty but it was the chicoms who had saved

all Hunter's underage escapades while the media played

24-7 delusions paid for propping up the illusion

that we still believe in democracy

so they prepared a scary January when the votes were certified

instead of hearing valid arguments they acted like a thousand people died

when they let a few hundred wander inside another obvious lie

so they swiftly censored alternate voices

their power needs the illusion of choice

rejoice in your democracy

doncha think it's a little odd that people are playing God?

they're trying to keep from you that you're Divine too

just don't forget to say the "F" word...we are Free


Hi! I shared this on reddit last year and it got wiped. I don't have anywhere else to post these sources and someone recommended sharing it here. I will link this thread to YT.

YT has "shadowbanned" this video from search results. "The pandemic dance" will not pull up the video. "do the rona" brings up my channel, but not the video. must've done something right. plz enjoy!

youtube (turn on subtitles)




Mr. Johnny Rockefeller back in 1909

said, “Hey JP Morgan, heard you got a cruise line

let’s make two titanic ships

(it’s OK if one of them’s shit)

we’ll swap ‘em in the evening when they go to sleep

we’ll sink one to the bottom of the ocean deep

and everyone we don’t like

will have a watery night”

now with a lack of competition and a whole lotta nerve

they chuckled as they called it the quote “Federal Reserve”

but it left them still wanting more

so they instigated a “great” war

and the soldiers on the front lines all lined up for their shots

and Bayer said “here have some aspirin, don’t worry take lots!”

then young men began to die

for an electromagnetic lie

I’ve got the flus

this darn flu done made me sick

it’s true I’ve got the flu-u-u-u-u-u-us

I’m doin’ the panic Hispanic

old Rockefeller sure loved his petroleums

he barked at all the doctors “don’t use plants, use my drugs!”

and ever since then we’ve been sick

they’ve patented every trick

now in New York 1916 there was this “polio”

it came from a Rockefeller lab, well wouldn’t ya know? they still blamed it on immigrants

never mind the scientist fingerprints

now in a time when doctors smoked a pack before noon

they sprayed the skies with pesticides, kids played in it too

like that good ol’ DDT

rinse, repeat: “it’s good for me-e!!”

they blamed the sickness on a virus they could barely see

to try and hide their poisonous lies cause most every disease

they searched for the Holy Vaccine

of the Church of Science Obscene

you’ve got the polio

you should trust your doctor he knows

oh no you’ve the poli-oli-olio

you’ve got the polio woes

now a sneaky monkey molecule got in that vaccine

and a doctor named Bernice said “hey wait, don’t you see,

this could keep causing cancer for years!”

they collectively covered their ears

see there’s money to be made in pushing vaccine adoption

so they bought up the doctor’s institutes to eliminate the option

see how easy we can be controlled

when the enemy’s invisible

then in the 80’s they created a new sinister plan

they spread contaminated products ‘cross the land

and surprise, it made folks quite ill

so they just prescribed them more poisonous pills

now in comes Dr. Fauci he’s the man of the hour

hey Tony, why not give Big Pharma all of the power?

you can sell the pandemics you’ve made

just them that it’s the germs to blame

you’ve got AIDS

but it’s OK, have some AZT

you’ve got the full blown, full blown AIDS

and we swear it’s from HIV

Bill Gates’ daddy was a baddie, he said “listen son,

they’ll call you a philanthropist and when you are done

the world will bend to its knees

to the technocratic elite

we’ll scare them all with measles and pretend that it’s rough

and we’ll cancel when the Brady Bunch called out our bluff

then shame them until they receive

every experimental vaccine”

pandemic propaganda playin’ stupid games (it’s the name of the game)

ebola, zika gotta pick a spooky name

and swine flu was a big hoax

an endless epidemic of jokes

see the Rockefeller family’s still the talk of the town

they want us all in Lock Step, and to shut the world down

their goal is absolute control

so they told us “you’ll all catch colds!”

you’ve got the ‘rona

can’t you see how you sniffle and sneeze?

oh no you’ve got the co-co-co-co-ro-ona

you’ve got the COVID-19’s

now Tony told Obama “time to take our diseases

and ship ‘em overseas where we can do what we please

and then we’ll try to do a coup

meanwhile we’ll proselytize the WHO

now Winnie the Pooh in China loves this tyranny shit

we’ll bribe and threaten governments to follow the script

and we’ll even tell them in advance

Event 201 states the plan

they bought up all the media it’s frighteningly clear

after 9/11 they’ve been feeding us fear

it’s the oldest trick in the book

I guess that’s why us frogs keep gettin’ cooked

people rarely question when their infection is fear

they want us masked so the illusion lasts for many more years

‘til we fall in line for the vaccine

the revolving door of disease

you’ve got the ‘rona

can’t you see how you sniffle and sneeze?

oh no you’ve got the co-co-co-co-ro-ona

(just don’t say it’s caused by 5G)

well they say Pasteur is the master but he’s certainly not

Béchamp was champion that history mostly forgot

no viruses are to blame as the cause of your toxic terrain

see when a cell gets ill it spills a lil’ DNA

and the scientists say “hey look, a virus!” and call it a day

just make sure you brought your insurance

they’re into treatments but never cures

now that our lives are paralyzed by veritable spooks

the governments lie and hypnotize and put on their jackboots

“together alone” we clap our hands

to the rhythm of the Pandemic Dance

coronavirus was devised to rule us through fear

but it can’t survive if we unite that’s crystal clear they’re criminalizing our thoughts

you can’t question the Holocoughs!

say no to the ‘rona

don’t you know that fear’s the disease

say no to the ‘ro-o-o-o-ona

say no to COVID-19

say no to the ‘rona

don’t you know that fear’s the disease

say no to the ‘ro-o-o-ona

say no to COVID-19