posted ago by foundring ago by foundring +3 / -1

Hi! With the nuking of NNN reddit is officially dead (if it wasn't already).

My song "The Pandemic Dance (do the 'rona)" was censored on reddit and then featured here a few months ago. Thanks for the encouragement btw!

I made a new song about the 2020 election, check it out!

Election F**** (You Can't Say the "F" Word)

bitchute link


here's a tale that lifts the veil revealing quite a show

we cast our vote, at last we hope our troubles and our woes

will go the way of dodos we know, fo’ sho’

our candidate's the man to begin demanding liberation from sin

The Holy Creed of Democracy

see, there's a plan to rule the land by some inbred psychopaths

they fund all war and when they're bored hey, society collapses

and soon they swoop in our masters, if you don't play along

they'll coup your whole government and sue you if you dissent

'til you're shilling the sheen of democracy

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they got away with JFK

but you can't say the "F" word..."fuck?" no, election f****

with our phones in hand they could hatch their plan and the media complied

they virally conspired leaving billions troubled and blind

an indescribable crime we cannot abide

while this weary world is nearly consumed with panic, mass psychosis and doom

this "virus" is our hypocrisy

they waited for a hundred years but they rushed it into play

the Orange One came and changed the game pushing them to engage

their terror technocratic plague they cannot abide

the sovereignty of nations they want to keep us all on plantations

in perpetual aristocracy

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they carpet bombed half of Vietnam

but you can't say the "F" word...fuck no, election fraud

with the world locked up they said what luck we'll have them vote by mail

on election day we'll fabricate whatever we need to prevail

no chain of custody, no trail there's no way that we fail

we only have to flip a few cities by morning we'll be more than sitting pretty

in darkness dies democracy

they told a bunch of Ruby’s to be ready on your mark

then pallets of fake ballots were delivered after dark

to start the presidential LARP it wasn't that hard

cuz even though we caught them red-handed social media just up and banned it

see, it's easy to make deep fake democracy

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they guarded poppy fields for 30 years

but you can't say the "F" word...fuck no, election fraud

the algorithms rigged the difference when paper didn't suffice

those dominions and smartmatics have this habit of counting twice

just blame it on the device that no judge will provide

cuz that source code's a super trade secret of course nobody can peek at

the hacking of democracy

late that night some satellites from italia were told

to start correcting records 'til they showed old Joe was golden

even though he never was chosen his votes were so low

they had to stop the counting completely they couldn't even do it discretely

the global, ignoble autocracy

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they'll blow to bits some Syrian kids

but you can't say the "F" word...fuck no, election fraud

with COVID they rewrote the laws so flaws and fraud could fly

despite the Constitution exclusively giving State Legislatures that right

cuz they have the most oversight that the public provides

but they got the governors and judges to never, ever bother to budge

by blackmailing, bribes and bureaucracy

on that fateful day they chased away poll watchers everywhere

“no, you can't see cuz this disease you're sneezing into the air

we'll just count these all over there it's perfectly fair

we'll fortify until our guy wins

committing all the cardinal sins

for the carnival oligarchy”

doncha think it's a little odd when people keep playing God?

they'll turn the blindest eye to crony corporate crime

but you can't say the "F" word…fuck no, election fraud

first "muh Russia" then Ukraine they plainly weaponized the press

despite his faults the Orange Man made them fanatically obsessed

revealing the viper's nest that thrives on our distress

so they picked a pedo puppet like Biden

he ain't even at the White House he's hidin'

behind US Corporatocracy

did ya wonder why ol' Hunter's drive was swept into the shade?

sure, he played "daddy" to niece Natty but it was the chicoms who had saved

all Hunter's underage escapades while the media played

24-7 delusions paid for propping up the illusion

that we still believe in democracy

so they prepared a scary January when the votes were certified

instead of hearing valid arguments they acted like a thousand people died

when they let a few hundred wander inside another obvious lie

so they swiftly censored alternate voices

their power needs the illusion of choice

rejoice in your democracy

doncha think it's a little odd that people are playing God?

they're trying to keep from you that you're Divine too

just don't forget to say the "F" word...we are Free