defenderOfMontrocity 3 points ago +3 / -0

What if John g Trump's nephew is a puppet and Maxwellhill is the puppet master.

Or do you John g Trump was speaking the truth about Nikola Tesla? Downvote if you think John trump wasn't lying, upvote if you think they are puppets

defenderOfMontrocity 2 points ago +2 / -0

Coz he helped azov occult to shoot john g trump's nephew? makes sense now

defenderOfMontrocity 1 point ago +1 / -0

reminder that if u want to catch bots in reddit u have to ask them questions like - do u work in Eglin airbase? How do u feel about Aaron Swartz? Do u think there should be an open investigation about Homan Square Chicago concentration camp? Do u think fbi made a mistake by using Chiliad(developed by Christine Maxwellhill).

just ask 2 of these questions, bots work for Israel they won't reply.

note that i blv in man made climate change and oil companies covering it up. chevron did a cover up that's not a conspiracy theory that's a conspiracy.

defenderOfMontrocity 1 point ago +2 / -1

What did they find? Cellphones with 5g or Israeli softwares?

defenderOfMontrocity 1 point ago +1 / -0

Obama's brother votes.... Wait what the actual fuck. He lives in Kenya how can he possibly voting he is not a citizen. This is a real conspiracy or one of those qanon political posts??? If it's the latter then FU

defenderOfMontrocity 3 points ago +3 / -0

Iran did it. Stop demanding a transparent investigation.

Stop spreading conspiracy theories like Prescott bush's son killed jfk. It was Castro who killed jfk

defenderOfMontrocity 3 points ago +3 / -0

She is not in the hill group, she quit two years ago after the hill took mRNA and Israeli side.

defenderOfMontrocity 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fake news. Actually it was 23 miscarriage out of 270. Unvax placebo was 5 miscarriage out of 250. So the rate is 160% higher, obviously because mRNA is dangerous. However Twitter and conspiracy bots manipulate statistics. Even Destiny destroyed this misinformation in 5 seconds.

defenderOfMontrocity 1 point ago +2 / -1

You do realize CNN literally said that when trump and Matt gaetz wanted to retreat from Afghanistan.

About the Ukraine war, Boris Johnson said something like that. If I am not mistaken CNN town hall Kaitlin Collins implied trump is a coward

defenderOfMontrocity 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why did Hillary go to Haiti, then a shaman tore down the head of a living chicken then ate it uncooked with bloods pouring all over, then Hillary said she became a big fan of this shamanistic ritual. Wtf Hillary

defenderOfMontrocity 5 points ago +5 / -0

Okay. But why did capitol police opened the door. When ashli got shot, there were cops 5 meter behind her watching. They got really surprised, they didn't expect mike pence's security shooting her.

defenderOfMontrocity 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do these words mean, numbers mason?

Where are they getting these words? Do CIA Psyops division have a program called smear using innovative word salad

defenderOfMontrocity 3 points ago +3 / -0

Cenk Uyghur is a conspiracy theorist now, ironic because he hated all 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Cenk and others claim foreigners(from Israel) are coming in UCLA in collusion with the police to beat up Palestine protestors/Jewish voice for peace. Some of them even bringing chemical weapons like skunk from Israel, with the help of Zionist TSA insiders

defenderOfMontrocity 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know, but neo con like trump or woke Hillary killton and their supporters don't have adequate knowledge in their one shared brain cell

defenderOfMontrocity 3 points ago +3 / -0

If he isn't against Christ then why is he trying to get some of the passages of the bible banned? Soon you won't be able to say pharisees killed Jesus anymore

defenderOfMontrocity 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some of those people dying caughing were real. Some were Photoshopped by Ukraine, 77th psyops brigade and Victoria Nuland.

China hated warpspeed so they used sinopharm fake vaccine which does nothing

defenderOfMontrocity 1 point ago +1 / -0

Umm.. just go to CorbettReport and search 9/11 suspects and 9/11 able danger

defenderOfMontrocity 0 points ago +2 / -2

I am Muslim so forgive my ignorance but i thought Christians believe Jesus is the messiah(and trinity) and Jesus was killed by pharisees because pharisees was the most corrupt people in the world at that time. They also believe Jesus was/is the king, although whether spiritually or politically I am not sure.

Muslims believe Jesus was the messiah (a human prophet) and Jesus was killed by Romans or Romans and pharisees together. Jesus was spiritual king for Jews for that time.

So why are Christians passing this type of law. Dailywire(Zionist network) is having a civil war over this. Matt Walsh is devout evangelical while Ben Shapiro is Jewish who want to retire in Tel Aviv and Andrew Klavan is converted christian but he gets mad when you say Christ is king for some mysterious reason.

How can Christians justify banning bible? American politicians are always screaming how USA is supposed to be the bastion of freedom democracy and Christianity. So if the best protestants of USA, UK and Germany are doing this does it mean protestantism is self-hating ideology?

How can protestants debate this? Also why isn't there a debate about this? Why would catholics put up with this nonsense? Protestants already believe in a much smaller version of bible than catholics but now they are banning much of that. We need to figure out wtf is going on.

Elite Germans and Americans are now claiming if you are slapped on one cheek turn the other cheek. Well this ain't turning other cheek. Would the christian version of jesus Christ stop screaming under torture you are corrupt you left the God's path or would he just say oh you are torturing me too much I will not say anything anymore I will stop spreading my own bible have a good day. Wouldn't he say something in line of you are torturing me because Satan blinded you with all the AIPAC gold coins. I turn the other cheek but don't mistaken, I will not stop spreading god's words until all my flash is torn apart from by bones.

defenderOfMontrocity 2 points ago +2 / -0

If a boat in the middle of a lake flips because of the wind and guess what 5 Mossad agents die and 20 injured, know that's not a wind. That's just meloni or Biden killing Mossad to keep Americans alive or more importantly oil pipelines running

defenderOfMontrocity 8 points ago +8 / -0

Cenk Uyghur is allegedly a CIA asset who loves CIA and hates conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones Whitney Webb. However now he is sounding like a legit political activist, almost like a conspiracy theorist.

Investigate every dime AIPAC has taken or given. They are using dark money. We need to shutdown these foreign agents until we can figure out what the hell is going on. These crazy schmucks at AIPAC dailywire are so evil they want to defund your healthcare and pension to fight world war. Then you get wounded and killed in the war, veteran care is defunded, so who would take care of your widow? fking Shapiro? Out of the question. Your family would be on the streets taking drugs thanks to AIPAC

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