citypeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have not. This was really my first exposure to this not being real.

citypeople 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think research needs done on everyone in that set.

citypeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you were Parker, where would you put your servers?

citypeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right. Lot of different agent provocateur groups is very likely.

citypeople 8 points ago +10 / -2

Those are sewn on patches. Not officially merch.

Counterprotesters needed a way to identify one another.

citypeople 5 points ago +5 / -0

From the Pragmatic Constitutionalist:

Later tonight I'm going to start telling the full story of what I witnessed last Wednesday, in DC. An audio podcast and written transcript will definitely be up tonight. We're still not sure exactly how (and where) to present the video footage. Multiple reasons for that . . . including some sensitive material. But, here's a little something to whet your whistle. An excerpt from the transcript, and three screen shots: "The video I posted on the evening of the 6th contained an observation that later needed some modification after reviewing my videos. I’d said that most of the violence I saw was coming from Trump supporters, though Antifa was certainly in the crowd. That observation still holds true . . . mostly . . . but I am now prepared to amplify my suggestions of the levels of culpability, from both sides. I don’t care if you like it, or not, but I’m only going to tell the truth of what I saw." These three screen shots are classic Antifa, straight from their handbook. The first screenshot comes from the battle line on the west side of the Capitol building, where the heaviest assaults on police lines were happening. This man came prepared for this skirmish as an Antifa "medic." He shows up to the "mostly peaceful protest" with gas mask, and a backpack full of large bottles of water, milk, towels, etc. . . . and true to handbook instructions, he wears the colors ("false flag") of the enemy. Make note of the specific Trump toboggan with the "45" patch. We see these "medics" at every major riot in which Antifa is involved.

The second screenshot is who Michael Yon, (America's most experienced war correspondent), calls the "agent provocateur." (AP) He's the carnival barker, the one usually holding the bull horn and calling troops into battle, encouraging outliers and the more hesitant protest observers to get involved in the action. They stand on the front lines, waving people into action and directing traffic to where they're most needed for effect. Note the toboggan with the "45" patch. The third screenshot was taken in a crush of individuals pouring out of Nancy Pelosi's office chambers. I was the only person in that hallway moving against the traffic flow, trying to capture what was happening. This particular AP had already led a large crowd into that area, and he was none too happy that I had my camera lens squared up in his direction as they were leaving. Note the toboggan with the "45" patch. These guys were obviously of the same "cell," and used that clothing item as their identification marker. Right out of the Antifa handbook.

My new axiom: "The only thing you can trust right now is what you see with your own eyes. But, even then, go back and review the video."

Anyone who suggests Antifa were not there or did not heavily influence what took place, they're either ignorant or liars. That said, this does not diminish the culpability and participation of MAGA protestors and right-wing militia participation, who were both violent and there in significant numbers.

What we don't yet know, is why those of such polarized ideologies seemed to be working together. Or, maybe both groups were just useful idiots in a larger play? Either way, this was no organic outbreak of violence instigated by Trump's rally speech. This was organized and planned, long before January 6th.

citypeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did they not know they would be caught on camera?

citypeople 6 points ago +6 / -0

I wouldn't think this except for the massive censorship and push to impeach. Those seem like the actions of people running scared rather than seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Also, they seem to have put Trump into a corner. He has to stay President or his life is ruined. This was a mistake of gigantic proportions.

citypeople 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone one of these show up in the "holders" tab on Yahoo Finance showing who owns what company.

citypeople 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's obvious. Trump's health initiative stopped the flu, heart disease, and so much more.

by TlKr
citypeople 14 points ago +14 / -0

The problem will be that our leaders - if this comes about - will own a lot (especially beachfront property) and have privacy.

citypeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

So are you saying they are both the non-door side. That seems right.

citypeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

Although my wife just pointed out to me that they may be the same. They are pointed different directions. We're not comparing the same side.

citypeople 0 points ago +1 / -1

This should always be the named used for them. I tried and tried to get it to catch on to no avail.

citypeople 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not suggesting that we wave taxes. I'm saying we don't tax everyone for their first whatever amount we agree upon. Food, housing, normal traveling expenses. We don't tax the normal going rate of that on anyone. I don't want a government that takes in tax money a family needs for food. That seems really immoral.

Making people depend on charity isn't good for those people.

citypeople 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm fine with a flat tax if you exclude the first $50,000 or so (number negotiable) of income from everyone as nontaxable.

citypeople 4 points ago +4 / -0

Does a House or Senate hearing even matter? They have been holding hearings for years. Does anything every happen because of them outside of a politician grandstanding to get votes?

citypeople 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a negative top headline every day for four years. It inevitably changed people's minds.

citypeople 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just thought it would be fun to share a CNN post of them lying since we couldn't post CNN links on Reddit.

If you want to take this down, that is fine and I understand.

I just wanted to find them lying about the Hunter Biden laptop because it is now pretty much a confirmed story.

citypeople 9 points ago +9 / -0

I want to find the old Facebook threads with friends telling me it was a conspiracy theory and I was crazy.

This whole Burisma story is why I quit being a Democrat. It seemed that the Democrats impeached Trump to run cover for Biden and the other wealthy children connected to American politicians. At that moment, I realized they were the corruption and without hope.

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