You are quite pompous.......Your Jesus never existed. He was a forgery. Most of the shit that says there was a "Jesus" is a Roman forgery. Like how are you going so fucking hard for a Religion that keeps you in an endless loop of resurrection and energy harvesting?
Speaking of research.....there is a book you maybe wanna check out called The Jesus Mysteries. All the proofs are there....foot noted.
I dont hate Christians, or Christianity. as you said it teaches good morals. But its still a propaganda tool created to keep us divided.
All Religions are. Well mainly the ones after Judaism....based off their bullshit.
I believe the ones whom physically made us...yes. "Mortal" with super friggin ultra long life spans.
Coupled with life extension tech/bio tech......maybe?
There is such a reason they NEED....CRAVE.....DEMAND our fear/guilt/shame. This is why "they" control Media, music, porn..........To control those super dense and heavy energies.
I suspect they sustain themselves from it. Harness it. Along with our blood/kids blood.
Something important in the blood of the kids for sacrifice. I see Adrenochrome....but there has to be more to it.
Something I havent learned/been shown yet.
I am by no means an egg spurt on this matter. And everything im about to say is my own experiences.
Archons are mindless. They are essentially "drones" of the higher "demons/elohim/dimensional beings.
Archons try and attatch to your astral body, to weaken your mind and spirit. to make us scared. They feed off of us. Like Monsters INC. Sully and Mike were Archons........Their bosses, bosses were Elohim
Archons protect their secrets. If you are able to....try and access the Moon. The inner Moon with your minds eye. see if you can "look into the middle" of the Moon. I guarantee Archons will be in your dreams if you make it. It happens to me every time I try.
Also I mainly see Archons "inbetween" my minds eye. I have sensed them on this plane also. It takes a particularly stronger one tho. Usually the ones on this plane are human-ish forms. The "dreams" and others tend to be rats and snakes/spiders in your dreams.
So so effected.....this was the best Xmas season ever.....So ez to get a rise out of you. Played you into my hands. Like a fiddle. 6 hours later...have you kicked your dog about the "nigger" that made you mad? LOL LOL So so Easy.
Nope...A genocide? No way why kill people. Simply put white people are lessening in numbers. The issue will solve itself through breeding. For the record I am a "nigger/spic" So when I see caucus people shitting on my particular race.......I always have to laugh.....about how you guys are breeding yourselves out.
I ESPECIALLY love it for you ultra Arian white racist fucks. lol. So much justice happening, while your daughters take some fat brown cock. I bet it makes you so mad.....doesnt it?
to keep us separated dude.......same as they do with Religion, race...all the shit they control the narrative of O_O.
If the mindless "right wing conservative maga" are always trying to best 1 up or shit all over "libtards" then they can never share information. They casn never come together and see the bigger picture. When they are focused on their "team" winning
Is that before or after I put my $$$ in the box and pay the priest to take away my bad things?