I believe the ones whom physically made us...yes. "Mortal" with super friggin ultra long life spans.
Coupled with life extension tech/bio tech......maybe?
There is such a reason they NEED....CRAVE.....DEMAND our fear/guilt/shame. This is why "they" control Media, music, porn..........To control those super dense and heavy energies.
I suspect they sustain themselves from it. Harness it. Along with our blood/kids blood.
Something important in the blood of the kids for sacrifice. I see Adrenochrome....but there has to be more to it.
I believe the ones whom physically made us...yes. "Mortal" with super friggin ultra long life spans.
Coupled with life extension tech/bio tech......maybe?
There is such a reason they NEED....CRAVE.....DEMAND our fear/guilt/shame. This is why "they" control Media, music, porn..........To control those super dense and heavy energies.
I suspect they sustain themselves from it. Harness it. Along with our blood/kids blood.
Something important in the blood of the kids for sacrifice. I see Adrenochrome....but there has to be more to it.
Something I havent learned/been shown yet.