ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

Next up: if prisons are real, how do prisoners have shaved heads?

ZyklonShower 2 points ago +2 / -0

School bullying was based. It made kids act like they weren’t freaks lol.

ZyklonShower 3 points ago +4 / -1

Captain Raamsley almost doxxed himself recently. He was upset that he couldn’t access SoundCloud so he threatened to sue them for stopping him viewing goyslop.

If they’d called his bluff and kept him banned he would have dozed himself lol.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

you could start a bot farm and demand Disney pay you money or you talk cr*p about their stock.

Unfortunately that’s called extortion. Guy in my town got convicted for threatening to expose his father for abuse if he wasn’t given the fathers new house. Apparently it’s a crime- I didn’t realize they actually enforced it until that.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

In Russia you could dispute administrative fine in a court. Mostly it just does not worth time to do that, and unlikely you will get your money back, but some do that, and even sometimes win their cases.

not talking about Russia with the fines there. I’m talking about Europe in general. Low level administrative offenses are frequently dealt with only on paperwork in many European countries except Britain but Europeans act like Russia is some kind of unique freak show. Germany is in fact notorious for convicting people of low level crimes and imposing punishments without even ensuring they were served the papers (if you’re charged with an administrative offense in Germany, the witnesses for the prosecution give a statement, you are then mailed the papers in the post and they include a defense sheet. You present your arguments and then a judge rules on it without a hearing unless you raise some serious issue with the charges or claim you’re a retard or something).

I’m aware you can try to challenge fines in Russia but am aware it’s also pointless- I’ve shown you previously that school teacher with the Putin psycho and killer no to war sign. Well, if you search on yandex for MADUMAROV RUSTAM VOITZHONOVITCH judicial decisions yoU can read his appeals. They’re fucking hilarious. He’s not actually a jew he’s some kind of Uzbek/ Ukrainian noviop but his whole appeal is jewish pilpul. He was protesting with his wife and they had the exact same signs but he tries to claim because he was certain meters apart they were separate protests with no coordination. Obviously the judge turns him down.

Navalny is a unique phenomenon in politics who tried to lean to every single political trend. May be except monarchist. He began from being liberal in Yabloko (Apple) liberal party, then, after courses in Yale he went unhinged. He was liberal, democrat national-bolshevik, communist, nationalist, libertarian, anticorruptionist, internationalist, socialist, traditionalist, wokeist and so on.

I’m fully aware of navalny’s constant position hopping but he’s not actually that unique on that count. Populists frequently jump between whatever issues they think are popular. Ron Paul and Boris Johnson were/are both the same. Ron Paul stayed consistently libertarian but how he advertised the ideal society would change dramatically depending on who he was presenting his ideas to. Boris simply chose whichever position he thought would make him popular.

I think even policeman in Vorkuta know where Germany and Britain are. May be he will doubt about some African or Central American country, but Europe is part of our history including WWII which is studied carefully in schools.

Immaterial to my main point which is that sanctioning some police officer in bum fuck nowhere is pointless virtue signaling because sanctions are supposed to be used to seize assets from influential people who have those assets in other countries or to ban from travel those influential people who might want to spend time on the riviera. Sanctioning a random cop because he was a guard at one of the trials of this corrupt navalny guy is just virtue signaling. He hasn’t got assets to seize and he doesn’t go to the west if he ever does actually go abroad. It’s about as much sense as imposing posthumous sanctions on the guy who wrote The Witches Hammer.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

You should post reveddit links not Reddit.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m amazed you don’t get tired of this.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

That looks like a jewish man checking he clipped his coin neatly enough.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s called SEO. Reddit has pride of place on the normie search engines so a bunch of accounts all posting glowing things about something will keep it turning up when people search your product.

Basically all a company has to do is get a fake Reddit account, karma farm by posting on catsstandingup or some other karma farm subreddit, and then create a subreddit and allow in the settings of that subreddit that new accounts can post. Reddit accounts don’t require email verification so you can just create hundreds of accounts using private browsers and different vpns and then just enhance the message.

Somebody now searches your product on a search engine and your subreddit turns up.

Even really tiny subreddits like r/ethanliming turn up on search engines lol.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

The way they screeched when their video game got DMCAd was so funny though. Like yeah a company is gonna let a bunch of neckbeards profit off their IP.

ZyklonShower 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also merely mentioning Rosich Help Bot is hardly sedition.

There’s nothing in my post that actually meets the criteria of sedition even without the fact that we are not actually directly at war (officially).

Plus, if we were at war it wouldn’t be possible to denounce western soldiers to Russia because western soldiers normally aren’t allowed their smartphones in deployment. The reason the Ukrainians and Israelis are so easy to trap (as were the Armenians in nagorono karabagh) is because Ukraine and Israel allows its soldiers to have their smart phones with them, so Russians/Arabs can hack the phones or befriend Ukrainian or Israeli soldiers under false pretenses and then get geo tagged photos.

British and American soldiers aren’t allowed their phones when they’re on active deployment so it would actually be incredibly hard to do it.

ZyklonShower 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also merely mentioning Rosich Help Bot is hardly sedition. There’s nothing in my post that actually meets the criteria of sedition even without the fact that we are not actually directly at war (officially).

Plus, if we were at war it wouldn’t be possible to denounce western soldiers to Russia because western soldiers normally aren’t allowed their smartphones in deployment. The reason the Ukrainians are so easy to trap (as were the Armenians in nagorono karabagh) is because Ukraine allows its soldiers to have their smart phones with them, so Russians can hack the phones or befriend Ukrainian soldiers under false pretenses and then get geo tagged photos.

British and American soldiers aren’t allowed their phones when they’re on active deployment so it would actually be incredibly hard to do it.

ZyklonShower 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m trying to report zongo8 to the admins for threatening the site but the report form isn’t even loading to allow a report to this sub’s moderators so don’t know what’s going on.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s easy to make a few fake reddit accounts and engage in guerilla marketing. All you need is one account that’s big enough to create a subreddit and then you can set it to allow brand new accounts to post on that subreddit and just make hundreds of bots if you need to market something and just them chatting about the thing you want advertised.

ZyklonShower 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes companies hire public relations firms to spam nonsense about how great they are. These firms use bots. Govts did the same thing during Covid.

ZyklonShower 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some people look similar. Many redditors are jews. jews are inbred. So they look more similar.

The black eyed kids was a far more fun paranormal creepy pasta.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

The woke bullshit started after occupy Wall Street. It started with race because that was the most credible thing they could weaponize. And then it moved to gender bullshit.

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