I wish I could watch you all googly eyed next time they pull a stunt like launching a Tesla into orbit. You must have loved that BS.
I'm almost positive Iknowitsu is the mods account. They sound very similar.
I swear this account sounds suspiciously similar to the mod lmao
Is this the Mods alt account?
What is TMOR?
What the fuck ever you nasa loving cocksucker. You are the one who believes all the scifi a bunch of freemasons tell you.
Looks like you came out of the closet as a lefty fag
Look up 'ISS pockets of gravity'. It's a bs explanation to cover up why objects fall sometimes on the ISS (the ISS is fake). My point is, even according to mainstream science gravity has significant variations even on earth's surface. 9.8m/s^2 is an average for earth's surface according to them. I don't believe gravity exists at all.
As soon as the flatties are banned, they’ll shut up forever, get new accounts, and spam some new hoax. Then we’ll ban that one, too. By doing this, we will eventually distill the board down to only true conspiracies, simply by viewing the actions of those paid to post lies! It’s great. But it can’t happen without getting rid of paid shilling and proven hoaxes.
Great decision lmao, you just outlined how you could be played like a puppet with stings.
We have enough bureaucracy in every fucking detail of our lives. Let the conspiracy forum be an anarchy.
Fallen Angels and nephilim. I used to think it was aliens until I realized the infinite void big bang universe was bullshit.
You should check out Jon Levi if you believe that's the case. He studies the mysteries of old/ancient architecture. He's not a Christian
My best guess is our ancients had phenomenal technology but it's kind of like the difference between analog and digital, if you compare their tech to ours.
If I were wrong then the pyramids wouldn't be a mystery.
The constant acceleration thing is a flat earth society thing, that group is a government psyop. I've never met a FEer who thinks that.
Gravity/relativity is a theory with so many holes they had to attribute 96% of it to dark matter which they can't observe or describe.
I think that's how it works now.
Just edited my last comment, please see
Dude watch Rob Skiba. He goes through countless verses back to the origional Hebrew or Greek. The Bible describes a flat unmoving earth constantly, with a solid firmament 'as a molten looking glass'. It's also clearly what Hebrew cosmology describes in extra biblical text. Where the hell does the Bible describe a spinning orbiting sphere in an infinite void? Atheists have constantly used the Bibles description of the earth to discredit God's word accord to modern science religion.
The earth takes shape like clay under a seal; its features stand out like those of a garment. -Job 38:14
Also try booking some flights between south America and Australia. I guarantee the route will make far more sense on a gleason map than a globe. Play around with some different airports on each continent and see what the airlines offer. Plot the route on both globe and FE.
It's just like back in 2016 when they quarantined The_Donald from the rest of reddit. It was making too many waves and pissed a lot of people off. They wanted to keep them in an echo chamber away from everyone else, so the ideas don't spread. That's exactly what is happening now. The Mod got called out on fake evidence by a FEer and it ruined his day. Flat Earth is on topic just as simulation theory and hollow earth.
I did start a petition to change this forum to since flat earth is obviously a conspiracy with legit investigators, and many agree with them on space program fakery. You calling it off topic is ridiculous, its like the rebranding and redefining the left constantly does.
I wonder if it's OK for me to talk about flat earth if I simply add that it's a digital simulation too? All video games and flight simulators I can think of have flat maps after all lmao.
I said Perth to Buenos Aires because the shortest path is almost directly across the south pole (allegedly). I am a Mariner and it is my profession that lead me to FE. I'm not the only one. Charts come in all sorts of projections (distortions) and most people never think beyond that. Furthermore GPS (which is really a more advanced version of loran, and not from satellites) and chart programs take most of the thinking away from modern mariners. Why do you think it was possible to navigate across oceans whether cultures thought the earth was flat or a globe?
I'm familiar with the names of 8-10 flat earthers on here and I review the content whenever I come across it. I've literally never seen anything spammed from FE. On a few occasions I will post the same link to 2 people if it's applicable to multiple convos im having. But that rarely ever happens from me.
Almost none of them know of the Antarctic treaty which would make commercial flights impossible without the approval of international bureaucracy (multiple organizations). However we fly in the north polar circle so I don't see why weather or environmental concerns should be so much more of a problem in the south polar circle. Commercial jets also commonly fly in -40 to -60 degrees, im not sure what the exact limit is, but I'd like to see a aeronautical engineer explain why antartica is mechanically impossible to fly over.
I've seen a few people show me flights that allegedly skim the coast of Antarctica. Heavy investigation has gone into these flight which make the results untrustworthy. Such as the plane going off global tracking with an assumed position nearly the entire journey. Flights being canceled or unbookable as if they were simply for perception. There are some planes with long range capability that may be able to fake it by going much faster than the average commercial jet and using earth's natural jet stream wind over the ocean north of Antarctica.
This guy often covers how airplane logistics prove flat earth.
I dont care to debate. Just review and critically analyze images for yourself. Do some Google searches like real picture of jupiter, real picture of satellite in space, real picture of earth, meteor in space. They are all fake. The Mars rover is simply on devon Island Canada with a red filter added. My personal favorite is the alleged video of elons tesla orbiting in space. That shit is hilariously bad.
While spinning over 1000mph (depending on latitude), and orbiting at an average speed of 66,600 mph (interesting number).