That kind of thinking is why your handlers graduated you with that 8th grade education from the 12th government grade.
Hopefully it was packed to the gills with fuckin muslims.
Yeah Generals Sherman and Grant, and Lincoln.
Dox and eliminate.
Your kind always have.
The wicked killing the wicked. It doesn't get much better.
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous.
Democrats made pot illegal in 1937.
Federal Dicklick Roosevelt, Dicklickokrat House Dicklickokrat Senate.
Hemp was the nation's LARGEST commodity.
One day with the stroke of a pen, Federal Dicklick Roosevelt and the Dicklickokrats, made it illegal.
''We awl nead two git usin thim purgresiv oil products laik thim smart Yuro Fellurs!
That's a great idea!
I'm gonna write wholesome, uplifting messages on all my bullets!
A summer of Jews and Muslims killing each other is a FANTASTIC summer.