Verfassungsschmutz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Humanity will pay for their sins, just like it always has.

by pkvi
Verfassungsschmutz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not saying I don't believe you, but may I have a link to the source?

by pkvi
Verfassungsschmutz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Clearly you can, because THEY'RE all making it up!

Verfassungsschmutz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, spoiler alert, there is no crash in that movie, and its set in Pennsylvania instead of Ohio, but the setup sounds very similar: a runaway train on a single lane track through the countryside is headed towards a densely settled area and on a collision course with another train coming from the opposite direction. Halfway through the movie they find out there's some highly volatile chemicals in some of the freight cars. They manage to avoid the collision, of course, by pulling the other train on a side track at the very last minute, Chris Pine manages to board it somehow, but then the brakes fail.

Next thing you know the feds show up and try to derail the train in a sparsely populated area to avoid from blowing up the whole city it's headed towards, so of course they gotta evacuate a whole town in case the thing blows to smithereens. But of course that fails too, because the train is too fast and simply crushes the derailers, so then old Denzel grabs his locomotive and try to catch up with it, in order to couple on from behind and slow it down that way. Long story short, they somehow narrowly avoid a catastrophe at the last possible second and everyone lives to see another day.

Actually a pretty decent movie, all told. I mean, it's got Denzel Washington and Chris Pine in it, those guys aren't amateurs. Also, very few silly gimmicks. But yeah, the reason I brought it up is that what happened in Ohio is exactly what the feds were planning in this movie, but failed to pull off.

Verfassungsschmutz 4 points ago +4 / -0

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I’m from the government and I’m here to help."

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