VanillaBean 4 points ago +5 / -1

They serve a purpose. In their desperation they dig and find a lot of interesting things. I like visiting there and seeing what they've unearthed every week. Similar situation with patriots, good memes but otherwise it's a self defeating 'merica circle jerk. This place is still the best for updates about topics like the vaccine and is worth wading through the flat earth stuff.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 12 points ago +12 / -0

Nearly everyone I love has gotten the vaccine. I've explained to allof them that it's highly experimental, it doesn't actually give them immunity and there is no liability if it hurts them. I provided sources. They all just mentally blue screened on me and wouldn't say anything. I've never seen anything like this.

by pkvi
VanillaBean -2 points ago +1 / -3

Ironically the people most terrified of workers getting a living wage tend to be the most compulsively excessively consumer, typically obese people at or nearing middle age who think it's normal to eat 30,000 calories a week and descend into a panicked rage at the idea of having to pay 50 cents more for a bag chips.

VanillaBean -3 points ago +1 / -4

The employers tell the staff that they will be fired for providing service to people without a mask. People working these jobs are straight up poor and can't afford loss of income. Y'all need to focus on the real baddies.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, they think they are more than human, ascended based on dissociative ritual and other other MKUltra style fkery, also why they're obsessed with torturing kids. They see themselves as otherly and above others. When they talk about humanity being a disease on the planet or push the trope in hollyweird of humans being an intrinsically destructive and dumb species, they are not identifying with humanity, themselves. In their grandiose delusion they really perceive themselves as set apart and superior.

VanillaBean 13 points ago +13 / -0

Quite plausible. Even in his speech on the 6th Trump was explaining the psychological warfare tactics used by the MSM and admitted to being impressed by them, as though to Trump the MSM is a cunning rival in a high stakes game. I really do think Trump has strong "chaotic neutral" energy and loves to compete, especially where cunning is involved, and that he noticed how the deep state has all this unchallenged power with many extensions like MSM and alphabet agencies. Trump saw the ultimate rival and straight up solo'ed the ENTIRE DEEP STATE on his own to see how he'd do, and all factors considered he did miraculously well.

VanillaBean -5 points ago +3 / -8

You are never going to get married but not for the reasons you'll likely suspect, so you don't need to worry about it. Nobody should getting the vaccine, though.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

The vials are the wrath of God giving extremely intense final warnings to those who haven't yet repented in the end times, and the descriptions are very specific, such as the oceans turning to blood and all creatures within the oceans dying.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have only met one person so far who said they'd be willing to take this vaccine and she's a mid 40s autism spectrum lady who works a fake job for her dad because she is barely "high functioning" so it's not really fair to hold it against her when she doesn't think critically. Everyone else has been of the "hell no" stance.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

True, most older conspiracy theories are totally out of the bag by now like mkultra, and the current conspiracy theories are discussed openly by most of the general public. I doubt a single lucid adult in my entire city wouldn't know what I was talking about if I asked for their opinion on 9/11. I'm not sure what you're getting at with this point, though.

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

If it was only a temporary matter of mask wearing that would be one thing. Not only do studies show that the masks most people are wearing do nothing to stop the spread of airborne viruses but actually just increase the risk of bacterial pneumonia, furthermore the government has been giving billions upon billions of dollars to monopolistic corporations that don't need it, meanwhile letting small businesses livelihoods go under and filibustering stimulus relief for petty political reasons. Then they try to essentially blame people like me, acting like they just had to ruin working class lives for my sake. It's evil and infuriating. Only weeks ago I saw a local restaurant was trying to put together some contraption of tent sheets and space heaters in a desperate effort to not have to lay off their waitstaff, and local government shut it all down, again claiming it was protect people like me. With loss of income and no stimulus relief how are those waitstaff going to pay living expenses for months all winter long? I can't even imagine having the mentality of wanting to do that to them just to protect myself from voluntarily dining at a restaurant. I am sick as hell of useful idiots trying to blame this willful destruction of livelihoods on people like me. Nobody ever asked us if we wanted to sacrifice others because the vast majority of us would have been repulsed by the thought.

VanillaBean 13 points ago +13 / -0

As someone 50+ imagine the feeling of watching local small businesses struggle and perish while the media and state government are insisting "this is all for you, we're destroying children's futures and ruining people's lives and it's ALL FOR YOU." I never asked for that and never would have. And any grandparents who would sacrifice the future of our generation's grandchildren should be beyond ashamed.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's supposed to be ravaging my area yet I haven't known of anyone having issues from it. I haven't even known of anyone who knows someone who has tested positive. Months ago when the media was making it seem like the hospitals were overrun I had to go to the ER for a cardiac scare. The ER was like a ghost town. I didn't have to wait more than 5 minutes before getting a private room and having multiple staff tending to me. I was wheeled down halls for testing and it was empty, I hardly saw anyone let alone people being left in the halls to die. Meanwhile everyone where I work was hit with the flu about 2 months ago and we were sick as hell but it was regarded as no big deal because it wasn't covid. This nonsense is out of control. I still remember the propaganda videos from China showing people having seizures and collapsing in the streets. It was that type of propaganda that scared Americans senseless but almost a year later with endless reports insisting things are the worst they've been yet and IT STILL ISN'T ACTUALLY HAPPENING.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

The idea has been to tie everything Trump claims he stands for into a cult of personality. They think that by now if Trump fails, planned puppet style or otherwise, that everyone who holds those ideals will completely give up. Even many of the longtime Trump fans can feel subconsciously that this is where it's going. Notice how they freak out badly and succumb to infighting over whether or not to "trust the plan." Even they know deep down that it will be a truly brutal blow to patriot morale if Trump turns out to be controlled opposition. BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY. Every single person who holds the ideals in the constitution can STILL hold them regardless and will be JUST as collectively powerful as before, even in a worst case scenario. This is the ONE wild card the nwo cannot control.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

So you read the part where Jesus was publicly executed for challenging dogmatic religious authority that was based around social control, and he was the protagonist for fighting against that, and your takeaway was that he was trying to brainwash people?

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jesus was a revolutionary who encouraged critical thinking, challenging dogmatic authority, practicing genuine empathy and not being afraid of personal growth through introspective humility. Your rant describes the pharisee types, which are the same today as they were back then. They had Jesus executed by the way, for daring to challenge them publicly.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't want to trick people. Tricked people can get unruly if they ever realize they were tricked. They want willful submission. Just like God ultimately desires for souls to return to Him willingly, the enemy also wants willful submission.

VanillaBean 4 points ago +5 / -1

I'm frankly quite worried that Trump/Pence is a major part of nonlinear warfare against the U.S. citizenry. Not necessarily by Russia, or even China, but just the upper echelons of NWO goons in general. If I was a gambling man my bet would be that Trump concedes uneventfully at the 11th hour and total chaos ensues in the vacuum. Just like how after talking tough about the Clintons corruption and Hillary going to prison, immediately after winning election he said something to the effect of "she's a good woman, leave her alone" and that was it. I want to be wrong so bad.

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