TallestSkil 0 points ago +2 / -2

Honestly, I like the fanfiction. I wish these people weren’t mentally I’ll and spent their time on problems humanity actually faces, but since they’re clearly too mentally ill (or paid not) to do so, I say bring it on. They should keep making up the most ludicrous, easily disproven nonsense. It’s funny to me and humiliates them publicly. And the site owner can easily prove I’ve never had alts, anyway.

I’m a… let’s see, that kid’s roughly 12-3 in 2012, so that would be 24-5 now… but I’m also a deadbeat dad with a divorced wife and kids, so what? I had kids super early and abandoned them? I’ve also been accused of being insurgent, so maybe that’s why my wife and kids left me; I spent too much time making 500 sockpuppet accounts on white nationalist websites. Stories are fun.

TallestSkil 6 points ago +6 / -0

Why do you care what happens on reddit? It was proven years ago that at least 80% of the userbase is literally bots. The owners admit to a voting algorithm that gives different weights to different users’ upvotes. They admit to removing upvotes from things they don’t like and adding them to things they do. It doesn’t matter.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +2 / -1

You misquoted me

Cry. Lie. I don’t care. You don’t matter to me if you don’t tell the truth.

I will someday stand before God, and he's going to tell me that picking on you here was akin to playing Chess with a man Down's Syndrome.

Thanks for admitting you’re incapable of replying to any topic and can only violate rule 1.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

In response to you telling me, that you 'don't give a shit’

Yes, and if you were literate or even pretending to have a grasp of conversational context, you wouldn’t have asked such a meaningless question in response.

To which you chose to misspeak for me

Nope. It’s what you said.

Do you even know what you are doing right now?

Mocking a coward who refuses to provide any evidence for his claims. Mocking a coward who collapses into emotional diatribes when his lies are called out. Mocking a coward who, instead of even pretending to refute what anyone else says, attacks them personally, ignoring the topic of discussion, because to draw attention to it would expose the incorrectness of the coward’s position.

It’s. not. that. difficult. to. comprehend.

When you make a claim, you prove it. Otherwise don’t make it. Space is real. Satellites are real. Cameras are real. These things have all been in the same place before. You’re just wrong. And since you can’t defend your claims, you attack me personally, pretending that this will make your well-poisoning okay.

You will not reply on the topic. You will not provide evidence for your claims. You will not disprove anything I have said. You will reply with more personal attacks.

It’s all so fucking tiresome, you goddamned shill.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, the typical response of lying about someone by misquoting them

Didn’t happen.

followed by some non sequitur something or another.

Your personal inability to comprehend the connection is irrelevant. You made a claim about me. You cannot prove the claim. The claim is dismissed. You’re a liar and a filthy fucking subhuman coward because you refuse to even restate whatever position it was that I proved you wrong about in the past which caused this emotional reaction from you.

that is my regret

You clearly have zero regret. If you don’t even believe words on a personal, subjective level, don’t say them. It’s not a hard concept to grasp. God will punish you for that more than for honestly expressing objectively incorrect convictions.

You deserve all the scorn and derision and mocking

Prove it, coward. You don’t get to lie without being called out on it. I call out lies. Emotional children raised on jewish sophistry from birth don’t like this, so they lash out at refutations. That’s what’s happening here.

Prove. your. claims. or. fuck. off. That’s what this board is for.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

[literally nothing]

Thanks for admitting that whatever you were wrong about that I called you out on was, in fact, wrong.

TallestSkil -1 points ago +2 / -3

I commented against my better judgement and got called out on it

how could this be happening to me

Or you could just shut the fuck up about people and just prove your own claims in their own right. It’s not difficult for anyone telling the truth.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

So why do I have no mod positions? So why am I not limiting “free speech”? You have absolutely fucking nothing whatsoever. You’re so afraid of truth that you won’t even post whatever claim it was that I proved you wrong about, however long ago it was. “LOL TS BAD I SAY SO” is not an argument. You’re bandwagoning without having the guts to justify your belief. Why should anyone take your side?

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why is he, or anyone else on these forums never capable of proving their claims?

Ask him. He’s the one who refuses to do it.

It's simply really. No one can ever prove their claims without an impartial moderator.

No? Literally no? I don’t need anyone else to prove 2+2=4. If you’re wanting to pretend that any “third party” is a “moderator,” then the only thing necessary is an external citation to data that can be independently verified by the person to whom the information is being proven.

“Cite your claims,” in other words. It’s not hard for someone who isn’t making shit up out of thin air. Opinions are fine. Desires are fine. Hopes are fine. But not when they run up against objective reality. Then they’re delusions and dangerously wrong.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for doing exactly what I said you would do and being incapable of defending your own claims, answering any questions about them, or replying without personally attacking me.

TallestSkil -1 points ago +1 / -2

Every word you’ve said is objectively incorrect, disproven by even a cursory examination of my post history.

The Earth is not flat and you’re a confirmed paid shill whom even the moderators hate.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fact that you blanket reported my posts previously when you ran out of arguments

The sophist cries out in pain as it strikes you.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thanks for admitting you can’t defend a single claim you’ve made on any subject (because you publicly stated you believe truth does not exist) and that your only purpose here is to post admitted lies and libel other users.

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