Is there anywhere that has a good summary of the data dump?
Good write up but I will say intubation, while not first line airway management, is the last step. Nasal cannula, non rebreather, airvo, bipap, intubate, is kind of the order things go. Intubation with a vent also allows PEEP manipulation to help maintain pressure
I don't know about electromagnetic fields but just look at pretty much all media. The strong independent nuclear family is never looked up to any more and actually looked down upon.
I wouldn't say the 15 minutes is accurate at all and undermines the entirety of the tweet. The truth of the "vaccine" being completely ineffective in adults at 6mos and barely lasting a month for the 5-12 range is damning enough
So sticking one satirical claim among 3 true ones helps people in what way..? Stop being fagget
Wears off in 15 minutes? The other ones are obviously true but this is the first time I've read the 15 minute claim. Anyone have a source?
Me my wife and baby all had it and I was only one that took it and was all better day 3. Their coofs lasted about 5-7 days but we're just cold like symptoms. I now take a weekly dose just a prophylactic
As someone in healthcare I've seen a slight shift but mostly people have just dug their heels in even deeper
Comes back to the same argument...why kill the people who do whatever you say? Doesn't make sense
Too late for the vast majority. They already gave deadlines and fired tons of people. It's only until now the "law" caught up with the mandates
I think things like diet, lack of exercise, TV time, and lack of social interaction are huge factors. There's a stark difference between a child who plays outside a lot vs one who video games all day
If I recall correctly, Kyle did have a GoFundMe set up awhile ago and when it got close to it's goal the site owners removed his page
We had an email go through our network stating if "we were found sharing "misinformation" on social media it was grounds for termination and revokation of our license."
That would imply the MSM and their lackeys admitting they were wrong. I don't see it happening