I’ll tell you what... it’s really great to see ketamine infusion clinics opening up for things like treatment resistant depression.
Haven’t seen too many that accept insurance yet but one step at a time.
And 100% agree with everything you mentioned.
I’m expecting an ibogaine disinformation campaign funded by the Sacklers any minute now.
Has to be.
People who have a vested interest in keeping it illegal.
Oh, let’s add those involved in the private, for profit prison industry too.
For the sake of our conversation, let’s say we both agree reincarnation is a real thing.
If you died and were born a black man in America, but still remembered your previous life, would you miss it or would you be satisfied?
Or you just tell them you already got it, save yourself from looking like a fool, and everyone moves on with their lives,
It’s super suspicious how often you defend Russia, unprompted.
They’re an earth native species who advanced far beyond our technology today, realized the cyclic, cataclysmic nature of this planet and figured out how to live either off world or under the ocean. Both are equally plausible.
Q shaman is a legit, live at home with mommy, QTard.
“Buuut....he has an acting profile!”
Mhmm.... so does Melissa Carone. You sure you wanna go down that road?
But where did the towers go...
Jealousy doesn’t suit you.
You know milo is still gay as fuck and it’s all a charade, right?
You can’t pray the gay away any more than you can pray the stupid away or pray the white trash away.
Hes a disinformation agent who bundles truths, half truths, and fiction.
Same as Steven Greer.
Same as Alex Jones.
But you definitely know this.
Would you rather be born a black or a Jew with non profits formed for your people, or be born a white with no non profits?
I rest my case.
Ashlii Babbitt died as she lived:
With bodily fluids sliding down her throat.
And she drowned in her own blood, gargling, spurting, leaking everywhere.
Her last choked words were “whyyyy did Trummmp betrayyy usss?”
Every generation thinks “this one will be the last one.”
It’s narcissism, not prophecy.
She was very much a Trump supporter.
Own it.
6’7” roger sure could have.
A Boston terrier shouldn’t be a problem for anyone.
A Tibetan mastiff is 3 hairs away from a grizzly bear.
Also, I read no mention of the men and women being armed.
These details matter.
They drew a line and she crossed it.
They didn’t know what their true intentions were, only that they weren’t stopping and appeared to be getting more aggressive and possibly more violent.
I’ve heard people from the right claiming that Ashlii and crew “only wanted to talk”, but smashing through glass windows and doors and the very real possibility of mob mentality painted a very different picture.
If this was antifa, any part of the left, blacks or Muslims, I know people here would be saying they didn’t shoot them enough or should have opened fire sooner.
Fair is fair.
And, no, she was not part of antifa herself. She was a very outspoken Trump supporter who believed she was on the right side of history.
Then she crossed the line.
To put it another way, she “did not comply.”
“The flesh of the gods.” A sacrament.
“The body of Christ.” A sacrament.
If only they gave cubensis instead of a symbolic dry wafer in today’s world.
People have no idea.
That’s because nobody loves you.
Have you always been a self loather?
This is a website for conspiracy theories you fucking retard.
Go to patriots.win if you want to be a faggot.
I mean, I’m certainly not trying to score any kind of points around here, I think you know that.
What I should really say is I’m indifferent when it comes to many groups. The aforementioned group included. I don’t love or hate them. But I do know that there are specific people here who DO hate them. And I’m not putting you in that group, I’m just saying they do exist here. I think we can at least agree on that.
Look at their post history.
It’s literally all flat earth, all day, every day.
They have an agenda.
And that agenda is to make flat earther synonymous with conspiracy theorist.
People use the word “shill” a bit too liberally around here.
That user is absolutely, positively, unironically a shill.