Redrum647 2 points ago +2 / -0

His name is odd to me - Pstgrave. That's like a predictive programming or indication of the marrix/simulation theory.

He is a petty, dirty player. And he killed someone, put them in the grave.

I still wonder how this will all fall out.

How can his US relatives or govt sue? How will the Britiaj govt handle a a foreign prisoner?

Is he technically a Canadian? He seems the type to have various nationalities.

Redrum647 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately. They will likely barter it down.

He should have been arrested for the maximum.

Redrum647 2 points ago +2 / -0

You always have really good insight and analysis. Thank you for sharing.


It's so annoying when people - even HUGE hockey fans - continual the narrative that (1) "he didn't mean to kill him" "he didn't intend to kill him" and (2) "he feels really bad right now".

Really?? Really???

Intent is a huge legal issue and argument. How do any of these Podcasters and commentators feel justified in stating his intentions at that time, alledging that they knew his mind, his mens rea.

And even worse, how can they presume to know his current feelings?!?! Has he made any statements? Polygraph tests? Made statements under oath? If anything, it would probably be closer to Aston Kutcher who panicked when he found his girlfriend dead and decided to cover up his association.

Petgrave, the black killer, may just be worried about any financial, legal or job implications for himself. Or he may be happy because he got away with it. His ego may be stroked that he can literally get away with murder and get a standing ovation. Check out The Boys/Homelander to show when he killed someone in a crowd and everyone cheered. He is a psychopath.

We can't know. I don't even know if the killer apologized as a normal Canadian would do. How would a normal person with emotions act? Would he set up a charity donations for the family? Has he decided to quite hockey for a time to get grief and ptsd help? Many players said they would quit if they hurt a player.

This guy, Tim Peel, some commentator, https://youtu.be/u9FPFWW2WK4 says Petgrave didn't intend to kill him. Then he continues, saying that Petgrave might have meant to hit the victim's head (a/n with a blade with extreme force) but he didn't intend to kill him..

What kind of cognitive dissonance allows all these hockey fans and normies to admit. Yeah, he deliberately kicked him in the head/neck (with extreme force with a deadly weapon) but he didn't mean to kill him.

That's like.... I can't even think of a Jesus or Aesop type of parable that everyone can understand, that is so outrageous. Help me out here??? You creative writers lurking here?

I would argue that since the footage shows that he intensively kicked him in the neck, any athlete or hood rat would know that a sharp blade to the neck or head could and did severe an artery and lead to death.

That is the logical train of thought based on the video footage of events.

  1. The other extremely annoying statement I see a lot, mostly by people who think he deliberately kicked, is when they say "he didn't plan to kill him the day or week before"..... like... so what? Depending on which legal system and what he is charged with, it doesn't matter how long, as long as he INTENDED to preform an action that woukd led to death.

That's like a commentor saying:

people of the world! the killer had no intention to kill that black guy on the road. He just saw him and when his presence annoyed him, the killer decided to shoot him in the heart at a point blank range. But he had no intent the day/week before. And he didn't mean to kill him. The killer just meant to hit him with a bullet directly in the neck. Why yes, the killer has had many years of constantly training on how to operate a gun, and gun safety and is a professional athete with precise control of his body. And yes, he has done this sort of behavior before, but as far as we know, his previous attempts to hit people with bullets failed to permanently injure or kill.

Even this hormonal young girl was treated horrendously by the media and we can't really know her thoughts. She was definitely suicidal and mentally ill as she could not have expected to survive the crash. It was definitely a very emotional moment that led to her boyfriend's death.

Compare her media treatment and court sentencing to diversity hire Petgrave.

19-year-old Mackenzie Shirilla was called ‘hell on wheels’ - after she drove her car at 100mph into a brick wall.  Failing to brake, the crash killed her boyfriend Dominic Russo and his friend Davion Flanagan last year.  She denied purposefully killing both men – sobbing in court and said she didn’t remember the crash. The judge sentencted her on 12 charges including murder and felon-ious assault - she'll serve 15 years to life in prison.

Redrum647 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's too fast for me to see, I'm not used to watching hockey. https://x.com/Iwontsubmit/status/1719738491280466285?s=09 But hockey followers are suspecting there was a second kick.

Very bad video. And NO video from the audience?!?! Is it being purged

Redrum647 1 point ago +1 / -0


Unfortunately, Great Britain has common law. In the old days this woukd have been ok.

But in the current year, we could see him go free and subsequently any similiar events will also allow the killer to go free.

Common law essentially establishes the punishment for future incidents.

Feom what I understand, It is pretty difficult to change the common law, once established because that is the point of common law. Everyone gets the same consequences.

Redrum647 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's too fast for me to see, I'm not used to watching hockey. https://x.com/Iwontsubmit/status/1719738491280466285?s=09 But hockey followers are suspecting there was a second kick.

Very bad video. And NO video from the audience?!?! Is it being purged?

Redrum647 2 points ago +3 / -1

Do NOT get any swab tests! Some are contaminated, and some are targeted towards specific troublesome individuals. I had this confirmed.
Not just contaminated with eventual cancer, but toxins that can take almost immediate effect and result in the end of life unless you are really healthy and lucky.

Redrum647 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suspect deputy PM and finance minister, Ukrainian- Canadian Chrystia Freeland is Jewish.

Or at least a mossad agent/Soros/Klaus funded. She spent a lot of suspect time in Ukraine and Russia before the war. Her family came from high level nazis (Banderas types?) and she married a high level UK journalist (aka spy, possibly MI6 type). She has a lot of power, possibly comparable to Trudeau because she is slightly more intelligent and better at planning ahead.

Or there are rumors that Canada voted that way because they owe Israel for something.

Redrum647 1 point ago +1 / -0

Zuzalu was a gathering of people from the crypto and longevity community. ... including Grimes, Elon Musk's ex gf. She publicly said to normkes that people should live past 100. But she attended a longevity/life extension event.

Redrum647 5 points ago +5 / -0


Trudeau's politicians are video taped literally giving Canada and Canadians the finger while they are in parliament.

Trudeau's coalition of lefties, socialists, browns and the Party know as Blox Québecois, whose mandate is to force Canada to allow Quebec to leave Canada due ro their hatred for English (while still receiving all funding from Canada, even as a separate country), all voted to put a Carbon tax on heating bills.
But! Various Liberal areas and Trudeau friends are exempt from this tax! Wow, what a surprise. More corruption and attempts to destroy the white middle class.

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

They might not support or hate them in this instance but they have interest in encouraging discord in the western societies.

Same reason Chinese tiktok is about getting good grades and western is tweaking and trans

Redrum647 2 points ago +2 / -0



Conspiracies and woo only get a few upvotes and little attention.

Maybe we should start making people put labels - conspiracy, woo, politics, jews, off topic, Indepth discussion

by DrLeaks
Redrum647 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't pay attention but wouldn't be surprised about anything

by DrLeaks
Redrum647 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't mind, it's like a secret code.

Plus, most home schools and real education minded people will teach their kids.

Although, to be honest i'm not 100% sure any more that cursive is required.

People can write in normal print. And use phones/computers.

It might be similar to how everyone used to learn typing skills (manual type writer) but that knowledge is gone.

I would like to learn short hand. Another good secret language lol.

I guess my main objective would be - schools probably replace it with teaching gender stuff. If they replaced it with more math or critical thinking that would be fine.

Honestly, the teacher unions and school border have to be busted.

The kids would benefit best by have the best of the best teachers record their lectures. Everyone watched the same thing. And then the teachers are there for assistance in understanding the lecture and material.

Why have every teacher recreate these lectures from scratch?

Why have substandard and random lectures across the country? Because it will lower the power and wealth of the teacher union. Of the indoctrination.

We need to break the unions.

by DrLeaks
Redrum647 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if she was sent to one of those rehab camps like Paris Hilton at some point.

Or just fell in with a wrong crowd that hates Christianity

Redrum647 1 point ago +1 / -0

And yet again, the game has to change but mandating extra protective equipment because they are encouraging diversity, most of which have a BLM victim complex.

Redrum647 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know if you saw my post on the black hockey player, considered dirty, with a history of raising his leg to injure players, ended up killing a white guy by MMA kicking his neck with his blade.

I suspect Petgrave has a grudge against white people. The typical BLM victimhood. And he is in a position to continually injure whitey. If people looked into this background it might be intersting. People are also wondering if he had a special grudge against Adam, was paid off, or just hates all whites.

Msm are playing interference, don't mention the name or race of the killer. Just saying a freak injury killed the guy or he died from a freak accident with a skate blade.

The hockey organizations are blaming lack of neck protection and says this happens all the time.

Msm is also skimming by the murder and immediately going into victim mode for the black killer. Saying everyone is racist and the poor good man is receiving death threats from racists white hockey fans.

It looks like they will pretend to have an investigation. Like all his past misconduct that should have had him kicked from the leagues, black killer will probably keep his job and the situation will embolden other blacks who hate whites.

Petgrave killed Adam Johnson. You might find more non-msm info on Twitter (including Wallstreet Silver). And some on youtube.

If you read the comments or watch really slow motion, you can see the deliberate kick and Wallstreet Silver has the OHL video of him using his blade to injure, almost taking out the other player's knees. Any skater or sports pro knows the way body checks, gravity and momentum work and there is no way it was an accident. He had to work against gravity to reach up and kick him in the throat and Petgrave knew he was there because he was looking at Adam

He's known as a dirty player and has had a lot of penalty minutes, even though they play nice because he is black. And they need diversity in hockey.

This blade kicking is not done in hockey. They rigorously train against any of that sort of behavior. It's not natural.

Normies are saying it's ok because it's part of the game or something. But if there was pair figure skating and a partner decided to kick his partner in the neck, killing her. That would be murder.

The other annoying thing is even thr people who know it was deliberate are all saying that Petgrave did not intend to murder him. How do they know what was in his mind?

They are literally saying that a large and very strong physically fit man looked at Adam and deliberately kicked him with a sharp blade, stronger than a knife. But that he didn't mean to kill him, just injure his neck.

Normies are the stupidest sheep in the world.

I would say the default is that as a professional who is always in control and aware of his skates, his actions indicate deliberate murder.

Another example of MSM, organizations, cops and politicians lying. And a completely different feeling and narrative amongst the public.

by DrLeaks
Redrum647 1 point ago +1 / -0

Important post thank you

by DrLeaks
Redrum647 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can you please share the browser extension? Thank you bunches!

by DrLeaks
Redrum647 1 point ago +1 / -0

See! Yes! Thank you! This is the responsible way to behave!

I couldnt imagine having little mini clones running around everywhere without any kind of guidance or understanding.

by DrLeaks
Redrum647 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please, the best breeding is about 2nd to 3rd cousins.

So ok, worldwide unvaxxed women will need the top 100 young virile, tall, fit, high iq, attractive unvaxxed men.

You're still not getting rich from you sperm. You're still not having thousands of children carrying on your genetics with 0 effort.

The right-wing became obsessed and delusional with this pipe dream.

Redpill dreamers are convinced that dozens of women will come begging for their sperm and they won't even have to accomplish anything or help raise the kid lol.

I could see women going to that Canadian gymbro and other courageous whistle-blowers.

Redrum647 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, but even after his death he is extremely influential and Infamous.

Men may die but good even stories/ideas never do.

And most writers, artists, politicians, entertainers have some kind of mental illness.

Redrum647 3 points ago +3 / -0

Meh, people don't really care about conspiracies anymore

When I post stuff like the secret elite bunker constructed and hidden in plan sight people just ignore it. And the relation to Denver Airport.


I usually just end up deleting.

People want drama and anti jew content.

I also try to post more 4chan/8chan deep discussions posts where we can analyze secretive 5th generation warfare and the effects on the degeneration of society. But that gets down voted and people see it as off topic.

The west needs to fix itself not focus on their jealousy for the success of the jews. Having hate energy towards a general concept doesn't help improve people's lives.

They also attack flat earth even though it is a conspiracy as valid as big foot.

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