that makes people angry?
Did I say that? Or did I ask you a series of Questions you chose to ignore?
get a life
So accept Hollywood propaganda as is, and pay for shitty movies created and directed by chomos via my Netflix account?
Well, I don't actually have to 'get a life', as I already have one. it involves Questioning things.
An actual conversation on this topic:
I thought so too, then I was left wondering why it takes up the whole face of the planet, leaving me to surmise that the edges of view are all due to the fish eye effect. Wondering why the majority of the planet is being hidden from us.
It's amazing how I can't recognize a single land mass.
If you don't wish to have sex. Politely ask for your rapist to get off of you.
No real conclusion, just a bunch of hemming and hawing.
Honestly, I just thought it was a good question to put some thought to.
Clearing up what? That they used boot grips? This would be true regardless as to where the picture was taken. Check out u/archerdog post history, he posts nothing but controlled opposition.
u/TallestSkil thinks this is well poisoning because he believes we have been to the moon.
Where as I believe this is well poisoning, because how obviously irrelevant and easily disproved the information is.
Which happened regardless to if it happened on the moon, or on a sound stage.
Everything "PRO" user u/archerdog posts, is controlled opposition talking points, easily disproved.
Nobody asks the obvious questions, such as what use does one have for an electric jeep on the moon? The logistics for just that, are insane.
But you don't. and you know it. It's just a comparison, of bombs used between two years in one country.
Why must I continue to repeat myself?
You must be controlled opposition, for the purposes of generating engagement on a failing social media network for the purposes of gathering analytics and add revenue.
I asked for lists, and statistics, you keep giving me articles on bombs used in Afghanistan, during a one year period.
Congratulations! I think you are getting enough soybean in your diet. So, there is that.
emperor trump.
Your words, not mine.
The Seafood restaurant? Sure, why not?
2 articles, about the use of bombs in 2 years, with 2 presidents in 1 country.
You think those are statistics?
That is the very definition of cherry picking.
" I doubt a list will change your mind".
So give us the list then.
I can find the truth just fine.
Which is clearly why you chose not to show us the list.
Reminder. Did I ask you a Question?
I doubt a list will change your mind.
Give us the fucking list.
I found one set of numbers, comparing 2017 to 2016, in Afghanistan. Specifically bombs, and no mention of other tactics or uses of force. You know it's 2024 now. And that's not the only country the U.S military is deployed to.
Can you find any actual statistics, or just shitty articles? Grandma.
I thought you knew how to navigate the Internet or use a search engine.
This is the comment you replied to:
Honestly. I went looking before asking my question. All the search engines are colluding, returning exact same results, and making it hard to find any information of value.The only reason I asked, was because I was unable to find statistics on my own.
I'm not going to pretend that you are playing dumb. Clearly, you are not playing dumb.
Now give me statistical comparisons between presidents, or shut the fuck up.
Just look up "trump bombings"
Yet you can't link me to this? in fact the only thing I get from that search is an article from CNN written in April of 2017,
Wow. You are a fucking liar.
Honestly. I went looking before asking my question. All the search engines are colluding, returning exact same results, and making it hard to find any information of value.
The only reason I asked, was because I was unable to find statistics on my own.
Everything you post is easily disproved talking points. None of it is legitimate.
Even your posts with some legitimacy is focusing on the wrong facts.
Judging my the disparity with the responses I am receiving, I can't help but feel that I am expressing myself poorly.
Thanks for entertaining my Questions none the less.
I am just asking you to observe the moon when you get a chance. And to Question everything.
It is direction of light source. As stated before, move your light source to the front of the ball.
I am uncertain why you think paths around the Earth, length of cycle, or the equator is relevant.
Simply imagine a line from the sun to the moon in the sky. That is how the light should behave and reflect from the sphere that is the moon.
Did you not review the video in the link? The refection causes a hot spot, as in the above image, and not a crescent, as often occurs. With no interference from the Earths shadow.
Do you have a list of Trump's military actions? How about a list of his illegal wars?
I have no friends.
I have no Facebook account.
I know no ''boomers".
Zack Snyder is controlled.
He was given an adopted daughter, for reasons I can only speculate on.
She killed herself.
He's running PSYOPs out of Hollywood for the CIA to make us dumber and to demoralize us.
He gets paid for this out of your pocket.