That nose of his gives it away.
It’s important to remember that middle easterners, north africans, non-white Southern Europeans, and central asians are also considered white. So most likely, the number of actual white people in your town is probably 50%.
What is this guys credentials?
Interesting I want to see the MSM’s explanation for this switch.
I literally tell my friends to stop using it, everyday fucking day. And they don’t fucking listen. It fucking frustrates me so much. I swear literally every kid these days are on the autism spectrum and have ADHD.
I read the report wrong, sorry. And yes, the size probably changes to.
My dude, you have to be born in the U.S to become president. Obama wasn’t, so he shouldn’t have been president.
Aight, thanks for responding.
Holey sh*t, my dude. I just watched both of these videos on Youtube, and now I'm seeing them posted on here.
Are you dumb? The only smart white people are easternized ones. What could white people do without the number system,chariots, boat sails, guns, gunpowder, wheels, agriculture and Christianity? They would still be living in the caves without these East/Middle East inventions.
That’s not true. Whites have below average iq, and are lower than both middle easterners and asians.
The “city of London” isn’t the financial capital of the world anymore. The “New York Financial district” has surpassed it in importance.
My fingertips on my left arm(especially the index) feel numb, and so does the heart area.
Yo dude, both of my parents have been fully vaccinated for over 2 weeks. And this morning, my left hand was feeling super tingly and weird. I swear that I have never experienced this tingly felling in my hand before.
Thank you for speaking normally, for once.
You're arguing like a child
Yo boomer, is this your first time using the internet??
I'm sincerely asking because your arguments are those of an 8 year old, and I don't want to insult a kid.
Says the boomer/immature teen whose arguments are as good as things that go down the toilet
And you're, in fact, completely wrong about my age.
That’s something a immature teen/boomer would say.
Seriously. Not being mean, how old are you?
It’s quite obvious that you’re a immature teenager, or you are a useless boomer, Only immature teenagers/boomers try to assume the ages of others on the internet. Boomers like you also don’t understand internet slang and don’t understand how most people behave differently on the internet, than in real life.
Ps: I didn’t assume your age, I know your age as a fact.
Actually it’s true
You think "the gubmint" has complete control of the 100's of thousands of people involved at every county level water supply?
They don’t need to have that much control, to poison the water supply. All they need to do is put poison into it.
They were put on a boiled water notice because the system lost pressure and became contaminated. Not even dangerously. The boiled water notice was a precaution. This was not someone poisoning billions of gallons of water. It was backwash contamination.
Yes, they became contaminated and poisoned, what’s your point??
And even further, you're making my argument for me. It was IMMEDIATELY DETECTED.
Only because alerts were put out by the government. If the elites really wanted to poison us, there would be no alerts.
Definitely not.
Ah, yes it did. 8.7 million people were put on a boiled water notice in north Texas, because all the water was poisoned.
I’d bet that the elites could do this on a massive scale, if they wanted to.
Poisoning the water supply is nearly impossible.
Not true, the water supply of DFW was poisoned for about 1-2 weeks in February. I’m sure that this could also happen nationwide, if the elites wanted it to.
Wasn’t this guy injured by the vaccine?