Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idiot. Blocked.

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

improved resolution of baggage scanners

The secret sauce there is the word "improved" which in reality never seems to be measured or observed.

Why do people need to scan other people's bags? I know the reasons stated in publications, but since it's fairly debunkable info it leaves the most obvious reason.


Perfectibilist 2 points ago +2 / -0

They always offer or promise all your freedoms back. They just never say "when".

People typically will wait two more weeks if need be ... as we've all noticed.

Perfectibilist 2 points ago +2 / -0

How the conversation really went:

You are the fairest


Snow white is the fairest

FUCK THAT BITCH! <smashes mirror>

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

They want to teach children to be affirmed instead of learning to withold gratification. If they never learn this, they will be forever trapped inside a "masturbation chamber" (in all senses).

Pull the drug addict out of the drug-den and you'll get nothing but a meltdown. The "drug" in this case is affirmation. We all see it every day, for example try asking any of these ensorcelled young folks to logically provide a basis to any of the following:

  • how is it so that people are born gay?
  • how is it so that nazis are real (today)?
  • if your genitals don't define your gender then how does removing them affirm it?

The best thing you can do with your children is to teach them disgust of any fake affirmation. First, they'll hate themselves and melt down. If they don't get affirmation going forward they'll start to get over the addiction of affirmation and they will look to actual success.

Here's an example:

"I'm not bad at math, it's the teacher who is obviously a nazi"

A good parent would shut it down there and say:

"BULLSHIT! You failed the test and so you're grounded. You and I will go over the math together. You are smart, you will get it."

Actually, any good parent wouldn't ever send their children to sorcerers for anything.

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

I recommend you don't even pirate any of the shit on there, let alone PAY them. It's all filthy poison.

These pricks are doing you a favor, OP.

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the reference above as that the poster invoked "the nazis" and the fake "neuremburg trials" to make a point about Ukraine. That foundation is mud, and so the structure in question (i.e. what is going on in Ukraine) is not stable or convincing ... or, the main point is debunked because of the faulty premises used.

Let's say: If A, then B

If I can prove A is bullshit, then what does that argument say about B? Answer: nothing. B still may or may not be true, but you're now out of the argument.

Perhaps OP can chime in, but this was my take.

Perfectibilist 0 points ago +1 / -1

this place woken up

You mean the people who frequent this place, not the place itself I'm guessing.

you don't believe ... actually happened ...

The hall-of-costs isn't even the big red-pill. One in a thousand fold like lawnchairs when calibrating with a number of narratives that they've built upon.

To answer you question though: No, I don't think people are ever going to "wake up" collectively. It's a seeming black-pill, I know ...

However, do keep trying and have faith in the Truth itself. Don't rely on weaklings to affirm you - I suspect you already know this, but I wanted to say it anyway.

Become what you need to in order to triumph past the lies for yourself, and those who follow the same path will join you.

Perfectibilist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ready? -> Nothing Happens

Just wait two more weeks ...

And that's the point. F-U. They already won.

If one accepts the fakeness around them, yeah. Few will recognize it and will be screwed and ...

They just need to bleed you out from here.

... harvested.

And remember: you're supposed to not like it. Anything you do to resist, will be used against you.

Ones consent to it while they know it's bullshit is requirement of demoralization. Not consenting is hard, but no one needs to let the harvesters know you don't agree.

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

strict language requirement

This can not be emphasised enough. Persistent calibration will shake away the "ghosts and ghouls" we all assume in conversation.

Those that can not refine themselves aren't ready for mental operations that matter. A great litmus test for moving forward. The good news is that I know from experience that one can make the transformation to at least get started in this.

Perfectibilist 0 points ago +3 / -3

It's amazing to see the various echos of "Operation Trust" still keep giving.

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems like it is, but really even the idea of "offering" or such a product being "available" will make one yearn for it. It's best that foreigners not only don't attend your club, but that they don't know it exists. This way, they will be less likely to oppose such clubs.

A farmer doesn't advertise his cows to the coyotes and wolves. If they get a sniff of the meat they attack his farm and will ravage his harvest.

I'm with you though on the exclusive part, just saying "out of site, out of mind" will allow your club to do what it does without crybabies making the goverment or other bullies getting involved. Or worse, get infiltrated. If you don't want that hassle (and the system will find it's way in if you advertise), make your club invite only. Remember the first two rules of "Fight Club".

"All war is deception" -- Sun Tzu

Perfectibilist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm half way through and he mentions the UFO stories were part of mind control (hasn't explained how yet). He talks about how simple suggestion can ensare people with how they conclude more than what is presented. So, with a UFO, real or not, one builds a story about it in their mind (of course, mixed with the hollywood stories to repeat over and over) they may lower themselves and become passive because of how insignificant you feel.

Here's another example of how to do it, right in your face, by spellcasting dressed up as entertainment:


Perfectibilist 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK, really good information! Let me take a crack at summarizing all of this, but the key is to use proper definitions first.

MAGIC IS real. It's just not what people think it is. Think of this as a process instead, being "Mind Alchemy" (transmutation of perception) which is really what I mean by "magic". Also note the common thread of "Alchemy" throughout all of it.

The TRANSMUTATION of one's mind occurs at the moment they "accept" the magic as real. A better word: CONSENT. So, a sorcerer will suggest, or present an idea with a falsehood that measurably lowers one's agency - you can use "empowerment" interchangeably.

ALCHEMY in general is simply (for us "goyim") a dual process of transmutation. Most would have experienced this when they did high school chemistry (redox, or acids and bases). The equations were split between two half reactions ... one giving up ions, and one giving up electrons and the transmutations are the chemical recombinations. Another way of putting it is "deconstruction" with "recombining". Children are taught alchemy with toys, for example take completed lego forms, deconstruct them, and use the parts as a new lego form. These two sides are represented in masonry by the baphomet (look at the tattoos on the arms). Alchemy is simply an interpretation of reordering.

The lingering question is: How then does one get to the point where they consent to something that a) isn't true, and/or b) isn't good for them (i.e. lowers their agency)? The answer is in the state of man kind as a born addict. The drug (dealers often give the first hits free until you get addicted) is simply AFFIRMATION (I'll assume everyone here knows what that means).

So, for the summary (the things above needed to be defined before proceeding).

Provide a lie (ANY lie) that both lowers the subjects agency but also affirms the subject at the same time (usually also loaded with "some" truth, but misrepresented). When the subject consents to the lie (i.e. start to play along), they are then bewitched. It's now work to check into the precise details, and information keepts coming. One has to eventually "trust experts" or accept they are completely fucking confused. So, people either believe, or they act as though they believe and operate in a false world that in time weaves them into a mind-trap.

There is a massive white-pill on this, and it requires the realization of what an apparition actually is (consider those falsehoods we believe without checking as apparitions). The realization is to learn to reject these apparations, where like saying no to heroin is next to impossible when freshly coming down but if no ingestion of the toxin is consistent over a longer time one's ability to say no is much stronger.

Learn to live in non-affirmation. Learn to live in the antithesis of affirmation (i.e. being "deplorable" to others). Every falsehood you reject will make you stronger and stronger. Unfortunately, most will literally hate you for it.

The story of Jesus is this white pill recipe. Love the TRUTH and THE WAY TO THE TRUTH and success becomes your affirmation.

EDIT: Here is a copy of that CIA manual by Mulholland: https://archive.org/details/cia-manual-trickery-deception-2009/page/n3/mode/2up

Perfectibilist 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ha! It's so funny that I just got finished using the word "ensorcelled" which is a perfect word to describe the state of people after filtering them through the psyops.


I'm listening now, will get back if I have any comments. Thanks for the vid, OP.

Perfectibilist 0 points ago +1 / -1

bot ... randomly talk ...

Didn't get anything at all from my comment, huh? That's unfortunate, as I was deliberate in my wording to bring the refined message.

etymology of words

Not looking into this kind of thing is a major reason people get into mental contracts that they don't understand and go on feeding a parasite. I'd explain that one further, but I'd have to go into words like "sorcery", "wizardry" etc. and I'm guessing you think Gandalf is a wizard and so I'd have to add another point for you to get the true meaning of that word. It all is done in so that you don't realize wizards are actually real (and most definitely, sorcerers are real). See how hollywood skews things? You've been ensorcelled (https://www.etymonline.com/word/ensorcell)!

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see no problem with making up shit since that's the best we can do

The idea of modeling requires us to make an assumption, and then test it to determine fitment. Or, more commonly, Assume the antithesis of the model, and reject it (think null hypothesis). In a sense you can say it's like making up shit. It becomes an issue when shit is made up and there's no threshold of acceptance, i.e "stupid" shit.

The problem is big academia and institution-level idiots not willing to let go and embrace new ideas

The people in academia will accept and prostletize ANYTHING they are paid to. If it pays well, they'll embrace new ideas and contribute to them. The problem then is "who prints the money?"

So now we've been stuck and running circles trying to plug all the holes in these theories for the better part of 100 years almost.

Or even longer. While it is presented as the birth of modern science, I suspecting it goes back to "scientific revolution" itself. For me, it become maddening and I had to really consider "how do we know what we know?" ... not just a pondering on a Sunday walk, but for every single subject.

Now, I see that ALMOST everything is proven "fake" and most probaly "gay".

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +2 / -1

It seems you value the idea of "knowing" which is admirable. However, consider the idea of "becoming" which is exclusive from knowing. Stupid people, who know little, often may end up with higher agency than those that know. Needing to tell people about what you know is the sin of Pride.

Either stop the consipiracy, or hamper it, but if you tell someone that would aim to kill you if they knew you knew then they might just actually try to kill you.

Perfectibilist 2 points ago +2 / -0

honesty, hard work, ownership, accountability, responsibility, cooperation, mutual respect, individual freedoms, voluntary consent to contract, autonomy of the body, right to have a family, freedom from the state oppression, religious freedom of thought, freedom of movement and the right to make a living for oneself without slavery.

You will honestly have an easier time if your required value system was:

Death to all that oppose our nation.

Often I wish it wasn't so, but it appears so.

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't disagree with anything per se, just want to add some information.

Foreigner pricing....and local pricing....

They have this at many academic institutions where foreigners pay 3x the local persons fees. They are now incentified to admit as many immigrants as possible now.

Perhaps local pricing only? Exclusivity?

Start clubs. Private clubs

Exclusivity here. But, how does one "vet" their members? A really smart person on these boards answered how one "creates" such groups ... in that it's not really possible without terrible violence upon the members (vetting by threatening for lack of a better term). Or, you "create" them through birth ... as in have massive families and teach them to be part of the "exclusive club" only. The bond works better here because "blood is thicker than water".

It kind of sounds like what we don't like about jews and other lots. However, we are among nations at war. As part of a nation that is being attacked, the group merges as a cohesive unit. This is why you'll see that "whites" aren't allowed to verbalize how they are being attacked. It is when one realizes "their kind" is under attack that they consider going back into "the exclusive club" again.

Perfectibilist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was careful in my wording to describe only what we’ve seen experimentally,

I did notice that, and appreciated. Being careful to say "no more than we should" is the only way to untangle the damage done by sorcerers. I can see you walk the line ... it's hard to stay on it for sure.

If we can’t account for gravity in our calculations, why should we assume the calculations are universally correct?

This nails the reason why "good" scientist refer to it as a "theory" and "bad" scientists refer to it as "true". It's a tough walk, because nowhere in the journy really feels satisfying.

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

a satellite in space

You mean balloons in high orbit?

The GPS calculations are relative to the Earth, treating the Earth as the "rest" frame.

This is indeed accurate. See the subtle difference between "relativism" and a "relative data point" (datum). This seems to be the main reason for pushing such theories.

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Black holes

An explanation of ill posed eigenvalue problems. This issue exists in many mathematical "models" where the computed value approaches extremely large numbers. For example, many Mechanics (note the M not m) practitioners actually believe that the stress at a crack tip is INFINITE, rather than just saying the model in use becomes unusable in that region (which now they do assume and use boundary layer methods). So, you get a bunch of crap like "the black hole has immesurable gravitational fields" and what not.

It's even worse though. The concept of "black" is used to denote the fact that nobody is actually observing ANYTHING (you have to trust me goys, you can't see it but it's there). Dig into it and you see the idea is really just a flawed use of a "center of mass" computation where the black hole is the statistical "expected value" of the fields measured (or not even measure, but assumed).

In short, use an inadequate model, or a model that works in a simplified space (like all models, or your computations literally take forever) to a "global" (largest compartment containing "everything") system. You'll always get singularites (which is technically a paradox). People then take these results that don't make sense, then assume it's right anyway, and make up "story time" explanations.

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

allegorical explanation to physically describe the nature of relativity

Nicely put. Since we are compartmentalized (not infinitely seeing) we make up shit beyond our veil to affirm our "understanding" of reality. One of the tell tale signs is mixing notions of "curve" and "straight", or even worse fusing concepts that are exclusive such as "space" and "time".

but we’ve measured what appear to be its effects in several ways, so it can’t really be denied.

The italicised word "appear" is important. It can't be denied, but can it be really "confirmed"? The act of forcing a conclusion is a mental deconstruction, and is really a pre-cursor to getting someone to believe in even more stupid shit.

Perfectibilist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Relativism is actually a misrepresentation of statistical data. It is only as real as one's consent to the concept itself. This consent comes with a dose of affirmation in that "there's another reality out there". During this mental process, one deconstructs their motivations on the "one, true reality" and now puts their mind to imagining a fake one that affirms them.

The concept of shifting realities is mental alchemy (a kabbalah notion). It is incorrect as it muddles up (over and over) the compartmental experiences or measurements as not a subset of the whole, but a whole in itself (which is flawed).

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