PHazard 0 points ago +1 / -1

You tried to insult me first for an obvious mistype. All I did was tell you the truth. You speak in things that can't be proven, except inside of your imagination. Not my fault you find that insulting. Words in books don't count as evidence, unless you have something tangible to back it up.

Etymology is the origin of a word. You can look up ancient dictionaries, or Latin ancient text which many of the words derive from. I wanted to find it's origins, so I looked it up instead of believing in something that can't be proven.

I mentioned where the numbers is based off of. I can show live footage of a once per millennium star that came right on queue and will never be seen again.

What is a ritual to you? Offering to Moloch or Satan? Summoning demons by opening portals?

You have zero evidence. You have nothing tangible to back up your words. Showing more words from a book ain't going to cut it. Madonna's performance is based off of the Red Kachina. Hence the numbers, then background turns from Red to Blue. Red Kachina, Blue Kachina.

Now show me some tangible evidence that it's a ritual? All the damage in video being played in the background of her performance will be caused by the ritual too?

And I'm not being cocky, I know they dumbed us all down. I know they made us illiterate by mixing Latin and English. It's you people that refuse to realize they are hiding a whole wealth of knowledge from us. You choose to believe they are being manipulated by some outside force.

PHazard 2 points ago +2 / -0

Carrie "I had incriminating evidence under microscope and threw the vial away Madej, Del Bigtree, RFK are all part of the academy of divine knowledge.

All connected to Stew Peters, who also keeps the virus, left vs right politics charade going. Conspiracy is mostly alternative media by the same people, and these "awake" people fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Nothing's changed on this site. Look out! Hydra heads.

PHazard 0 points ago +1 / -1

I meant to say there is no evil, if good does not exists. Opposing sides, one cannot exist without the other. Hard/soft, long/short and so forth.

It is you who is uneducated on their so called rituals.

Watch Madonna's Eurovision. Left eye covered with a cross, right eye showing. This is referring to the Eye of Ra.

40 monks at the start, walks down 15 steps, 4 people undress her. Red background turns blue. Same knowledge hidden in many other things. Thoth is counting up to 40 on the ancient temple. 15 the ways that lead to Duat. 40 days in the Bible. This is not a ritual, they are flaunting knowledge they hid from us, on top of adding a warning to use who might be able to figure it out.

You can't even comprehend the significance of the word adversary. Adversary to God, Jesus, freedom, good, heaven, healthy, truth. It's satanic, get it?

Knowledge is power. That has always been the secret to their power. You assume their actions based on a belief, which has manifested from a figment of your imagination. That's what magicians do. They don't use special powers, they cast spells, to trap their viewers in illusions. Some can no longer tell the difference from reality, and the illusion. Your post is a perfect example of that.

PHazard 0 points ago +1 / -1

Satan etymology = oppose (adversary). They worship the idea of evil. There is good, if evil does not exist. They do no worship an extra-dimensional being.

PHazard 1 point ago +1 / -0

Until a government gives the power to its people, all staged to keep you believing in them. Just as long as you pick a side. There's a reason why we cannot nominate our own candidates, from the parties created by the people it's self. Instead we vote between who is placed in front of us.

People are too stupid to realize every government since it's inception around the world is enslaving everybody with money that does not exist. Banks by law, do have any money. They trade in securities, Hitler fangirls never bothered to read law books, to see every government since it's inception have been screwing us over. As long as you believe in a government, you consent to wanting to be a slave.

They rather bat off to repeats of the professionally made documentary, recorded by people using tripods in the middle of a warzone. Oh watch The Greatest Story Never Told. Oh my god Hitler, I'm cumming.

Perfectly normal, there's even combat cameraman taking photos of other camermen.

PHazard 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lol the Hitler tarts still pushing this garbage. Why was he on the cover of time magazine winning man of the year?

He was also on some dog kennel magazine to show he was a dog lover. From the halls of Munich in small numbers, to taking over the radio to make his name known, to making a worldwide magazine cover. Just like Nobel prize, everyone that wins man of the year award is part of the club.

Why didn't Hitler gather incriminating evidence before going public. He has a whole army at his disposal, top tier technology for its time, but can't get a single photo, video, audio recording or even get his hands on some documents to incriminate the people he accused.

Europa last battle, Greatest story never told both have war footage. What commander would bring a cameraman with a tripod to record battle footage? Who the fuck would defend this person whilst they are out in the open recording?

Hitler gave us a label. If a woman gets pulled into an alleyway and gets raped. Then a passerby scares the rapist away. Then the lady asks who it was, and the passerby says it was a Jew.

Can the woman go to the police and get them to do a facial sketch from that label?

Can you take a label to court? Can you place a wanted poster on the wall with the label? If Hitler had given faces as targets, with incriminating evidence, or the plundering as he called it, names, addresses. Do you know what would have happened? Nope he's a peaceful man who just wanted them out of the country.

All he gave you was a label. End result is just like every other war, the people killed each other, and the perpetrators came out unscathed.

I'm Hitler, time to get on stage and make a grand speech, whilst giving away my intention, telling the enemy what I think of them. As it's much smarter than using assassins and trained killers to wiped them off the face of the earth.