I really hope you people understand that this is a circus. Don't fall for it. Trump has all his children married to Jews. Wouldn't you research that, please?
He is a rich guy, who doesn't care for the little guy a.k.a. you and me. How many pictures of him and Epstein should I show you, so you stop with the ignorance? Please! Don't fall for this stupid propaganda with Trump! It's a circus - observe and discuss, don't promote. Please. You must figure out this at least! You must!
Trump is not a good leader. Jesus is the perfect leader. If you would only take some time to read about Jesus... If there is a God, and it is written in the Bible, wouldn't you just try it out. Just a single attempt. If God is God, then let him reveal himself through the Word. Can't you just try? How many satanic rituals should I show you so you can realize that the cult that controls the world is ACTUALLY worshiping an extradimensional being that they themselves call satan???? Just research Aleister Crowley - he seemed to believed in that a bit too much...
There is a solution to all your troubles. There is a rest to all your worries. There is a salvation to all of your mistakes. If that is indeed Jesus, wouldn't you want to just read a bit about him? Just to research. Just so you can judge when you have the information, not without any information. Wouldn't any comment be ignorant of God without knowing who God is? Have you given an honest chance to that scenario? Or have you arrogantly refuted it before even studying a single thing? There is a solution. Just look at my Hope in this post and remember that I am not worthy of even writing this. Who am I? I am one of you. But I look for the answer. Wouldn't you look for it too?
You tried to insult me first for an obvious mistype. All I did was tell you the truth. You speak in things that can't be proven, except inside of your imagination. Not my fault you find that insulting. Words in books don't count as evidence, unless you have something tangible to back it up.
Etymology is the origin of a word. You can look up ancient dictionaries, or Latin ancient text which many of the words derive from. I wanted to find it's origins, so I looked it up instead of believing in something that can't be proven.
I mentioned where the numbers is based off of. I can show live footage of a once per millennium star that came right on queue and will never be seen again.
What is a ritual to you? Offering to Moloch or Satan? Summoning demons by opening portals?
You have zero evidence. You have nothing tangible to back up your words. Showing more words from a book ain't going to cut it. Madonna's performance is based off of the Red Kachina. Hence the numbers, then background turns from Red to Blue. Red Kachina, Blue Kachina.
Now show me some tangible evidence that it's a ritual? All the damage in video being played in the background of her performance will be caused by the ritual too?
And I'm not being cocky, I know they dumbed us all down. I know they made us illiterate by mixing Latin and English. It's you people that refuse to realize they are hiding a whole wealth of knowledge from us. You choose to believe they are being manipulated by some outside force.
"You can look up ancient dictionaries, or Latin ancient text which many of the words derive from." - Satan is not from Latin. Again, your stupidity writes comments.
"You have nothing tangible to back up your words." - Read your comments and confirm this statement applies to you only. I post regularly a lot of evidence on the occult and satanic forces. Clearly, I attracted the shill that they appoint to deal with this sort of posts. Go back to your jewish overlords to tell them to switch to someone more intelligent.
You should research Aleister Crowley and his works before you spew the nonsense "look the other way".
I have plenty of evidence, but since you provide 0, I doubt you even comprehend the meaning of evidence. OK, I will provide 1 example, since I am way better than you - https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.rapgenius.com%2Fc846ef59367f8a1850064352c495f61d.1000x663x1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=f4ce605565c282be0e5204094123dc4cd25d334bbc811a9400d7e9c3f9d7c63c&ipo=images
Go be angry somewhere else, you already exposed yourself as a shill in here. I have no time to waste with angry shills. Or just tell your bosses to switch with someone better prepared.