OKRancher 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’ve heard it called “crab mentality”. That’s part of the reason. Some of them actually believe it because they get all their news from tv and fakebook. My ex wants to vaccinate our son and she’s a conservative Trump supporter.

OKRancher 2 points ago +2 / -0

That must have been wild to see something accelerate like that. The thing that is most perplexing to me is the speed it seemed to be moving. I agree whatever they are likely have terrestrial origins.

OKRancher 2 points ago +2 / -0

He had not seen the picture before and said it looked like that but was shinier. He said it was shiny on both ends.

I’m thinking there were two of them and the front (they were headed towards the west a couple hours before dark) had the sun reflecting off them. There was a cloud between us and the sun but I think they (it?) were above the cloud.

OKRancher 2 points ago +2 / -0

“You did see it.” It’s kind of just now hitting me that my son and I saw one of these things. I agree they’re very likely military. The creepy thing is how fast it seemed to be going. It doesn’t seem possible. Maybe it was smaller than one would expect and appeared to be going faster than it actually was? It sure seemed high up, way above the AWACS. The AWACS was hauling ass and this thing appeared to leave it behind.

I wish I’d had my phone on me to pull up a flight tracker, not that anything would show up anyway. This is crazy. I’m not going to be able to sleep now lol

OKRancher 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’ve seen that before but pretty much dismissed it as a Mylar balloon or something. To me, it looked longer and was bright on both ends. It was too far for me to see a blimp shape. It was headed towards the sun so I don’t know how there could be a reflection on both ends unless there were two of them with their own reflections on the front. If there were two, they kept a perfect formation at a very high speed. (Or maybe they weren’t as high as they seemed?)

I don’t think my son has seen those photos before. I’ll ask him in the morning about it and reply again. Thanks for reminding me about this.

OKRancher 2 points ago +2 / -0

The weird thing is the AWACS plane flying like that. I doubt that is training and if someone was screwing around they would probably be locked up. They’re based out of OKC and normally fly high and you don’t notice them. The only planes we see fly that low around here are crop dusters.

We were pretty calm when t happened. It was pretty awesome to see. The more I think about it the weirder it gets.

I’ve heard all the “news” stories about UFOs. I pretty much dismissed them until about six hours ago. This was some shit I never thought I would see.

I know I’m rambling. Thanks for responding. I wonder why all the UFO stories/sightings come in waves?

by pkvi
OKRancher 3 points ago +3 / -0

They (MSM) quit pushing it because it didn’t fit their narrative. They wanted to blame white supremacists but the problem is white people weren’t the attackers.

OKRancher 7 points ago +7 / -0

A lot of that shit is twisted statistics and a year is nothing in ”Earth years”. I don’t think I’d believe any story about climate change right now.