Neo1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, to be honest here... I am not that knowledgeable about the specifics on different denominations, and I am not even a native English-speaker, so it took me some time to check what some of the words meant. But, as I can understand it, after I checked the meanings of the words, I do agree with your position, as much as I am aware on Protestantism and Catholicism.

I also checked his replies and he is definitely not as coherent and knowledgeable as you portray him. Not that you're making any mistakes, but I admire how you present his stance on the debate, while not even focusing on the petty insults he is constantly using in his comments. This is a remarkable composure from you, I must say.

I would be studying the differences in the different denominations in more detail, to fully grasp what you are saying. But regarding your statement that "maybe" you should be posting this in c/catholic... Friend... You have so much knowledge and understanding that you present in comments. You should definitely be posting a lot, and not even in this specific forum. I see your recent posts are mainly great quotes from the Bible, but your second-to-last post is showing great understanding, and the details are what is very useful for people, who study Christianity. In my opinion, you should be focusing more on posting these type of breakdowns, and explanations. I am not saying you should stop with the Biblical quotes, but you have such knowledge and understanding that is vital for the Christians, who want to believe, but don't fully grasp many of the concepts, like me. Perhaps I am just basing this incorrectly on your last posts, but you should definitely write more free text, or just keep writing free text posts.

Neo1 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's very interesting and thorough. I was quick to blame the Catholic church as a whole, while missing huge chunks of information which you have shared.

In this exchange with a known Catholic-believer, to put it that way, I completely forgot about:

  1. The Catholic church created initially has preserved the correct text in the Bible. That couldn't be done by people, who hate Christianity.

  2. Jacques de Molay was a 13th century heretic that was captured, and executed, by the then Pope, and French King. This action stopped the Templar order, which some consider to be the head, that was "wounded to death", in Revelation 13:3. Again, showing the Catholic Pope's actions were inspired by good.

  3. The Jesuit order were known to infiltrate and kill Popes, in order to take control over the Catholic chuch. Thus, showing that there was indeed some good in the Catholic church at that time.

You are correct on all counts. Credit should be given, when credit is due. And statements should be exposes, when they go directly against the Bible.

I stand corrected, which I really like. You're a person with great knowledge, and control of temper, and I am a person with a great thirst for knowledge, and little control of temper, unfortunately... All I can do now is work on my flaws.

I really appreciate your thorough comment and patience with me!

Neo1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, it was exactly the accounts' error code 403. I gave a more thorough reply in another comment to you in the better forum.

Neo1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am really sorry for my previous comment.

I got a lot of heat that day, and it got to me... I should not have asked you to prove anything, since I was already aware of that because of a pervious comment from you saying similar things... Just got a lot of bad comments in a day, and was really frustrated about that... I don't think I actually even read in full your comment, just acting on impulse...

I am dealing with this by leaving this conspiracy sub entirely, since it is not worth getting 90% constant hate, in order to find the 10% of people's comments (maybe even less), who are worth reading.

Neo1 2 points ago +3 / -1

How are you responding, when you block me?

One-sided conversation?

I think there's a word for it - Schizophrenia.

Neo1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Were you ever mentioned by name in the top 3 posts in here?

I bet none of you was spammed with 14 comments in a single day. https://conspiracies.win/p/1994oytCVt/wtf-did-i-wake-up-to--sorry-for-/c/

Neo1 1 point ago +2 / -1

That's the one time you provide a good link.

Neo1 2 points ago +2 / -0


What proof is that of Mary's birthday?

I will wait for your proof of your claims.

Neo1 2 points ago +2 / -0


Thank you for that!

I wasn't aware about the amount of links. But seems to be showing for me - https://communities.win/c/Christianity/p/1994ozzwXd/

I will wait a bit to see the activity, but I get your point about multiple links.

Thank you so much for this!!!

You brought hope to a lost soul just now... Thank you, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!!

I hope I can deliver good content into this Christian sub! I will try to reduce the amount of links in a single post now.

You have reminded me of Hope, brother.... You didn't quit on me, when many others would have... I hope I deliver what you want in this forum from now on.

May God bless you, brother! I know for a fact that you didn't give up on me, with my misunderstanding of this forum rules, and you have made my first post to be successful by explaining the steps to me.

Thank you so much for this!

I will try to minimize the links, but expand on the content. I would appreciate more feedback whenever you have the time for it.

You have been the ray of hope in a place of insulting users, where you have not insulted me once.

I really hope I can deliver good content in your forum!

May God be with you ALWAYS! I know He was with you this time!

Neo1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, so it could be the many links I've shared?

Ok, I can test that. I will try to provide a single link and see how this goes.

I really appreciate your help on this. I am not a tech guy... I really suck at this stuff... I don't know the rules...

I will try to post a single link, and let you know of the outcome.

Neo1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ooof... I am really not a tech guy...

Well, I know how to clear my cookies...

Can you please give it step-by-step tutorial on this, because I am really confused.

If I understand you properly (which I doubt), is it right to do this:

  1. Clear my cookies.

  2. Use my current conspiracy/win username and password to log in (not join the sub as a new account)

  3. Post without problems. I don't know this error number still.

Also, I have patience on the matter, and I would be patience in order to post good information.

I would rather wait for a reply that I understand (again, I am not a tech guy... You probably see me as a grandma that uses the internet for the first time, but this is indeed strange for me... However, I will wait until my next actions are clear before acting again in this sub.)

Sorry, but can you explain this again to someone, who is a moron with current technological stuff?

I am sorry, I am really bad at tech stuff. Can you just explain a step-by-step tutorial for me, and I will follow it to the letter. Whatever you say, I will follow. Just literally state "press this", or "wait a month", or "I don't even know really"...

I don't want to rush things... Just treat me as someone really bad at tech stuff. But I know I can deliver good posts...

Sorry for all the delays... I thought this would be done quicker, but I don't understand what I did wrong... If you can step into my shoes for a second to realize that...

I don't understand still what I did wrong, and I understand that I don't know much of your language that you have explained to help myself. Can you just explain it like you explain an idiot about it?

I am sorry, I wish I could do more... But I can't at this stage.

Neo1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok, I sent you a personal message about an error I got in that new sub. Can you please check it out?

I wanted to post this - https://conspiracies.win/p/1994ozzOJJ/this-is-not-meant-for-this-sub-b/

But got that error 304, or 308, or something like that...

I already made an account, but can't post... I don't understand.

Neo1 1 point ago +2 / -1

Go on.

Where is this "one example"?

I'll wait for your reply.

Neo1 2 points ago +3 / -1

Tell me more, Mr. 14-comments-all-at-once.

Do you suffer from narcissism?

Ironic that you squall about 3 comments, while you post 14...

Neo1 2 points ago +3 / -1

Tell me more, Mr. 14-comments-all-at-once.

Do you suffer from narcissism?

Ironic that you squall about 3 comments, while you post 14...

Neo1 2 points ago +3 / -1

Tell me more, Mr. 14-comments-all-at-once.

Do you suffer from narcissism?

Ironic that you squall about 3 comments, while you post 14...

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