Its like play the virus and quarantine cards to enact more survrillance, shut down riots and to get a distraction going on with fear and paranoia while they continue their secret occult meetings. Schwab piece of shet.
They had to demonize, censor and ridicularize IVERMECTIN AND NATURAL IMMUNITY. PIECES OF SHET
A big money laundering insurance scheme maybe?
Off course this antichrist to be nwo wef puppet android pos
A whole building got down maybe with the data? Idk but good question
But they went to the moon and came back to EArTh...
Be ready to be a big pharma slave for the rest of ur life
Guilty conscience pos
Nwo/wef: can u be our antichrist puppet? Elon: SuRe BoSs
The devil comedian puppet pos
Omg the glowie again.
Nfl = ufc . totally anf completely rigged. Like wrestling
Kkkk stfu? No . pos.
Go to hell putin u are in power for too long russia is not democratic u kill ur oppositors murderer liar piece of shit. And fuck u WEF. Claus schwab pos
Come on usa now its biden time this modafucka said he wanted the unvaccinated to die on christmas that piece of shit scumbag along with bill gates and amthony fauci gain of function satanists from hell
Agree about mega monopolies like google, facebook, microsoft and amazon, but not only in thec.. In big pharma and mainstream media too. The financial world is not about china or russia or europe or usa. Its about satanic worshippers, aka masons, aka nwo, aka wef. They play roles in china and russia and germany and france italy usa canada australia. Big pieces of shit, scumbags, rockafeller, rothschild, claus schwab, bill gates, george soros.
Amem if that happens they sure deserve every inch of hell, i mean WEF and WHO and all mainstream media thar is owned by the same pieces of shit
Why the question? To glow more?
The problem is that our family reads that shit and receives push notifications and believe in every single article from mainstream media thats basically disinformation, fear, terror and agenda pushing. Pieces of shit i really hope this wef pushers burn in hell
Fear histerya an paranoia
Worst pope ever. Not sacred, not human, just a piece of meat with no life
They want ppl to suicide. Pieces of shit scumbags claus schwab pos
I dont care i dont give a fuck to this antichrist to-be, just another claus schwab puppet, cyborg android pusher, fake news tweeter, megalomaniac liar psycho just like trudeau.