Well I had a measly fever for one day. The worst part was not being able to taste food for two weeks. You know what my leftie friend told me? "You just got a weaker strain of the virus and got lucky". They won't even believe personal experience if it doesn't line up with the talking heads.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there are tons of bots on there. The amount of hate you get for having a different opinion seems inorganic to me. Especially that most of the time it's just them insulting you and completely disregarding points you make. A program that scans for certain words and outputs sentences based on those words wouldn't be too complex for such a massive company.
Witnessing this actually happen in modern time really makes you understand why so many things like this have happened in the past. There have always been too many NPCs who make everything worse for everyone it seems like.
Yup, half the sub is shills going there to try and berate everyone for discussing conspiracies. I find it hard to believe there are people that go out of their way to do that nearly 24/7 so that's why I suspect they're shills but who knows?
Sounds about right. I just wanted to see what kind of bullshit the OP would say. I keep seeing people talk about this but they're not saying anything significant about why it matters.