Your right about Trump. But, he's given me the idea he's dying to train one of his sons. But, that son isn't up to speed yet.
My crazy idea is Vivek gets presidency, Trump gets VP. Leaving Trump available to run again in 4 years when everything calms down, and then he has 8 yrs to get shit done.
As you can see from the below compilation, it's written about in multiple different ways. If you can find a comparison to the ABO typing system that would be helpful.
In the land of organ harvesting, they may be safe.
Another article.
Edit :
More on P blood type. There's more than one way to type blood. We use the ABO +/- in the US. I can't find anything comparing these two type systems.
Inflation is how they made poverty wages again. For the first time the people had power over companies. It should be considered collusion.
Am I supposed to forget they were going hard deplatforming the people that tried to warn them?
American jobs won't come back until our dollar is shit, or our laws make it more expensive to outsource. You can clearly see which method was chosen.
I don't have 4+ hours for this. TLDW?
That completely shows why you have to hire someone out of town when there's something serious. You don't want to be part of their compromises. And, attorneys know when they can use that treatment to your benefit.
I was warned the days before by axo. Nagged into not going, because I didn't take it seriously. There were certainly people trying to get the word out.
The hospitals need to be held accountable.
Poisoned the soil, but they made their money.
4G was supposed to be magical, and then the IOT just pissed everyone off.
First, I don't have enough information on this specific case. But, I have comments based on watching this video. When the judge looks to the appointed attorney, that's important. The people in court work together, eat together, and compromise cases in a, " I'll give you this case, if you give me that case manner". You have to hire an attorney from out of town to prevent that good 'ol boy gang team violation of your rights from happening.
When that attorney told the judge he had been dismissed, she left to go do legal research because she was now out of her teamwork zone. She answered no questions because it's all going to be under review at a later date. She's now focused on herself, not continuing the case in front of her.
Competency is abused in the same manner that Bedlam was abused. You have to look up NH to be sure. But everywhere it's unethical for a medical professional to treat you without consent. If that man is already receiving medical treatment, he can simply refer the medical professional that he did not choose to his choosen medical professional. Competency is medical jail. And, it's dangerous because they can give you medications that are capable of causing issues the court can them point to, and use as an excuse.
Again, I have no understanding of the big picture. I understand everything above in detail, and that man is in a dangerous position. They will put him in medical jail until he gives in to what they want.
Since you haven't read the material, you have no argument.
Your mental illness seems to have forgotten that 5G interferes with plane landing equipment. Run along, and read those reports. If you have an part of the article you take issue with, bring it to my attention. Otherwise you are still, " No it's noooot!", and no one has time for that.
Read the material, and tell me which part you disagree with. This current comment is, " No it's noooot!".
Again, 4G as the example... You can prove it with the materials that come with your device. 5G isn't allowed near airports, you can proved that with your address. As well as the material that come with your device.
I have at&t, and I can look at my phone to see it says LTE. Not even a +. What your carrier is telling your device to say means noting it the towers around you aren't equipped / haven't been upgraded.
I was, and remain intent that you comment to the material.
Comment to the material.
You can use 4G, LTE, and 4G LTE as an example. All of that was just one up bullshitery. Physics isn't changing. Ma Bell had original studies showing the size of the wavelength used for 5G is bad for the human body. ( that's decades before the carriers bought the band)
IEEE is about standards, not labels to the customers. The US has not implemented 5G at the intensity, or with the safety gap the UK has. This is the issue the FAA had with the FCC.
Let's not forget the Internet of Bodies
The part of the article about the wavelength ricocheting inside the human anatomy isn't very healthy either.
You seem to not need any encourgment with your fan fiction. Please continue without me. Just leave me out of it. Unlike the rest of you malicious disinformation commentary.
You're bitch ass left this comment under the compilation of 3 informative sources, where there's a specific request for more information. Since your readying comprehension is so low, you may be suffering for side effects.