There is no basis to that claim. It is completely made up by some raging insane woman-hater.
Pap smears are not processed in an electron microscope.
So all you tried is shitposting on the internet?
No no! It confirms my belief that females are all sluts so I choose to accept this as fact! If they weren't all sluts, I would already had a submissive tradwife, right?
Why the flying fuck would you believe this bullshit story int he first place?
Have you tried?
Trump takes credit for the vaccine. You might be onto something.
This was written by a woman-hating incel who has no idea about how the scanning procedure works.
It is fucking hilarious how willingly woman-hating incels will believe such a dumb tale.
if you have had sex with different men we can tell
No you can not you lying fucker. This is not how any of this works.
Retarded idiots.
How many children do you have, OP?
You do realize that people suddenly dying at that age is so rare that it makes the news?
Ho many children do you have?
How many children do you have?
How many children do you have, OP?
Just kidding. Loser incels like you will never get near a woman with getting maced.
This is an authorization for the military to use disinfectants on surfaces using aerosols.
This has nothing to do with chemtrails and no mention of anything sprayed from planes can be found anywhere.
You and that shit website are dumb lying fucks who get off on lies and outrage porn.
Is that THE KRAKEN??
Two more weeks!