KiloRomeo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Satellites can beam down to like 0.5m^2 too

KiloRomeo 3 points ago +3 / -0

There were threads about iridescent "silk threads" coming from the sky during peak covid. Coincided with chemtrails. I even confirmed some on my own vehicle. Haven't seen them since.

KiloRomeo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Immediately preceding the FBI MSFT antitrust probe a bunch of them sold their shares.

Immediately preceding FDA approval for medical treatments being researched by unknown microcaps, you guessed it, congressional purchasing.

Same for drilling, broadcasting, and everything else NGO

KiloRomeo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

KiloRomeo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Boomers are a very selfish and entitled generation- perhaps the worst in history. They inherited the wealthiest empire in human history and yet somehow managed to saddle their children with incomprehensible debt all the while refusing to leave the workforce for an extra decade or two thus resulting in no transition of power or opportunity to establish generational leadership.

Not to mention offshoring the entire productive capacity of the country just to squeeze out a few more dividends.

Not to mention endless foreign intervention in unnecessary conflicts which have left us in adversarial relationships with some of our strongest former allies.

And so on.

I'm not sure this is "all their fault" but they were in power when it happened so in some way they caused it.

KiloRomeo 3 points ago +4 / -1

I've seen the same types of things. Revising the immigration process is the solution. Why do we have to prove no one can do the job? That's just silly. Companies can also simply offshore positions so I'm not sure why folks think this offers a form of protectionism. A better protection is advocating for education and training within communities.

KiloRomeo 1 point ago +1 / -0

There were bases created inside the ice in Greenland around the same time so this seems plausible to me that there are bases in Antarctica. Why have we never heard of a follow up though? If it were real wouldn't it be a benefit to the Russians have disclosed more about it? Why leak this image and not any additional details

KiloRomeo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the future could be different though. Who benefits the most from inflation? Debtors. Who is the biggest debtor? US gov. Why are they virtue signaling about fighting inflation while lowering rates and doing back door QE? What happened to stocks and assets when inflation is rampant?

I'm not saying I think there will be real growth but nominally I don't see asset prices contracting until they reign in the currency

KiloRomeo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Greenland is rich natural resources and its strategically positioned to control the Arctic.

KiloRomeo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure who the woman on the bottom is. Looks like a historic painting.

I think it's possibly something radiological could happen whether via combat or as a result of the various bad actors in the Middle East. I'd be surprised if they try a pandemic again unless it's truly severe people won't fall for it twice (hopefully).

The yen is falling and the euro is falling but the dollar is cycling upwards. This has tended to be somewhat deflationary domestically and inflationary abroad based on recent history. The yen carry trade will continue to collapse and they'll likely seek to converge the euro, pound, dollar into a single currency basket (my best guess) in time to propose a global digital currency as a replacement.

KiloRomeo 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Only believe Reuters or AP" ... 🤦‍♂️

KiloRomeo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fake. Scam. Even the name is made up. People will fall for anything...

KiloRomeo 1 point ago +1 / -0

They will use (or blame) quantum to destroy crypto as a part of the inevitable reset. Theoretically they could also try to rehypothecate the fiat to crypto which would have the same effect but require existing their direct manipulation.

KiloRomeo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Beware of microwave repeaters for cellular. They're small now and often fit in utility poles and what not. In addition to being more powerful they also utilize directional antennas

KiloRomeo 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's too cold outside- no one wants to have to carry their free stuff back through the snow

Also that demographic increasingly leans conservative because they definitely don't want their remaining earning potential to go to infinity migrants.

Finally.. . they are rioting- it's just that it's not approved to be covered because it's pro Palestine.

KiloRomeo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Second comment: i think this is partially why Trump pivoted to being all in to support crypto- he realized the disruptive potential it has for tptb

KiloRomeo 1 point ago +1 / -0

They also combines with lawfare to force house arrest and worse

KiloRomeo 3 points ago +4 / -1

He'll probably refuse foreign aid if they don't take back their citizens (carrot) or threaten tariffs (stick).

KiloRomeo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought you were referencing mccarthy. I'm not sure i have the same inference here but i could be wrong. My pov regarding this time period is the the MIC took over and never really let go it just got institutionalized as a part of the bureaucratic state

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