JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

nah, Santos Bonacci and Amandha Vollmer aren't in Israel. they're just moronic.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +2 / -1

they made synthesis from all the gems of the world. It's not her knowledge but she gathered them from others and did a decent job. Take what works for you, be open-minded, ignore the bullshit, that's what I do. better that not studying at all.

Occultist doesn't mean bad or good it just means hidden. And knowledge had to be hidden to create a power differential.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

if you know the name of the books you can find them.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Solomon is good why was he receiving 666 talants of gold yearly?

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

cool but repost. it already was posted 2 days ago and it got a lot of likes.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +2 / -1

honestly I'm an anarchist and I think that this entire legalese system is all bullshit. the foundamental problem is the ego, people always will end up beeing greedy fucktards and chase money, unless we start from scratch and work on with the ego.

in fact this is the true money. scroll down a bit. it's all given for free. these bankers and rotchilds are just rotted spiritually.

as for the Birth Certificate it's all a scam. Birth= berth. same pronunciation therefore same meaning at the subconcious level. the language was edited for their scam. he has a course on how to create a live certificate for like 700 pounds and Santos Bonacci said that he will teach people to make one for free, I don't know if he did. but if you lack knowledge it won't work. They will call you a clown and a call their prostituted massmedia to name you a pseudo-lawyer and conspiracy nujob and that's all. you can try this shit but I doubt that their trained judges will consider. They're indoctrinated dogs just as the police and docs and nurses and everyone.

Only understanding of Natural Law as Mark Passio explained it, and working with the glorian resources linked above can save us.

These people who expose the banks as being evil will start their own banks. These people who expose the system for being evil will make their own evil system.

humanity is satanistic rn. Rise above , this is the better path. I just shared this vid as a fun fact. Take it with some salt, it's most likely true but the system won't just let you go, better take a gun and go in the woods and meditate there I'd say. society will fall anyway, war after war, maybe ww3. shit will hit the fan in 10 years or less.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

how you post GIF?

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

post seed pls, censored in romania. "The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions:Contains Incitement to Hatred CHANNEL RESTRICTED " open console , go to media, and give the link

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

what's even worse is that people don't even care anymore. also there are detrimental spiritual aspects to makeup, mainly that it increases ego. it's literally a mask that makes women more attractive but it's not their genuine face. the only good and spiritual alternative is kumkuma powder that can be used as makeup. anything else is detrimental spiritually and is toxic. they want women to be as fake and sexy as possible to keep the entire population locked in lust.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

No I didn't. But these laws are manipulation and therefore black magic. maybe let us know how the author isn't in fact a manipulator?

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

NO. most americans are still pro vax. title is wrong. just because they didn't get their 7th covid booster doesn't mean they're antivax. they still love vaccines overall

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

did u download?????
you're welcom bro

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

you didn't study 1 book and didn't listen to 1 lecture so your opinion is absolute worthless and right into the trashbin it goes. it's all just prejudging. try and see if it works for yourself, this is true gnosis. but you chrisian cucks are so retarded and have your head up your ass soooooo deep that you can't even take into consideration the idea of real gnosis. get cucked.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

"I, Samael, am not in need of henchmen or followers, but only imitators of my doctrine: Gnosis. I do not follow anyone, nor do I want anyone to follow me. What I want is for each one of you to follow his own Self. I am only a lighthouse in the sea of existence, and I do not need clientele in order to subsist. Since I am against the slavery of souls, I do not want to enslave any soul, nor do I agree with executioners of ideals. Masters exist in abundance, and I am only one of many; thus, those who want to find the Masters will find them inside, within the profundities of their own inner consciousness." this is how every spiritual teacher should be.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

they're not all satanists. White gnosticism takes the esseence from hinduism, budhism and christianity. The magic they do isn't raping kids or cutting the foreskin as the catholics do, but they practice sex without ejaculation which is white tantra. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxS4IuhI4WQ&t=134s - look at this video from them, they still pray to God with the same prayers. they say Our Father prayer for up to 1 hour.

What does it matter if one converts or not, he is more of a christian then 90% who converted. thoughts, emotions and actions matter, not the signature on a paper that one converted. take 2 mins to look at this prayer and maybe take 1-2 hours to listen to the lecture that I linked.

also they don't work in the hidden, everything is open, and given for free. and there is no organization or gov that sponsors them.

this is solely said about glorian.org , as for the rest I don't know, many indeed are black magicians.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

reincarnation trap theory is bullshit and they do use the number 6 over and over. including 6 feet to stay apart. I explained why this number was chosen, as humanity is considered dead and it has to be symbolically dead as well.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

they're black gnostics. Samael Aun Weor taught white magic. and the white lodge.

listen to this lecture - https://glorian.org/learn/courses-and-lectures/defense-for-spiritual-warfare/defense-for-spiritual-warfare-part-1

and yeah as Mark Passio put it, most men are satanists because they owners programmed them to be.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

take your meds schizo. there is no reincarnation trap. The only reason this planet is a prison is because people willingly choose to be braindead and to watch the stupid box, especially the americans who have so many resources and all they do is buy onlyfans and mcshit with them.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

it has to be left at 6 million and this is why they kept it here, no more no less. 60 000 jews killed in Bromania ^

600k israelis killed by hamas - https://imgur.com/a/6Mt3gq1

6 + any number of 0 = 6. so all the 6... symbolism is 6 in gematria.

6 feet apart social distance. 6 is the distance that the DEAD ARE BURIED AT. so if we social distance at 6 we are all dead to eachother and humanity is dead.

Mark Passio said many times that they call us the dead. and the 6 million is a reference to death. this is why it HAS TO BE 6.

how many jews were killed? few, because Hitler was financed by the jews so he had to carry a whites vs white war to reset Europe for the bankers. the jews who were killed or whatever were these who opposed it, if any. Nazism is just another satanic ideology just as communisy and satanism are. no coincidence in all 3 the biggest holiday is on first May.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. that's what he says as well, go and test for yourself and find objective proof. Yes it is a law. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASUHN3gNxWo go and do your homework if you didn't. this is the MOST IMPORTANT HOMEWORK in aaallllllll conspiracies. yes that is what it means, it's the principle of correspondence and it should apply on all realms including phisical. if you don't know about this guy, Mark, then consider looking into his seminars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX450kAQhWo&list=PLnzMmEt4pIb83lZgEA3nALsDM1QogyvC0

he is an ex satanic priest put in Rank by Lavey himself. who switched sides and tries to help humanity for over a decade. he put out so much info and even taught people the trivium method, how to know the truth. also he urges people to think for themselves.


also him. open the full link. and consider taking the time over the next months to watch into his work, you will learn so much

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