JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

you will never advance by not knowing the difference between healthy and poison, by not knowing the difference between good and wrong, and by not knowing the difference between moral and immoral, you subhuman shittard who lives on moral relativism which is the main tenant of satanism. go on and admit it, you're either a cultist or a satanic piece of garbage. because if there is no objective good or bad then Man gets to make it and therefore man is God. and this is what the satanists want

JesusTaughtLove 3 points ago +3 / -0

no non-dual teacher said that pedophilia is love. they say that everything as a whole is God and it's love. I underline AS A WHOLE.
because yes one can awaken and go beyond good and evil, leaving this world. yet this doesn't FUCKING MEAN THAT EVIL DOESN'T EXIST. no non-dual teacher said this shit. these people are beyond deluded and they literally believe that all the evil is love so nothing wrong with pedos/rapists/killers they're just God playing a role in a world of dreams 🥰🥰🥰 just wake up bro, it's all a dream 😍🥰🥰, transcend reality by killing yourself with us. (they even had members who killed themselves and they don't care)

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

other then immediate help if I get crushed over by a car or something like that, I won't. I have enough resources to take care of myself.

and don't worry I won't miss your shitty opioids and shitty vaccines with mmmmmmmercury yummmy you must love it in your brain. not to mention that most cures for anything don't cure anything they're just there to suppress the symptoms and never address the toxicity of the the body.

but hey you must love the aluminium and the aborted fetus cells from your body (totally not a satanic ritual, its absolutely normal to put aborted fetus cells and to have them in your creams). we're the crazy ones from refusing it yeah

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

so good that they sprayed it everywhere 😍😍😍 don't you love it mmmmmmmmmmm

JesusTaughtLove 7 points ago +9 / -2

NO. this guy is controlled opposition, check out his net worth. Check out how he is NOT against vaccines, he made it clear since day one that he supports vaccination. he supports all the mainstream shit , he is just like Russel Brand.

he literally invented the mRNA vaccine that are currently in use and you think that he is on YOUR SIDE???????/ HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU PEOPLE ARE DELUDED BEYOND INSANITY

JesusTaughtLove 4 points ago +5 / -1

hahahaha but what do they believe? it's the same shit with a dome, but the stars are within, as if makes a difference lmao.

JesusTaughtLove 0 points ago +1 / -1

what page? name it

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

did you sleep in the last 5 years? the entire covid covered the pizzagate which is entirely real. Cathy Obrien's case. Jay Paryerks' case, mkultra, all these were public long time ago.


start with this dud

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

so how are conspiracy believers any different?

they just watch 1-2 videos from Alex Jones and that's it. not to mention the cofirmation bias that appears in all camps, supposedly the nazis know about the evils of the government and the jews yet if you tell them that Hitler was bad and that a totalitarian regime isn't the solution they will sperg out as bad as the leftists from antifa.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

foreskin being removed is hygiene.

can't argue with someone who is this brainwashed to believe this shit. you did 0 homework. and viruses don't even cause illness. but hey others have to dig for you, it's just sad.


JesusTaughtLove 4 points ago +4 / -0

yeah, babies don't get to choose. and then he was crucified by the same people. also 80% of americans are circumcized to this day, and the foreskin goes into the rejuvenating creams, soooo it's not like only the jews do it, muricans love it as well. google 'map of circumcision'

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

The mosquitoes that carried malaria

malaria can be cured, bigpharma doesn't want you to know how.

there is no trade-off. people got vaccines up their assess for no protection because there is no fucking covid.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

okay sure, but is it absorbed through skin? and what can it be done about it?

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

here's how to cure it, take your time and go through.

best doctor so far, she did her homework and knows that the government is taken over by satanists

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

said the demon666

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