JesusTaughtLove 11 points ago +11 / -0

You know what this is no? a black magic ritual. and of course the man is black and the girl is a blonde , white genocide has to be pushed along

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +2 / -1

fuck veganism. first go pisco-vegetarian and one can stay there for 7-10 years. Vegans are always weak and it's too much, vegetarianism is better. but people should raise their chickens not have them in in cages treated like objects.

I do agree with natural law, good to see more people who did their homework.


JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +2 / -1

YES. imagine if aliens were to kill us like animals to 'control the population'. for fucks sake people are so fucking clueless. we are NOT animals. there are laws of morality that apply to us. read my other comment, go through, and see for yourself

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +2 / -1

KILLING ANIMALS IS IMMORAL. downvote only after you watch this


and a good documentary here: https://odysee.com/@Soren:71/Earthlings:440

plus more resources.

and this debate over the word 'murder' lmao. murder is killing. Jesus said to have mercy and most christians have 0 mercy when they kill a lamb, because hey it's not murder, it's sacrifice, yeah I still take a knife and cut its throat with 0 mercy but now it's a sacred ritual because I'm hungry so the rest of the animals can go fuck themselves.

WATCH THE FUCKING VIDEO THAT IS LINKED. then decide. don't be a hypocryte and take all sides in consideration then decide. truth come last, take off your biases

JesusTaughtLove 0 points ago +1 / -1

WHAT? why is the hippocratic oath a joke? it mentioned to avoid cutting people (to treat them holistically instead) and to avoid abortions. this is so out of place with the current evil pharmakeia that they don't even use this oath anymore.

Jordan Peterson is not redpilled but he is a good man.

WTF is this conspiracy? Asperger comes from vaccines and being poisoned overall (even chemtrails and fluoride) and never detoxing.

'OH NO THEY RAISED THEIR HAND, ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED' OP is schizophrenic, I too sometimes post stuff from my odysee channel but what I put out is concrete and easy to understand.

JesusTaughtLove 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree. This post makes no sense. they already track us via phones, no need for extra shit. and they already put nanotech in vaccines and probably in chemtrails (the air we breathe) so fuck it. why need for aliens here? they're already way more psycho than any alien.

Abduction researchers have found that people are taken from their homes (usually at night) on to a ship and sometimes they are then brought to a larger ship where many humans are being "processed". They are being mindcontrolled and will get undressed on the ship and then stand in a line waiting for their turn.

yeah OP, these are demons not aliens. I guarantee, the same people started to pray to Jesus and the aliens left them alone. It happens in the astral plane and it's real.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +2 / -1

cultural marxism is the cancer of the world. Created by the black lodge to enslave humanity even more. if you want genuine spirituality look into glorian.org and this thread.

and if you want answers about what's going on in the world, watch Mark Passio's seminars. you can find his channel on YT. start with the one called 'natural law full seminar' .

you can learn genuine spirituality from glorian.org (they're also on YT). the world is corrupted and satanic rn. it will need a reset

JesusTaughtLove 6 points ago +6 / -0

not surprised at all. they never promote this shit in Israel like they do in the west

by DrLeaks
JesusTaughtLove 0 points ago +1 / -1

it's just a theatre. even this. in reality viruses do not cause flu/covid/AIDS. it's been a scam going on for so long.


look for yourself. There's no virus to treat, only toxicity, radiation, and vaccine injuries. along with lifestyle , alimentation, and reducing stress.

by DrLeaks
JesusTaughtLove 0 points ago +1 / -1

the (((experts)))

JesusTaughtLove 0 points ago +1 / -1

Go polish your shekels you filthy kike. might as well suck Hitler's cock while you're at it.

JesusTaughtLove 0 points ago +1 / -1

it's about context. Toxicity on jews is good. Toxicity on women who say that men shouldn't abuse them is bad. But my account on Gab was removed so I don't have a link to this shit.

JesusTaughtLove 0 points ago +1 / -1

He was a jew shill. only jewish shills will say that porn is healthy and needed , otherwise men will end up raping around. it's literally what the jews say and that guy is a filthy kike so he can go fuck himself.

deleted 2 points ago +3 / -1
JesusTaughtLove -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. nothing to do with lizard. not this one. It goes in depth. he is a pedophile. look at the video you fucking retard.

JesusTaughtLove 0 points ago +1 / -1

I read your DM, I messed it with another thread sorry. I don't care about language brother. I am living in morality and truth and I am spreading the truth and doing God's work. that's what I care of. thanks for your DM and nice username as well. I 100% agree

deleted 0 points ago +3 / -3
JesusTaughtLove 3 points ago +4 / -1

it's proven on yourbrainonporn.com by actual science you fucking coomer

imagine living in 2023 and not knowing this. go on that website and read their studies

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +6 / -4

it means not naturally. if you do 300 pushups and run 5 kilometers it's natural and it's a good rewarding. or if you eat some tasty and healthy food you prepared. it's again natural.

but porn is the ultimate drug, one doesnt do anything just watches a screen and boom 99999999+ level of dopamine.

I see what you mean but it's rather a metaphorically used. like naturally produced but the brain gets to hacked that it's like it's synthetic

JesusTaughtLove -1 points ago +1 / -2


watch this then come back with an informed opinion. okay? you are WRONG, BIASED, SO ANALYZE EVERYTHING AND THEN CONCLUDE AT THE END.

objective truth > your biases from his lies.

watch the fucking video then talk. fucking shit you guys need to be spoonfed so hard.

JesusTaughtLove -1 points ago +1 / -2

its just larp. just because he says he got off drugs doesn't mean it's true. he was caught taking drugs many time after. watch the 3 videos I linked. there's one without schizo shit if you're not into it.

watch the videos, then come back with an informed opinion. he also has a 33 tatto on his hand which is masonry, 99% of masonry is evil now. come back with an informed opinion after you watch the video, okay bro? you don't know what you don't know

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