Murder is lying in wait and shedding innocent blood. Killing coyotes just because is murder. Killing for food is permitted. Using every last bit of an animal you kill is responsible and respectful of that life. Death is a fact of life. Death is game over, not right or wrong, just a fact. Conditions of the death is where right and wrong are judged.
imagine if aliens were to kill us like animals to 'control the population'.
for fucks sake people are so fucking clueless. we are NOT animals. there are laws of morality that apply to us. read my other comment, go through, and see for yourself
Murder is lying in wait and shedding innocent blood. Killing coyotes just because is murder. Killing for food is permitted. Using every last bit of an animal you kill is responsible and respectful of that life. Death is a fact of life. Death is game over, not right or wrong, just a fact. Conditions of the death is where right and wrong are judged.
YES. imagine if aliens were to kill us like animals to 'control the population'. for fucks sake people are so fucking clueless. we are NOT animals. there are laws of morality that apply to us. read my other comment, go through, and see for yourself