The heritage foundation is a Koch funded GOP thinktank.
OP posts about "assembling" every single day. They are 100% a fed and taking a look at your post history, you're either a fed or a foreign actor.
any woman who's been outspoken against Trump is a tranny!
Meds time faggot.
Yes. Real raw news is a larpsite that baits low iq retards. Like OP.
Fedpost. OP is a fed.
Yeah that's not an answer faggot.
Why do you make this post every single day?
Why do you feel the need to make this post every single day?
Christ? The guy that was king of the jews in the storybook?
The way you talk to people would have you burning in hell if it wasn't a made up story to keep the intellectually disadvantaged in line.
Are Jesuits bad?
Because Trump is a Jesuit.
Oh wow another real raw larp military tribunals story! With hanging!
This is more dangerous spam than the fucking Amazon guy or even the many blessings savior guy. Yet they're yeeted immediately.
Candace Owens works for Ben Shapiro.
Everyone is being played.
That explains their recent pairing. She was grooming a sucker to take over that piece of shit honeypot known as Parler.
Died penniless and alone save for the psycho-communicative relationship with the aforementioned fowls.
Why the fuck is this downvoted?
83% of American police are full-blown trumptards by their own admission.
π post
Hairy muff.
You know Trump is a Jesuit, right christcuck?
They are a fed shill account here to divide further and paint the conspiracy community as racist loons. They did a lot of damage in consumeproduct.
100% fed.
Not yet you aren't π
Soon, christcuck. Soon.
Who do you think made Christianity up?
Or do you ignore the Judeo part of judeo-christian values?
Cognitive dissonance is a motherfucker, huh christcuck.
You don't believe me when I say I wish Christians were being oppressed?
It certainly colors their "findings."