Iknowitsu 0 points ago +2 / -2

Try again?

Try being less fucking lazy.

Just because your dumbass hasn’t seen something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

If you close your eyes, does the world disappear too?

The footage is out there. You’re just dumb and lazy and want someone to aggregate it for you.

Of course OIF had ample footage for the public. That was part of the US militaries shock and awe strategy.

They weren’t trying to really suppress that material and we were directly involved so it went right to american sources who spoke the same language as those filming.

Now everything comes from either the Russians or the Ukrainians. Many soldiers have access to smart phones and record footage.

This footage then gets uploaded, daily.

Just because it’s not served to you on a silver platter… doesn’t mean it’s fake.

Doesn’t mean a ton about the conflict isn’t bs… but to say it’s fake is really dumb.

Iknowitsu -1 points ago +2 / -3

Someone from another forum had this to say:

“ I sense the approach of a psychological operation centered upon a nuclear scare event. This drone strike was clearly an attempt to either provoke a retaliation from Putin, thereby escalating World War III, or a narrative setup that will lead into their next false flag during which they will likely attempt to nuke a city like Kiev and lay the blame at Putin's feet.”

Iknowitsu -1 points ago +2 / -3

I don’t give a fuck what you have to say, fake ass shill.

Nice filler comment.

Hate larp on the next one?

Iknowitsu -1 points ago +2 / -3

Maybe you’re reading from too many biased MSM sources.

They don’t have good info.

They would have you believe Russian casualties are higher despite the fact that the Russians enjoy an artillery advantage or at least 5:1 (in terms of shells fired daily).

And most casualties in the conflict are from artillery fire.

I do think Russia wanted to end this all quickly, as you said. But when that didn’t work they pivoted, rather quickly, to a grinding war of attrition where they have the clear advantage.

Doesn’t help that Zelenksy is undermining sanctions and buying russian diesel, while skimming for kickbacks.

That should tell you everything you need to know about how Putin feels about Zelenksy and this conflict.

Putin is literally making money off the diesel being used to power nato tanks in Ukraine. Think about that for a second.

Iknowitsu -1 points ago +2 / -3

Zelenksy has been buying Russian diesel and making Putin rich lol. He’s been making terrible strategic decisions that have put Putin in an advantageous position.

You don’t know what your talking about.

The Russians didn’t even start out targeting infrastructure.

Then they started hitting energy and water infrastructure. Also known as… escalation.

Ukraine didn’t use chemical weapons at the start of the conflict. But then they escalated and started doing this with drones. Also known, as escalation.

The number troops committed to the conflict have grown steadily throughout. Also known… as fucking escalation.

Towns and cities that used to exist are getting erased from the map. That’s escalation…

Now you have assasination attempts on Putin. Effective or not… that’s clearly escalation and will lead to more nonsense.

Iknowitsu -2 points ago +2 / -4

I disagree.

The conflict dynamics are currently strongly in Russia’s favor.

If I’m Putin, I want Zelenksy to stay in power.

He’s making terrible decisions and has to balance too many corrupt priorities. He’s gone against the wishes of Pentagon military advisers and fucked his chances for a successful counter offensive.

Given those dynamics… it’s the west that has the greatest incentive to launch this attack and push Zelenksy out, or get him killed.

I could see them working with some generals or intelligence officers that are perhaps unhappy with how Zelenksy has mismanaged things.

This would explain the disorganized Ukrainian response. It was Zelenksys personal office who put out a statement that Ukraine was not responsible. As he flees…

Iknowitsu -1 points ago +2 / -3

And the conflict has steadily escalated?

What’s your point?

Are you saying that an assassination attempt isn’t escalation? Or won’t lead to escalation?

If so, you have a poor understanding of game theory, imo.

Iknowitsu 0 points ago +2 / -2

This is literally the most documented war in modern times.

Both sides are regularly uploading videos on a daily basis of combat.

It’s not difficult to verify the legitimacy of this content, in many cases.

Stop being lazy and go on telegram, you retard.

Iknowitsu 1 point ago +2 / -1

Zelenksy definitely didn’t order that attack. Unless you think he wants to die and purposefully made decisions to bring about his own death.

Whoever did this, did it to fuck over Zelenksy.

Anyone can assassinate him now, and the media can point to Russia as the scapegoat, while they push for escalating the conflict.

Edit: although it’s possible Zelenksy was already about to be pushed out and made this move out of desperation. That’s also plausible.

Iknowitsu -1 points ago +3 / -4

Maybe he’s just not retarded like half the people here.

He should be condescending.

“ArE NuClEaR WeApOnS eVEn ReAL?”

by DrLeaks
Iknowitsu 1 point ago +3 / -2

No worries. I come off as a total asshole.

Don’t sweat it.

Iknowitsu 0 points ago +2 / -2

Imagine talking like that and not realizing you sound like an inbred retard with a sub 10 IQ.

It’s almost like you’re trying to sound retarded on purpose.

It’s hard to believe you’re a real person given your murky logical processes and inconsistent style.

Iknowitsu 0 points ago +2 / -2

Perhaps that was the purpose and motivation behind the strike.

I personally don’t see Zelenksy ordering this.

I’d say this is very bad news for him, actually.

Iknowitsu 0 points ago +2 / -2

Perhaps the west wants to take out Zelenksy now and frame Putin. Everyone would assume it was retaliation for this.

Use that to really escalate the conflict and change the dynamics.

Because if they don’t it’s just a slow grinding loss for ukraine.

by DrLeaks
Iknowitsu 1 point ago +3 / -2

Zyklon and cseh are both shill accounts.

Iknowitsu 0 points ago +2 / -2

Blah blah blah. You’re a retarded useful idiot who is dumb enough to think obvious shills are his peers.

Imagine being that stupid and gullible. You’re literally their bitch, it’s funny.

by DrLeaks
Iknowitsu 1 point ago +2 / -1

The people you are debating are not even real.

What the fuck are even rambling about.

Are your reading comprehension abilities that fucking poor lol?

Iknowitsu 1 point ago +2 / -1

Retarded. There is ample footage of the war on telegram.

Footage that can be confirmed to be recent in many cases.

There literally has never been a war this well documented by the people fighting it.

Iknowitsu 1 point ago +2 / -1

Probably because you engaged with them in a supportive way.

You do seem real though.

You don’t have the characteristic bad faith arguments and linguistic habits.

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