That is just taking the easy way out. System serves truth so it can sprinkle all the lies in middle of them unquestioned.
Conspiracy theorists are not smart because they are deny everything that could ever exist, they are smart because they can find what is true and what is a lie in a complicated web of bullshit.
Even the normies at stock market agree FED is full of shit, you have to be special kind of brainwashed faggot to stand with FED.
Though you can find the faggots that suck off FED, but they are usually appealing to authority. ''I mean its authority, they have to know what the fuck are they doing ? There is probably like gadzillion super educated people running this''
Anyone with real life experiences knows everyone is full of shit.
Even if we give pass and remove all gold related things from criticism, since we did ditch it long time ago and it was for the better, even then FED is printing and enriching other rich people and everyone else is footing the bill.
Hey, if inflation past 50 years is slow enough and economy is kinda there, nobody notices they been fucking scammed.
Also why are FED and their family members allowed to own assets they themselves regulate, influence ?
Every historian agrees, if you give government control of money, they are just going to recklessly print it.
Whole fucking USA is a god damn fucking scam, only thing the country is great for is for its ability to exploit people beyond all reason. Other countries are not even worth mentioning because they are absolutely fucking nothing, they gave their brains and economy to USA and China anyway.
Nobody is going to question 0 covid policies and link them with them stopping half a tril a year worth of goods exports to devastate Western economies.
Do you know how many steps i would have to explain to dumb ass(i am so smart and educated) normies so they actually get it ? Big investing redditors been having interest for years and are still long way of catching up to it.
But the writing is all there, supply chain shocks cause huge recession to which our leaders from which at least half is in Chinese pockets enact policies and plans to help recession but actually fucks things up further.
Then came Russia, Ukraine war, who would guessed, supply chain issues now include food shortage and fertilizer shortage from that alone, so China allied with Russia which was on the news against Western nations.
Here this righty explains better than i ever could.
They are squeezing us out for every drop they have, once supply chain issues fixes, they sabotage it and make new issues.
Now the people that like economy can discover that everything is indeed made in China and a lots of things are mostly only made in China, electricity is squeezing me out, but solar panels that are mainly made in China have also gone 300% up in price.
We also have Tik Tok to demoralize and destabilize western nations while China is fully talking about war and still on its way to destroy democracies.
Kraut explained it very well. If you Trump cum gurglers ignore the title and the fact that he is unhinged lefty, the whole video is about China, how it came to be, and how its destroying our democracies and how much it has already done to achieve that, and its A LOT. Trump is basically blamed for not nuking them out of existence.
Proving white supermacists right is the opposite of a good strategy for your kind.
Instead of talking them down, you are fueling them up. And country after country increasingly will vote for alt right.
Do you think racial genocides are thing of the past ? Because you would be disagreeing with every historian ever. Do you think you can win or survive one ? That means you been sheltered way too much.
Black people proving they are worthless savages, BLM made more racists than there ever was before and woke everyone up to the true nature of black people.
Jewish people proving that they were exiled 109 times for a good reason.
Really genius strategy right there. Lets constantly keep making more racists and see what happens
I check weather on mobile on Microsoft pc, in normal summer day i have seen every summer ever now it displays red flashing lines and ''extreme weather'' alert.
Now was the coldest winter day i ever seen being here 5 years, same app ''nothing out of particular, nothing to see here, move along''.
These little agenda driven things to make people scared and emotional. Seeing more and more comments every day how earth is dying and we are all doomed, in summer people are stressed about being hot, in winter people are stressed about being cold, its hilarious how they can fearmonger every day things.
When its right wing then its fearmongering, when its left wing then its nothing like that when its obviously the same fucking fearmongering.
Of course i double check all sources on everything, even if its the ''omg the bad guys'' source, climate experts can't stop going on dramatic rants about ''how it is to raise children on dying planet'' and we are all going to die rants.
This is great video on it.
I hear less about actual science than i hear ''its horrible, complete catastrophe, think of our children'' from supposed climate experts. Its such a on the nose grift its annoying. There is a reason why they refrain from hard science and always appeal to emotions.
Whole fucking things annoying. How do people eat this crap up ? To the point right wing sources are also scared of weather, even conspiracy groups are scared of weather. Nobody is immune to psy ops.
First link is already just a link to the Pfizer document, how hard can it be ?
You tell me, Pfizer themselves admitted to deaths and horrifying side effects at the beginning and there are more than 1000 scientific studies detailing them.
Chance of cancer doesn't mean you 100% get cancer. Everyone i know are vaccinated, 2 of them felt horrifying short term side effects, 2 got completely fucked and died and the remaining 1000 i know seem to be ok.
It doesn't stop you getting infected from covid, doesn't prevent you from spreading it, doesn't prevent you dying from it, isn't even vaccine to begin with, heck 4% of the people the drug was ineffective, literally no effect any way you go about it. Its quite a mess.
We also got Astra Zeneca and Johnson and Johnson on mainstream giving people blood clots, but all 100% of them ?
We got myocarditits on mainstream, but 100% of them ?
No idea when your turn is, and if its coming at all, anybody who makes guarantees is a tool.
Looking at what kind of retards are here and they are people the closest to truth, why wouldn't anyone be defeatist ?
Just because we have our own echo chambers just like mentally ill lefties do doesn't mean we have ever won a single god damn thing ever.
99.9999% of the people doesn't even know a single conspiracy theory argument, they don't even know a 1% of it.
We are absolutely insignificant fucks, a random sand of grain in the desert, echo chamber is making people think that we actually are something.
Moon landing gets me the most, its so on the nose we never been there, you look at it from every perspective, any scientific angle, from any expertise position and its clear that they faked it.
NASA even admitted it and let it slip few hundred times.
Yet only thing anyone ever knows is some fake arguments about footprints and shadows in the pictures and CGI and shit.
People trust government agency that never produces any research or ever been peer reviewed.
On this one its been 50 fucking years, its been so long people are filling gaps on how it was possible with remembering back then with todays technology they never had in the 60.
What conspiracy theorists do about it ? Every discussion gets flooded with flat earthers that nobody invited.
And moon landing is so on the nose its would be the easiest win for conspiracy theorists, but as i said we are grain of sand in the desert. Fun fact most people here don't even believe or know it was faked.
Yeah i am being negative, but you are all actually worthless and as i said put yourselves in lefty like echo chamber same as lefties thinking that you are worth anything. I am just here to learn for myself, which is getting harder as every echo chamber turns into ''discuss todays events'' rather than anything actually useful, and when i learn i can move on with my life being worthless grain of sand in desert just like the rest.
How long until you actually get it ? 50 years ? 100 ? 200 ? 1000 ? I would screech like a baby if anything ever got achieved, but its not fucking happening.
This is not really anything special or the great reset related if you ever been outside of the USA.
What is the most surprising and bs is that people actually have to pay for it and the country is not doing it automatically.
I imagine only people mad about this are the ones that try to ditch the animals.
Everyone mocks flat earthers, flat earthers got implanted for masses to have easier time to discredit valuable information.
Its a nasty cult as well, you guys are at every 2nd discussion even though it has nothing to do with flat earth.
I am more annoyed about diversion tactics.
Every time there is topic on moon landing or NASA the flat earthers suddenly show up and invite themselves, even if the topic has nothing to do with them, and its not just here but literally everywhere, searched through 4chan degeneracy and the same thing.
Its annoying because if people got to look at few facts and NASA statements, the whole thing would become painfully obvious, bust mostly everyone is confused because flat earthers litter every thread about it and nobody learns a single thing.
Just look at what NASA claims and with what they supposedly landed there. So painfully obvious.
Or like 9/11, there are gadzillion damning things about it that will make the situation again painfully obvious.
What people actually talk about in 9/11 conspiracies ''its obvious they used holographic energy soundwave alien tech to bring it down'' '' noo mate it was obviously small termite drowns that ate the whole thing up''.
Searching for every discussion that happened here i am just losing braincells rather than learning anything.
Infiltrating and subverting discussions is known art, and you know what ? It wouldn't even be so hard, just build a quick bot scanning every site for new posts about moon landing, 9/11, alert when one shows up and just breach it with bots or shills. I am pretty sure some IT bro could do it just for funzies in a day or something.
Then we have posts about literally every mainstream topic that ever exists, and reddit r/conspiracy does the exact same, both here and there has like 10 posts about missile in Poland or FTX. Nobody is making the damn conspiracies, its just ''conspiracy theorists'' talking about todays events.
Thanks mate.
Yeah i stumbled upon your work often while researching for myself. After reading your life story its no wonder they all purged you.
I know it means jack shit, but you are not the only one seeing and feeling the effects of world, internet and people getting brainwashed and everything becoming insane. I mean for one everyone who is not into cohoax will experience this.
But in general the amount of discussions i was unable to have about various conspiracies is straight up frustrating. 10 years ago we used to argue day and night about this shit, heated arguments and frustrating deep dive into details. Now i have never seen this ever again, almost everyone doesn't even know actual conspiracies and what are their arguments, research or 99% of their material what so ever, when i write down few arguments, nobody will come disprove a single thing or engage or disagree or anything, downvotes is best case scenario and endless insults and death wishes the usual outcome.
They truly taken over everything they can.
Anyones grandma actually died from covid ?
I noticed after few years every grandma i ever know is very alive, nobody around my circle died, not even the one grandma with cancer.
I got weirdly disappointed, i hoped at least this much would been true. Not even old people are dropping like flies